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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. 'All genders are made-up genders, but some are made up by more people than others.' - @Contrapoints but probably some tumblrina or something

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      Well yeah and there are people that I've seen that say that, if society didn't have such roles imposed on certain genders, they probably would identify with the gender-***** or gender-fluid movement. If men could wear dresses and makeup and this was an acceptable thing to everyone there wouldn't really be the need for that label for that particular person. But others still would want something to rally behind.


      Plus we are nowhere near that, so we kinda have to exist now, deal with the reality of life rn, and eventually get to the ideal. y'know?

    3. mitto


      I can get behind that

    4. Space


      I mean I agree that there are extremes- Should we really expect people to learn 20 new pronouns that you made up for your own gender identity? I'd be much more in favour of trying to popularize some sort of gender-neutral pronouns (and this isn't even in an issue in some languages which don't use gendered pronouns) instead of adding zir and xir and tir and kir and ***** and cuntette n ****.


      But yeah I mean I don't think these are really big issues. It's personal identity and affording the same rights to everyone. Just people react really strongly for no reason.


      but hey see how easy it is to like come to some sort of consensus when people are just willing to agree with a few basic things and have some good faith in the others ability to form a thought really makes you think doesn't it? hmm.

  2. I'm not saying you don't have a right to discuss these issues. I just think you need to take it out of the platform for MINECRAFT roleplay

  3. i find it pretty hilarious how /r/marchagainsttrump just became the exact same as /r/The_Donald but just incredbly anti-Trump instead of ncredibly for Trump

    1. Kvasir


      space is RED PILLED now

    2. Dreek


      i dont see how its funny

    3. Space


      you don't

  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment


    This is what you are. A neo-reactionary.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Space


      the problem is he genuinely believes in 'white genocide'....

    3. monkeypoacher


      is mineman roleplayer a valid political ideology

    4. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      please exit my profile, mineman is one of the most forced words lotc has ever seen

  5. @The Druidic Order http://grove.conforums.com/


    incase you didn't know that existed my dude i ain't worked so hard for nothing no ham

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. J


      from Sutica to the new grove, I meant. If they're all in your basement, then we need to do a trade :p. We had areas designated for books, and storage drop-offs throughout the transition. Oh well

    3. Space


      i guess nobody told us and we didn't tell anyone riperino cappuccino


      i'm away but if you're on while i'm on in the next bit i'll message you

    4. J


      yeee, headin off to sleep, so I'll catch you sometime this week hopefully

  6. Existing in a communtiy where nobody can have any sort of discussion about anything mildly controversial is genuinely disgusting.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Space


      If your response was worded wrong why not clear it up? Don't think thee was any reasonable cause to lock that thread. People were acting pretty civil- Saying 'there are only 2 genders' or making some joke like 'if I had a dollar for every gender I'd have 2 dollars' isn't really 'bad.' It's off-topic and maybe he reasonable people of the world can see it's a stupid thing to say, but that was probably the comment that I could see as MAYBE bad, but hardly that even.


      i bigly disagree with you

    3. Space



      i guess the better question is 'what could i have done as the op to not have the thread removed?'

    4. Vaynth


      Sorry for taking a while to get to this, I was sleeping. The thread has been unlocked.

  7. Watch out for the (((admins))) of ((((((((LOTC))))))

    1. Space


      k that is my last one i just have bee heavily question whether or not i should even engage some people and wanted to express my frustration a bit y'know?


      plus rub some things in the faces of these losers


      maybe tomorrow i'll parody the dumb left? :^)

  8. 'Oh you want proof for global Jewish control of the media? Mark Zuckerberg, Victor Kaufman, Dan Schluman.'

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gallic
    3. Space


      Why do you liberals always run away from these conversations, just dismiss people as 'racists' or 'antisemetic?'

    4. Space



  9. Praise Kekistan!!


    1. MysticalStranger
    2. monkeypoacher


      can you make these posts on facebook

  11. J ? O ? H ? N ? P ? O ? D ? E ? S ? T ? A


    1. Trenchist


      dude stop with 4chan

  13. Lets not get side tracked guys, what we REALLY need to talk about is her emails.

  14. if ? you ? call ? yourself ? a ? c
    lassical ? liberal ? you ? should ? support ? this ? post https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/160946-a-witty-joke-referring-to-this-posts-topic/


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      i don't think exactly but i can see how a lot of people could compare them


      i've become increasingly annoyed with labels like that because it feels like they are all twisted to mean whatever the **** so even speaking generally they are meaningless if you identify someone as it y'know

    3. Ford


      i get what you're saying


      information has become so muddled that labels become meaningless because attributing one to yourself always comes with a wave of assumptions that lets people judge you immediately and presume what your views on things are 

    4. Space


      yeah just becomes way too easy to strawman if you call yourself literally anything


      but i do still think labels are helpful to a degree, just a bit annoying

  15. the best meme is going to be when trump gets impeached for obstruction of justice but then it is proven that he actually didn't collude with the russians in the first place

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      If the Republican party wants to exist I think they'll eventually have to hop on the anti-Trump.


      And I don't know for sure, but there is certainly a lot of evidence that Trump was trying to pressure Comey for whatever reason. I guess the biggest event to look forward to is Comey's hearing in a few weeks (after memorial day iirc).



      And you would want an impeachment because a president is trying to actively influence an FBI investigation. Or because he is blackmailed by Russia. Or because he is influenced by Russia. Or like a bunch of other sht.


      I don't think there was nationwide violence when Nixon **** was going on. Think we'll be ok, America will stay stable.

    3. zaezae


      @Ended Because we do not want the country to go (further) to the wolves. We all know presidents cover things up but at least we don't want them to openly defy congressional orders and subpoenas from the courts. 

      You can't impeach a president by being influenced by another state. Otherwise, all presidents in the past and all in the future will be impeached. Everybody hates russia for getting involved in the election, but no body wagged a finger when European heads of states gave their opinions on the election (and influencing the election). No no, the real danger for trump is the destruction of evidence or obstruction of justice. 

    4. Space


      Yes you definitely can impeach a president for being directly influenced by a foreign state. Bribery and **** like that.

  16. the deep state

  17. yeah i'm funny


    1. OldeTymer
    2. Space


      I don't think I'd ever really trust your word considering you've shown in the past to be pretty snake like.

  19. who wants to make me a warhawke skin will pay you like 10 bucks irl message me or add me on skype at jacoblotc or message me in game or something

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      or a game on steam or something jesus **** people

    3. Kiiwi


      I'll make you a skin

    4. Space


      warhawke dark elf male all native american looking is my only requirements

  20. s/o to the like 4 mothers that have ever played lotc

  21. frost witch frost queen in may btw haHAA

  22. wtb character /w me

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