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Status Updates posted by hex37

  1. Come on VAT~! I BEREEVE IN YOU~!

  2. *Belives in the power of the VAT- so long as they work their bums off*

    1. Octavion


      *Believes in the power of Iblees*

    2. Telanir


      if they work their bums off they won't be able to go poo-poo and will die when their poops accumulate in their body and liek... y'know

  3. Chumpchump has agreed to name his first diamond-armored horse Butt-Stallion. The world is now at peace.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joe_Blackman


      Borderlands 2 references...

    3. MonkeyCoffee


      Nah, how about Piss-for-brains in honor of himself?

    4. Shorsand


      HNNG! If I could afford a horse I was going to name him that!

  4. The Calm family magic INCREASES!

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)
    2. hex37


      Get an MA rel and we'll talk

    3. Sentlit


      Too bad she's still called Nienna Calm

  5. Server, Y u down?

  6. http://i.imgur.com/9gOBGTi.jpg Just so everyone knows how this'll go down.
    1. mmat


      Go next to Malinor! For the greater good!

    2. hex37


      Screw society, we have floating islands.

  7. Whyyyyy do I have to apply to get my magic back again- I have the subtle feeling that they'll deny me now.

  8. http://i.imgur.com/qMSkmv7.png Our Medical Healthcare is Superior
  9. And, in one fell swoop, I've made banditry into a form of a fun rp event on roads.

    1. Yoff


      Nienna is a bandit?

    2. hex37


      Nope! I'm just clever.

  10. What's a trog?

    1. Sentlit


      Spell it backwards. "Gort". Doesn't that sound like some orcish cult?

    2. cj_scout


      It's a place in the Orcish lands if I am correct.

    1. aron.


      Don't get me started on turtles. The ET chat got me started on turtles, and had to ask me to clam down.

  11. Whelp, I've gone and done it.

    1. Samsan99


      If we guess and say the bolt is half kilo it will break the sound barrier with your equation :O

  12. It might just be me, but I THINK gold swords are actually better at killing mobs atm.

    1. JtPv


      Same as iron I think

    2. hex37


      I'm going to have to test it out.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Swgrclan


      other guilds or groups getting events and items afterward would be cool, too, but i guess it's just a dream

    3. hex37


      You could always ask for them~

      I mean, granted, some places like Kralta are permanently blacklisted, but other places can get them if they just try as hard as we do. We /actively/ hunt for events. Therefore, we get more events.

    4. Sentlit


      It doesn't hurt to be friends with ET members either :3

  13. PVP Default came about because GMs didn't want to have any more drama with RP PVP. Funnily enough, the amount of Ban Reports seems to have Quadrupled since it was implimented. IRONYYYYY~

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. V0idsoldier
    3. Neri


      Also Strike reports and Ban reports got merged so technically they would double anyway without an actual increase in reports.

    4. Octavion


      What Haelphon said. You silly RP purists are looking for ways to shoot down the new system, regardless of whether or not these same issues exsisted prior.

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