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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by ShameJax

  1. My god. I'd love to be able to practice this. I always thought a void teleport Arion was just entering a rift between the void and your plane, but this is so much better! Yes, please! I hope it would be possible to self teach if you are an experienced evocation user!
  2. When will the void MAs be looked at? Makes me anxious.

    1. meg


      We're going through the guild locked magics first, then mages who had theirs approved with the old mat, teachers, and then everything else.

    2. Birdwhisperer


      Filthy mages....

  3. How I imagine LOTC's community at the announcement of the VAs and MAs. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/4370142/you-re-a-wizard-harry-o.gif

  4. The Creator says this: If you are anywhere in Athera VAs are not necessary.

  5. Get into LOTC TS if you want to talk about the applications.



      Can the staff post something? Are you head of community communications? Or is this hosted just by you/non-staff?

    2. Dreek


      it was broadcast in game

  6. So they are changing around the magic system again...

    1. Ford


      huh how and what

    2. ShameJax


      Post on the teacher application thread.

  7. (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt

  8. I believe there already have been giant basilisk events, done by Ziko. But never the less, this does seem like good lore and I would like to see more of these events, and this could create that. +1
  9. Well Tythus is not online on the forums, may we hope he is on the console.

  10. Can we get an ETA for when the server will be up?

    1. Space


      Later tonight. Although, I believe they have to wait until Tythus can fix it, and Tythus may be busy or something. BUt all mentions have been for 'tonight.'

  11. And with that, I have returned.

    1. TavernLich


      Go away. JK welcome back, play ur Gobo.

    2. Skippy
    3. Hydra


      scrub lord smelly snelf

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Jandy_
    3. ShameJax


      How the hell am I meming? This video has some valid points.

    4. osumanduas


      Either a meme or useless information tbh, you'd be listening to some youtuber with no actual idea of what he's talking about.

  12. Considering a new character, should I make one and what group/race?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ShameJax


      Arayon isn't a snelf! He's an impure High Elf and by no means does he work with the snelves or is a snelf. Snelves worship Wyrvun, he worships Xan, and he is trying to stay out of all the politics, staying neutral. Yet it's kinda hard :p. But long story short, he isn't a snelf.

    3. TavernLich


      We all know he was a Snelf, Jax.

    4. ShameJax


      Was a snelf. Not now. Snelves are cultural. So yeah...

  13. ((I would. But I'm on vacation and I'd like to get a response as it is... well just who I am. I want to know things as soon as I can :p))
  14. Another rock is thrown. "Highly efficient actually. Try it yourself." ((Supremacy people atleast deserve the word denied and a sentence with the reasoning.))
  15. A rock is thrown, with a note attached. Technomancy: The art of combining the arcane with modern technology to create something beyond normal means. Examples of things that can be created, arcane freezers, mana powered ships, arcane furnaces. ((Seriously. Why are certain applications being ignored?
  16. Given Name: Arayon Limlugon True Name (MC Name): CryoJax (Skype Name): jaxsonw Race? High Elf Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? Well accomplished magician. I am able to teach water evocation and cobjuration. I am also a rather talented "technomancer". Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? Yes ((Just a note. This is a phone post so or isn't my typical fancy thing.Also I will be on vacation until around the 12th.
  17. No why is it that the list is full of primarily LOTCers?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShameJax


      Just find it funny as to why someone would choose our potato :p

    3. _Stigwig


      We're fairly high on some voting sights, its not surprising at all.

    4. _Stigwig
  18. Well I'm going on vacation, actually I have been but didn't let anyone know... anyways I'll be back on the 12th.

  19. What was the exact time for the rollback? I want to know the time.

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