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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by hex37

  1. This is a fantastic lire suggestion, I see no reason why it wouldn't be implimented
  2. Did someone saaaay hiiiiigh elf?

    1. TheBareSheet


      Yes. Thats ME :D

    2. TheBareSheet


      You Mali'aheral too?

    3. TheBareSheet


      Oh. Right. You are. Supremacy told me.

  3. A nice little cut out of malinor's mountain. **** be hollow. http://i.imgur.com/aeiyyYh.png

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      Yep, that's the dwarves' side. *cough* Though Malinor probably isn't much better... :D

    3. TheRealKiru


      Nice texture pack.

    4. MrSyth


      The screen is taken from the High Elven stairs, so it is indeed the dwarven bit of the mountain. COLLAPSE, SHAN'T THOU?

  4. My love has crashed savictus's client. The server is unable to handle a thankful Nienna.

  5. Nienna Calm looks at one of the posters curiously. After a second, she crosses off the bit about replacing hearts. You don't replace hearts. Clicking her tongue, she begins writing a brief, rather haughty application. ((OOC is in double brackets. As usual)) ((MC Name:Hex37)) ((Are you dedicated to bringing fun RP?:Mostleh)) ((IC QUESTIONS)) *written at the top of the page. "You didn't ask my name, but it's Nienna Calm."* How long have you been practicing medicine? Close to 80 years. Race? Mali'aheral Your age is? 179 Are you dedicated to NOT causing unnecessary pain to your patients? I don't see why I wouldn't be. Why should we allow you into the society? Because I'm a better doctor than most, and my work is prolific- to the point where essentially everyone in Malinor knows who I am and what I do, and trust me to do what I do properly. Will you be loyal and fair? Can't say much for loyalty, as I'm still getting my bearings on your group, but I am always fair. Do you promise to abide by the rules of the society? Naturally. What is your specialty? Broken bones, surgery, alchemy, basic medicine? Surgery.
  6. 100 posts, ehm. not much, but just enough.

    1. Telanir


      Congratulations Hex! :3

  7. MC Name: Hex37 RP Name: Nienna Calm Short Biography: I only Character Ambitions: I have a passion for learning... well, everything! I focus in healing and alchemy, mostly, but I'm also a scholar in most subjects, as is appropriate for a mali'aheral. Why are you joining?: I'm a High Elf that decided to take a break from the hustle and bustle of malinor, and settle in a nicer, calmer setting. One with, one might hope, less blood. What do you wish to achieve? Well... Some well deserved time off, basically. My mali'aheral people were becoming a bit too choking for me to bear, so I've decided to break away from my people, at least, for the next couple of decades. ...High elves go on long vacations. What is your profession? Surgeon, healer, and general practitioner. Valois Service Oath: I, Nienna Calm, swear to abide by the rules and regulations of House Valois. By repeating this oath and signing this document, I understand that I am dedicated to serving under House Valois until the day that I am dismissed from my duties. I swear to respect all nobility that be in my presence, and to respect all serfs that be in my presence. Lastly, I swear to abide by the House Motto first said by Balian Guivret, “To act for others, to serve the empire.”
  8. Had to break off rp early in a bad way today.... Don't railroad me through rp, guys...>_>

    1. BrandNewKitten


      TOO BAD <3 that's why I left :P

  9. Seriously. Stop thinking about roses and thorns... How about, I don't know, daffodils?

    1. blindmind


      Why, Edward Bloom, how did you know they're my favorite flower?

  10. Wait, so do I get to use my TNT on the humans now!?

    1. Tayelikel


      yup! have fun nienna :D

    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      (whisper): Kill most of the ---- ------ Ok?

  11. I posted new lore... a bit earlier than I would have liked. Nevertheless, give it a read, It's a bird that might be able to send messages realistically!

  12. I think that the reason why elves don't have many actual nobles is because the high elves do all the work of being pompous for them.

    1. Bircalin


      With the odd exception here and there, of course!

    2. Gladuos


      I think it's because they incest so much. xD

  13. Not the books! Anything but the books! how could you update without bookworm T_T

    1. aron.


      I know. I spent 20 minutes trying to find ink, to make a regular book.

  14. An app with the same name and race as me. Double trouble, anyone? I hope she likes bombs.

  15. Salamandra, you stole your own void fragment! >_>

    1. Supremacy


      It was never magical... I hope you know that.

  16. I blew up a lich. That is my description of my evening.

    1. Telanir


      Roflmao! Hahaha, which one?

    2. Roxforbraynz


      I'm going to hazard a guess and say Evark.

    3. yekim8


      "Roflmao!" - Had a few too many bevvys have we Telanir?

  17. If you have to burn my teashop and ruin it's structure in RP and physically, do it while I'm online, please. D:

  18. Nienna is getting a brother. Our bombs will light the sky with purifying flame

  19. hammered out another skin like a BOSS

  20. I am now making one skin a day. New limit/ bar standard

  21. I may not be a furry, but... what if my character is secretly a furry... The consequences...

    1. Shuness


      How would that work?

    2. Korvic


      What if you play on LoTC...

      And you can be an actual furry?

    3. hex37


      That makes it less ironic and

      overly complex, never a good thing


  22. They must have disabled logging in for a sec so the server doesn't nuke

    1. hex37


      have some patience, you goofs

  23. The baby that broke the server

    1. hex37




    2. gingernut97


      Just when hope finally arrived, H.M.S Godfrey

    3. Amorphbutt



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