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Everything posted by ShameJax

  1. Well some friends think I'm being DDos'd based on my 30% packet loss on TS heading out. Is there any other way to check?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShameJax


      I am. It's jus major lag. Ddos is possible without crashing. Just lagging.

    3. FORƎST


      try hitting your router. it is not bbos

    4. ShameJax


      I restarted it already, ofcourse I lack a vpn.

  2. Is anyone else crashing every 5 minutes, not the game, but disconnecting?

  3. Anyone else being stuck at the "Logging in" screen.

    1. ≧◡≦The Orchid Druid≧◡≦

      ≧◡≦The Orchid Druid≧◡≦

      Log into another sever, and then try to log into LotC, worked for me.

    2. ShameJax


      Hmm. Working now, thanks!

    3. ≧◡≦The Orchid Druid≧◡≦
  4. Merry Ibleesmas!

  5. http://gyazo.com/0a3b87b045bebfc03d52e4c425fb8a59 That moment when you see this underwater.
    1. ShameJax
    2. LPT


      That moment when you realize "That moment" was used 3 years ago

    3. ShameJax


      That moment when you cry in a corner.

  6. I'm able to stay connected for 5 minutes! I win!

  7. Anyone else crashing from lotc once a minute?

  8. I blame the banned ww2buff99 AKA Ryan for crashing the server.

    1. BrandNewKitten
    2. ShameJax


      I can blame him if I want! Cause he has me in his contacts as Jewtard69 :(

    3. Kaiser
  9. Give Iblees a chance!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShameJax


      Explain please? Didn't hear about anything going on.

    3. ToenailTickler


      I rekt iblees in an arm wrestling contest.

    4. ShameJax
  10. Really would love to get us some more magic! Speaking as the fallen/arcane snelf here!
  11. What we have always used is this: High elves go on an expedition somewhere. They fall in a pit of thaunhium. After being infused with it it melts and they wake up. Now I am currently busy with studies, so I can answer your questions about us at another point in time. (EX A week or so.) Just a note, thaunhium converts heat into mana, just to give some insight. EDIT: All further questions about snelves I would like it to be messaged to me, even though I am now the "Fallen Snelf" I can still answer these questions.
  12. Although this does seem cool, and I would love to see more of my nerdy side be shown on this server, it still does not fit proper lore. The one thing that I can (think) of that can store heat is thaunhium, which is extremely fragile making it an unviable resource to use.
  13. Snelf Trivia Question Of The Day: What hair colors can snow elves have?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aerdun


      blue, if you're a blueberry

    3. danic


      mine was actually a color so do i get bonus points

    4. Sambosefus


      Wow censorship

  14. Also add Mali'fira which means "Warm Elves", we snelves are meant to use that alot :P And if anyone has any Mali'fenn questions message me too!
  15. Ehm... what? I don't know of any snelf that would mate with a troll.... We aren't even a subrace so... :P uhm.... I don't know what to say.... Uhm What? What is life? What is going on? But anyways..... whate de feg....
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