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Status Updates posted by Samoblivion

  1. Someday I hope the Renatus Templars capture a load of the most powerful mages and dark art users and make an Amanda Waller-esque Suicide Squad to fight the Undead or other mages.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Well think of it as a calling. With a little bomb in your brain-stem.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Forcing you to do your duty, for Renatus

    4. Rissing


      I would be up for it.

      I dont mind permanently losing limbs, ears, nose, lips, etc.

      However permakill, no thanks. Too late for that.

  2. The combat in Divinity Original Sin can be brutal. Why do these skeleton archers have so many spell arrows...

    1. Booklight12


      The games meant to be hard, even on easy difficulty and in the first mission city. It's crazy! But an amazing game :P

  3. For a man who's to tired and lazy to figure it out for himself, what does "Iyath'ante ito Haelun'or" mean?

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      long live haelun'or or something similar, I think. Only say that because I think I've had the same question before.

    2. Samoblivion
  4. Numfar! Do the dance of joy!

  5. I may or may not be an avatar of the will of Knox now.

    1. ConnorMagill


      I may or may not be alive.

  6. Writing some more stuff about my Daemon character. Expect an episodic story titled 'Children of the Void' in the next month or so.

  7. I haven't seen many priests around Petrus or the like in a while. Where would one go if they had a character wanting to join the clergy?

    1. Galendar


      pm cracker on forums or ig

      mc name- TheCrackerJack

    2. Birdwhisperer


      The druid's grove.

    3. Amorphbutt


      Literally just the druid's grove. They're practically acting like the Westboro Baptist Church stalking around it.

  8. Spanking has been banned on porn sites in the UK. Fascists.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorious
    3. Bircalin


      There goes my industry.

    4. Temp


      How does one even come across this sort of information?

  9. I'm a little unclear of the RP details of how Petrus changed hands? Was it an internal rebellion or an assault by an army?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      And what happened to the Carrions? Where they all executed? I haven't heard anything from them on the forums since the incident.

    3. Porko


      It's something that happened IG, and the Carrions have yet to make some sort of post about it. But basically, Aleksander surrendered to Renatus. Oren is disbanded, and Petrus is now a Renatian city under the First Vizier, Godfrey Horen III

    4. Porko


      Most Carrions are exiled from Petrus.

  10. Dan Mather is a Tory.

  11. Keep Calm and Carry On.

  12. Could an LM clarify something for me? As I understand it, your regular Daemon has the same moral range and moral norm as an Aengul - unlike their other fantasy counterparts they are not predisposed to evil and in fact act as protectors against the raw energies and horrors of the void. Is this correct?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Judas


      I remember a thin book explaining the creation of Aegis, and the first sins, it wasn't all that impressive.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      "While in truth they are not innately good or evil, daemons are seen as evil by the Descendant Races and thus have a tendency to align themselves with isolationists, outcasts, "evil" groups or any other group that is separate from or shunned by most of mortal civilisation as they are."

    4. GodEmperorFlam


      Pulled from this -

  13. Remove OP Monks. Them and their OP farm and inn, how toxic they are to our community.

  14. Taking a hiatus from writing Star Wars FRPs offsite and my long suffering LotC Daemon story to write some Elven fairytales. Expect something in a couple of days.

  15. If one were to make a short story about the life/existence of a hitherto unknown Daemon who has never interacted with the mortal world and is unlikely to ever do so would there be anything objectionable about it in the eyes of the LMs? Or a side note, would anyone like to see a story like that?

    1. excited


      I would, and I doubt it's a big deal to the LMs.

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      If it doesn't affect IG, and is purely for fun, go for it!

  16. I loved it in Dragon Age Inquisition when Morrigan killed Dumbledore.

    1. Elad™



  17. I foudn the Abbey of St Godwein and was delighted to find that it's interior matched that of Weynon Priory from TESIV: Oblivion ^.^

    1. AGiantPie


      Not quite. The room behind the bookshelf is missing.

  18. HBO is doing a Foundation series. Asimov fans rejoice!

    1. Space


      I feel like it might not turn out that great.

    2. Samoblivion


      Hey, at least it'll be Sci Fi on HBO. I've been waiting for that since GoT went big.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      We can always hope!

  19. Gaius Khan, pls respond on the debate thread. I demand your godlike historian-ness.

  20. Don't make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it. One day to go.

    1. Readicti


      We never forget >:D

    2. Bircalin


      Much excitement

  21. Ɨ͚͙͢͟͠Ŧ̯͔̳̺̬̣̻ͅ ͖̬̰͖̺Ŧ̭̻̲̳̝̦̗Ⱥ̹̩͚͘͠͡Ꝁ̷͖̲͓̖͍̺̻Ɇ̧͈̟̞S̨̢̟̥̮­͇͈͓͉͉̣ ̶̵̪̜̪̰͕̙̱̜Ⱥ̧̝͉̕Ł̰̤̲͠Ø̨̡̯͍͙̩̭̦̦͔͔͟Ŧ̵̠̣̬̝ͅ­̬͓͚ ̮͍͙Ŧ̷͍͖̳̺͕̲̬͚͜ͅØ̷̷̳̗̠̻ ̻̪M͉̠͟Ⱥ͏̫̳̣Ꝁ̶̷̜̪͈̪Ɇ̧̦̳̻̘͙̗͉̠ ̨̯͉͙͚̫͓̜̗̗͝͝Ⱥ̡͎̳̤͚ ̴̰̥̩͎̜̣̗̕ͅS̢͈Ŧ͕͉͓͚͔Ɇ͕̙͉̫͓͉͈̖͞ͅW҉̗̖̟̳́ ̢͕̲̰͔́͞

    1. hex37


      Like water. And potatos. and salt.

  22. They'll Regret that too. 3 Days.

  23. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

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