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Status Updates posted by Quavinir_Twiceborn

  1. http://imgur.com/N5mqLGr WHY MUST I BE TORTURED SO?!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wyvernbane


      -pets- It's okay

    3. Harri


      It's more torture for me when I'm the only one doing them...

    4. Pureimp10


      lmao calm down. Most members have school and exams, which always come first before LOTC apps.

  2. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/127713-quavinirs-6th-at-app-i-counted/ Old one went with the mass deny (Poor timing... again.) Support if you think I deserve!
    1. mitto


      It's weird not seeing you with the green tag :x

  3. I thankyou tremendously for your consistant and amazing use of gifs fromt he show Vikings on LOTC. Not much has made me laugh as much as seeing a well placed Floki gif.

  4. If anyone wants to see the pinnacle of how to do an application; look at the application of this beautiful man. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/125271-plecys-whitelist-application/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mitto


      to this day i'm still happy with my app to the server, besides the skin i used [shivers]

    3. leave me alone
    4. KarmaDelta


      I've seen better:

  5. Woah! Statuses are gone in the recent statuses bar.

  6. http://www.darthsanddroids.net/ For those whom like RP humor- start at episode 1.
  7. https://gifsound.com/?gifv=qvXfiyo&v=VTHsOSGJHN0 How I feel being the only person in a war without armor on.
  8. As for my previous status: Yes, I am legitamately amazed. Read (or theroomate as I still have stuck in my head) is an amazing player/person/staffmember and I just find it amazing how far simply being responsible and helpful can get you.

    1. Space


      I mean, if simply being responsible and helpful could get you admin, shouldn't Ever have become admin a year ago? I don't thnik Readicti is a bad choice, she seems pretty reasonable and nice, but I think maybe luck had a bit to do with the decision, as well as her dedication.

  9. I'm really amazed. Has there been anyone else in the history of the server to go from new member to admin in a bit more than a year and a month?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ford


      Ita hit a bad thing. I'm just saying its not amazing how fast they were recruited given they're girls.

    3. Ford


      Its not*

    4. Mephistophelian
  10. I tihnk everybody claims RP has 'gone down the toilet' just because they simply see it as it is. I dont believe much has changed on the server over the course of the years, but simply people's awareness of certain aspects of the playerbase has.

    1. ski_king3


      You are sage

    2. mitto


      +1 just because the rp you've been participating in since you joined the server is going down the toilet doesn't mean all of it is. If you don't like the RP you're getting find a different scene.

    3. gam



  11. Can anyone help me code in a backeround for a Tumblr page?

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      That'd be amazing, yes it is... Can I PM ya'?

    2. mitto
    3. mitto


      apologies accidentally deleted the first comment

  12. I feel like Coaster will be remembered as the most ICly and OOCly respected king of Oren. Which I find amazing, due to his previous association with such a despised group such as the flays.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Supah


      The flays used to be cool.

    3. _Deutschland_


      Maybe not IC, he only lasted a few weeks after his coronation, and was the only Vydra alive, but OOCly, yeah.

    4. Mizu/Uzim


      the flays ARe c00l

  13. Either High elves are about to get royally shrek'd, all the leves are about to get royally shrek'd... I'm hoping for the former.

  14. Who would've expected that Coaster would be the saving hero of the persecuted elves in minority.

    1. Dromui


      Artimec/Rel better get on their hands and knees and thank Coaster for that. High Elves are crazy, but not stupid. I think even Supremacy knows Oren will stomp them in a war, and attempt to conquest them well into 2017.

    2. Birdwhisperer


      I still think it's a ruse.

      A white ruse.

  15. EYYYYYYYYYYY I saw your application picture in imgur user-sub!

  16. 3 great and notable players in one day....!? Come on LOTC!....

  17. ...501... Come on now...

    1. 501warhead


      'ey man, dev's orders. I didn't cause the problems.

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