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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. 4 real it is very frustrating to hear like 'oh because you are you i assume the things you say aren't valuable at all.' i try not to say things i do't have any basis for, if you disagree with something, i'm positive i'll be able to justify myself in some sort of 'reals' way (as opposed to a 'feels' way).


    like people unironically implying i just want to get people banned or something and not that i genuinely care about the server and people on it and don't want to see it full of hateful ****


    but i made my bed i have to lay in it so i guess whatever sucks to suck!

    1. Drop Koala

      Drop Koala

      it's because you say invaluable **** a lot of the time

    2. Anderssn


      How about you stop since you're a real ***** yourself too.

  2. Is anyone watching the Nathan For You series finale? 10/10

  3. did you block me on discord wtf

  4. hey wanna talk about how you dislike the racism on lotc

  5. Space

    in an effort to not **** up the thread, it's not evasive-- nothing i said was 'well, you shouldn't say these words because new players won't like it' or 'black people won't like it' or whatever. My reasons were that the server shouldn't stand for racism and that it's shown that it doesn't to some extent so why not fully act on the principles? Racism is bad stomp it out of the server. Homophobia is bad sotmp it out of the server. etc.

    1. mmat


      That was the evident implication of your obviously ideology tinged post. I actually agree that GMs should in general be harsher, but your way of putting it across will definitely not help.

    2. Space


      But that's literally how i put it in the post? What I said. I never mentioned specific in-groups or whatever ****.

  6. i love how people try to talk about how stupid safe spaces are but the second i invade their safe space status update they flip out hehe xd


    1. Heero
    2. dogbew


      Is this the end times or the start of a new golden age?

  8. staging protest for kha ban at ct please support me come quick

    1. Demotheus


      What is this?


  9. e06cd12537cbe7afd2ee4f0e131a2d9a.png

    1. senor_tortuga


      Only those with a HIGH IQ watch this gem of a show

    1. Space


      ok got muted from ooc i guess gj team!

    2. argonian


      what command is that

    3. Space


      /ooc has username

  10. how is people staying one age a problem?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space


      ok but the counter is that you can have both


      or that by not pking you might make that story and roleplay but you leave the opportunity for future




      we give pretty ultimate freedom to people on their characters withing reason, maybe this is on the boundary but i think the lack of forced auto aging is something you can argue in favour of

    3. Algoda


      I dont see a problem, as you know what you are signing up for when you freely make your human character and spend time grinding on that human character. Humans have short life-spans and have always had short life-spans. If you really are angry about loosing grinding progression, to which i agree there is a problem as i dont like the curent profession system, make an elf or dwarf and do the grinding there.

      Shame you can't edit these posts lel. But to fix my previous statement; I dont see a problem with aging, but i do see a problem with the proffessions being affected by aging. 

    4. Space


      I don't care about grinding

  11. Because it's a productive and if you are locking something down for 'toxicity' how could you ever talk about sometihng as inherently toxic as racism? Unlock the thread please thank you

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Archipelego


      spaceofaids more like spaceofleftleaningpoliticalcommentary

    3. Ducklingator


      @Aeldrin one person =/= an entire community

    4. Space


      if every person you'd call 'black' said they were ok with racism against them it still wouldn't make that racism right?

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