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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. C_eFj31VoAABeJ-.jpg



    1. Space


      you doing ok buddy?

    2. argonian


      how u been space 

  2. why did you remove my status update


    i already knew he was in the beta that's why i was excluding him



    1. Space


      please don't lump my artism with the artism you all display

  3. anyone hiring by me i need a new job rip

  4. hahahahahahaha btfo hahahaha 65% blow out hahahaha

    1. StellarDweller
    2. MangoArt


      What are you smoking and can I have some?

    3. Zezimus


      Vive la France

    1. Jakesimonson


      correlation does not imply causation :^)

    2. MangoArt


      I think its just there are a lot of conservative kids these days because they're convinced that they're being cool and not mainstream by being conservative, and are also kind of brainwashed by all those anti-liberal pro-conservative memes. That's just my opinion, though. Liberal is the norm for many right now, and just in our general social structure the teens refuse to be part of the norm and grow up to be the opposite. Think about it this way- a lot of liberals came out of the baby boomer generation or generation X, because their parents were super conservative and defiance is just a natural trait. But I don't think its that leftists are silenced.

  5. throwback thursday to when i needed a golden apple item in athera and @Harrison gave me one within 10 minutes of me asking


    real n word

    2. Space


      bit gay tbh but yeah



      hey.. watch the ableism

  6. https://twitter.com/TrulyTafakari/status/859425181265276928



    pretty well off black family hmm


    maybe it's not just about income @Chaotikal


    really makes you think doesn't it? :thinking:

    1. chaotikal


      It appears the officer was wrong in shooting, but I don't see how the officer shot him because he was black. It says right there he shot a car full of teens that were escaping a party bust. Sure it's not a good action, but unless you're saying that the police is some robocop bullshit that can profile people inside a car in the middle of the night when they are in full flight mode, then the murder just seems a mis-sight and mis-judgement on the cops side, but not fueled by any racial prejudice whatsoever.


      What if the kid on the wheel was white?

    2. Space


      because if it was a white family i don't think the brother would have been put in jail for a night


      the father wouldn't have nearly been put in a jail


      like the tweet chain said, they wouldn't feel the need to put out how he was an honour roll shooting- as if the default position is that black people probably deserve to be shot

  7. are we really pretending that violating someone's privacy that hard (with malicious intent) is something ok????

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Space


      i don't really think that's much of an issue. if it was on ******* chaturbate that you were spreading the pictures it's still the same thing

    3. iris1612


      its literally in the rules guys....... its right there..........


      Spreading of personal or private information will result in a ban of six months. There will be zero warning, aside from you reading this right now.


      Harassment - obsessive, malicious or nefarious behavior directed toward another player will not be tolerated.

      This will apply to all platforms of communication and media. If clear evidence is supplied through means not directly associated with Lord of the Craft, it will still be followed up on. This includes Lord of the Craft forums, the server, and the Teamspeak - as well as - Skype, Teamspeak as a whole, Youtube, Facebook, you name it.


      It's 1 of the most clear cut rule violations I've ever seen on the server. 90% of rules don't specify how long the ban is going to be for, for the spreading of personal and private information it says 6 months specifically, and he was banned for 6 months specifically. This is one of the least defendable bans I've ever seen on lotc like its a really painfully obvious rule violation in which pyro got EXACTLY the amount of time specified for that offense. He could have gotten more for the prolonged harassment but he didn't, if anything the ban was lenient. I like pyro too, not like he isn't my friend but he deserves to be banned for this.

    4. Weabootrash


      lol the barnetts are butt hurt

  8. Calling it nazi propaganda is pretty dumb- I think you can justify giving a warning point yeah but citing 'propaganda' isn't really accurate come on.

  9. Can't you explain why Hitler was wrong without resorting to calling him a Nazi?

  10. hot ass beat clap



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Space


      to be fair i haven't watched a game this season i only ever started to enjoy baseball as a way to have **** to talk about with my grandpa but i don't see him as much anymore so :(

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      aw :( we can talk about baseball anytime space

    4. Carson




      also this guy is FINE ASF

      followed, liked and subscribed to him now LEL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ford




      and here we are both falling for it 

    3. Space


      ben garrison is a free thinking skeptic not beholden to anyone but his own free will

    4. Ford
  12. this is the most accurate thing i've ever seen https://i.redd.it/bpmb1aefgity.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Ford


      not making a comic about your opposition like a sperg and actually making a detailed essay/argument/post on reddit after thoroughly researching the history of MRA, cross-sourcing, and developing counterarguments based upon more researched evidence (anecdotal evidence can be considered but is nowhere near as prevailing as quantitative) 


      but that's too hard so the easy way would be to make a webcomic preaching to the choir for months on end, strawmanning, and asking for Patreon donations


      not saying they can't do it, but I personally have no taste for political webcomics unless somehow they're genuinely well-fleshed out, but even then fitting an essay into multiple panels would be hard so I understand 



      also holy **** you have nearly 100,000 profile views wtf man

    3. zaezae


      I mean they can still be funny but they prove anything.

    4. Space


      i mean i don't think you can use a webcomic of proof of something, and i've never implied that. i also don't really think that the intention of the web comic was to show a genuine interaction between Cyndi Lauper and an MRA, but rather an argument common to the political movement applied to a comedic situation. Y'know, a ******* joke


      And I disagree I don't think the only way to discuss anything political is through intense scholary means, that seems completely out of touch with reality. People like humour and laughing and most aren't laughing at a comic on /r/comics because they want to be persuaded as to why MRAs are ******* retarded.


      Idk I feel like you're taking this far too extreme my dude


      also yeah i'm popular af dude xdd



    1. Jonificus


      I hate /r/The_Donald. 

    2. Space


      largest group of online trump supporters


      really gets your noggin churnin' doesn't it?

  13. I'm not crazy for having the impression that you should use 'jewish' instead of 'jew' right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cj_scout


      The singular noun for a person who is Jewish, is a Jew... That's not some racial slur, that is literally just what they're called. 

    3. iris1612


      Yeah, there's absolutely nothing offensive about calling someone a jew. That's what a Jewish person is

    4. Trenchist


      Just a short name dw

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