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Status Updates posted by aron.

  1. IT crowed is hilarious!
    1. Aislin


      IT crowd is genius.

    2. mdhegs


      IT crowd is the beesssst!

  2. I cried I laughed so hard!
    1. Helbolt


      I just found this because of that link and I can't stop laughing. [language warning]

    2. aron.


      ^ Haha, yup, it's because the link to the video queued up my favorite video playlist.

  3. Do we still use MPM?

    1. drfate786
    2. Elfen_


      MPM isn't even 1.10 yet

  4. Do you remember when the forums weren't diluted with pvp shitposts and stupid memes? Pepperidge farm remembers. 

    1. Glasiconas
    2. argonian


      and it was so much boring for it


      although i wish we had -1s so that people would actually put some effort into their repwhore posts

  5. I need a pocket skinner, i can

    1. aron.


      't even.

    2. oblivionsbane


      I can't skin pockets, sorry

  6. I really like the capital of Oren build. Reminds me of Arethor. 

  7. Is there an Oren TS or something?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. aron.


      I don't know who is a part of what anymore. It's all good tho dude, thanks for the help. 

    3. oblivionsbane


      You're welcome, sorry I couldn't be of more help!

    4. aron.


      I'll figure it out 

  8. start using the ts you fucks

  9. the coolest man on earth has just passed away,

    1. aron.


      rock in peace

    2. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      nuh mate I'm still here

  10. this is fucked, i can't even tell when people are being genuine anymore, because every comedian on these forums has to be a sarcastic memelord. i can't even tell if someone is being serious, or just saying retarded **** to screw with me, for real.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. aron.


      We're taking ourselves way too seriously in the wrong places. 

    3. aron.


      so, I think I'm agreeing with space..? 

    4. Space


      s-sorry didn't mean to harm your sesnibilities by posting a ban report in the proper section


  11. this server was way more fun when i had all the minas

    1. aron.
    2. Aengoth


      I've done the math and if given both of your collective minas I can sort out a solution to make everyone happy

  12. ts is a fuckin bummer when everyone hangs out in locked channels

  13. you should be allowed to grief in rp, i want to commit arson.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KentuckyFriedCreeper


      Used to be all you needed was to modreq a GM and you could have all the fun you wanted, pretty fun torching a shop owned by someone that turned down paying you 'protection' money.

    3. aron.


      I used to be the victim of those shop torchings, and it made me a man. 

    4. KentuckyFriedCreeper


      Made me a rather rich man.

  14. You should need air evo to do smoke tricks

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Booklight12


      You can makes clouds with air evocation.

    3. aron.
    4. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      Mud and hot rocks? Don't see a need for them even if they were things people built up for.

  15. , thanks to the magic of a nightmare drug, is now a better husband

    1. cruzazul


      That sounds like a magic Bob Marley message xD

  16. "And in the end.. The love you take.. is equal to the love..... you make~" - Abbey Road - The Beatles

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