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About ShameJax

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    Grand Space Elven Emperor
  • Birthday 06/30/2000

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  1. Smart ShameJax (respectable post ratio and joined in 2012) understands the evils of Communism and isn't afraid to speak up! If only losers like Nasty NotEvilAtAll could be like him. Great!

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. ShameJax


      No DrFate, if you had a basic understanding of Economics you would know that's false. That interest rate does not keep up with inflation and the cost of living. You are completely incorrect.


      Your entire argument is based off of how you feel it is wrong that people are homeless. Contribute to private charity, don't try and use other people's money for that.  The purpose of government is not to do what you think is moral. The purpose of government is to protect your rights. 


      I completely agree tax loop holes are bad, and we should get rid of them. That's a pointless argument because everyone agrees. But did you know that the top 20% already pay 95% of all taxes? And you want to increase that?


      I do agree that there is a valid argument for a negative income tax. However with the fact that 50% of our budget already goes to social welfare programs we have to handle that issue first.

    3. drfate786


      Social welfare is a failure, you can't give five hundred dollars a month to a homeless man with a meth addiction and expect him not to spend it on meth. That money should be going to permanent housing for said homeless man and providing him with food while also giving him care for his addiction so he can at the very least cope with it while he's given a job. The issue with social welfare is that we simply give them five hundred dollars and say "here you go, spend it wisely!" instead of actually providing them with actual services.

    4. Vindicant


      are people genuinely arguing about communism on a mineman rp forum



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