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Status Updates posted by Samoblivion

  1. Watching a Buffy episode about voice stealing floaty horrors with scalpels and permanent grins before bed was not the best idea I've ever had.

  2. We all need to make a stand against Swedophilia.

  3. We definitely need a new host, or something to reduce this lag. Come on people, other servers have the same number of plugins as us with little lag. What's stopping us from being the same?

    1. Lago


      Could be world corruption. Could be a rogue plugin eating up RAM. The server box, however, is a beast AFAIK.

  4. We didn't want your crappy colonies anyway.

    1. zaezae


      More like France didn't want you to have your crappy colonies. :(

  5. We must dissent.

  6. We really need to fix the problem of zombies duplicating/respawning as they die. I've managed to get 8 zombies from farming one and ended up with 60 minas from it.

  7. We will remember them.


  9. We've slipped to 41st place on Minestatus. Vote!

    1. Baconthief


      I can't think of a better day to vote also

  10. Welcome to the Witcher 3, where miscarriages return from the grave to devour pregnant women...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. meg


      I'll be seeing that in my nightmares...

    3. Samoblivion


      "Oh well, lets lift this poor thing's curse and OH GOD WHY IS IT FLYING AND GLOWING WHYWHYWHY."

    4. Avacyn
  11. Well, despite my best efforts my 10 year old overweight goldfish is dying :'(

  12. Well, I can hardly get to work on deciphering anything if my character hasn't recieved anything in-game :P

    What I'm wondering is how a book in what I'm presuming is the Zil'Maktum tongue end up in Asulon... is 3.0 another continent or another dimension? How hard/impossible would it be for these books to be found by pure coincidence...

    Speculation for every...

  13. Well, I'm off to bed. Good luck in 2.5 everyone!

  14. Well, I'm off to Italy for 2 weeks! I'll miss LotC and the craziness of these forums. As always, van'ayla.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VonEbs
    3. Samler


      Van'ayla llir indeed, I shall give you a golden cookie for calling us high elfs instead of mali'aheral!

    4. Samler


      Van'ayla llir indeed, I shall give you a golden cookie for calling us high elfs instead of mali'aheral!

  15. Well, I'm off to the airport in a couple of hours. 2 weeks in Italy... perfect apart from the lack of internet access :P

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Śamo why do you never tell Panda thēse thíngs ? :<

    2. Samoblivion


      ^Oh, Panda, I forgot to tell you, I'm going to Italy for 2 weeks. Just thought I should tell you.

    3. Samoblivion


      When I come back I'm going to RP Kaelin's search for his real family, so I'll need a Dark Elf family to join if anyone's interested.

  16. Well, I've decided to go through the first 6 seasons of Red vs Blue by wednesday. Wish me luck :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Bow chika bow wow.

    3. Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth
    4. Samoblivion


      *Tex throws sticky grenade*

      Simmons: "Um... Donut? There's something on your head..."

      Donut: "Is it a spider?"

  17. Well, my computer has died. The power port seems to have a lose connection so I'll have to send it off for repair... oh well, I can still cause forum terror through my brother's laptop.

    1. Samoblivion


      That would be great... but I have a laptop, not a PC :P

    2. Samoblivion


      Might have to, actually. Serve's my Dad right for believing that Acer's were the 'best on the market'. So far the fan's failed (I use a cooling mat now) the power cable went bust, and now the power port's dead :/

  18. Well, my Minecraft jar's been messed up by clashes between Hawk's modpack and 1.4. Guess it's server cold turkey until Hawk updates the pack :/

  19. Well, no computers available to do work on anywhere in school. I am okay with this.

    1. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      I love you too, Samo.. so much..

  20. Well, regardless of the grass it was a clear Dwarf win. Good show.

  21. Well, since 50 PAGES of the Zombie FRP have passed by in the last 3 days, I may have to transplant Eli and his mysterious companion somewhere else. Nobody ever knew he existed, so no harm done.

    1. EmeraldStag


      It's alright. The pages are mostly of the new players coming and taking partial control.

  22. Well, that was unpleasant. Gate flashing is /very/ fun. I'm off for the night.

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