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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. the pee tapes are real

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Space


      the pee tapes are invented by a /pol/ fanfic but that pizza joint is a front for a pedophile ring :^)

    3. argonian


      podesta isn't a pedophile but seth rich was actually a russian hacker who hacked the DNC and rigged the "unriggable" US election

    4. Space
  2. can someone tell me how the game contributor position is anything but a clique position

  3. yo who are those eye of val people that raided me respond or message me grr

  4. i can't wait until college next year so i can be with my fellow sjw cucks.................................................


    his name was seth rich

  5. g j  m y  d u d e

  6. npfrklz2k11z.png


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. zaezae


      You have a really bad habit of declaring what people believe and then knocking them down for it. Besides, if you re-read carefully, you'll see you stepped in your own logical trap.

    3. Space


      i didn't i said you odn't believe that because iirc from when we've talked you've said that islam isn't inherently extreme or whatever

      and that's the point everything is a little fucked up sometimes that's why you don't judge the whole group based on the actions of one person


      if i was actually discussing my dislike for the 'alt-right' i wouldn't start yelling about white nationalist terrorist attacks because that's silly

    4. zaezae


      Sorry I misunderstood. I mean obviously sure. Alt-righters operate by co-opting legitimate arguments of unrelated people and turn those into extremest policies. They'll use arguments from religious skeptics to attack Islam and just ignore the fact that those same arguments can generally be levied against Christians. One of my favorite examples of this is "Fundamentalists are dangerous because religion is fundamentally dangerous" was taken and had 'religion' replaced with 'islam'. 

  7. oh also pk clauses are not at all enforcable and are literally meaningless stay mad kiddos

    1. MangoArt


      Seems like you're the mad one, here, Space.

  8. when was america great again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space


      the great depression?

      when black people were second class citizens?



    3. MangoArt


      space, I can agree on a lot of the stuff you say but can you stop being salty and preachy for like 5 minutes and RP on this server like you're supposed to?

    4. Space
  9. https://youtu.be/cht49ZCSDmY

    this **** never fails to kill me like what the **** are you britbongers even thinking you are the laughing stock of the world

  10. the biggest feature i want from the old forums is user name history on people so i can figure out who the **** is who

  11. *SETH RICH* was his name

    1. Space


      exuse me? *(SETH RICH*)

      ( ( ( SETH RICH ) ) )

  12. what games other than minecraft are you player

    1. Gallic


      right now I play SS13 (RP), Paladins, TF2, NWN (RP), Cataclysm DDA, League of Legends, D&D (RP) and Warcraft III


      wayyyyyy too many to list if you mean all ever games I player

  13. i find it kinda crazy when you fucks can accept transexual people but not transgender people (look at me using the proper terminology now)

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Kvasir


      space is deluisional, its only forum memers that hate trans ppl :( 


      trans ppl are cool

    3. Archipelego


      everyone is cool, except for dictators

    4. Kvasir



  14. looking for someone to make a gosh darn skin, will buy you like a 10-15 dollar steam game or paypal you the money or whatever would be a warhawke delf

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      Any particular eye/hair color?


    3. Space


      not edgy normal i guess

    4. ShmadCat


      I've got an old one that I don't believe is used anymore, you can have it for free if you want. Any minor edits are okay.



  15. 10 tips on how to promote nazi beliefs while simultaneously denying any connection to nazism!!!! must read!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. zaezae


      Don't feel like looking for it. I don't even remember the conversation. 

    3. Space


      then don't talk smack yo

    4. wolfdwg


      I feel like your a member of BAMN

  16. who tf changed my username how can i change it back I have a cooldown

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vaynth


      I didn't change it.

      Haven't even been home for the past few hours.

    3. MysticalStranger


      I think you know.


    4. Space



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