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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. does LOTC has minotaurs?

  2. does lotc have werewolves?

    1. RejhaNarok


      I dont believe so. However if you can justify it in lore, I'm sure you could find a loremaster to let you play it as a subrace.

    2. TrevenT


      If an Orc shaman summons Kurak, they turn into a werewolf sort of creature.

    3. Space
  3. Does the server have a viking group? Like, a /real/ viking group, not like a 'HUE HUE I'M A VIKING HUE HUE' group?

    1. Αμφίονας


      Not really. i can remember two or more such groups but they did not stay long

    2. Heff
  4. Does the staff understand there's a difference between pay-to-play and perks?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Boomack21


      im pretty sure you mean pay to win

    3. gam


      yeah what coons said

    4. VonEbs
  5. Doing a temp character to see how bigg'un life is, where should I go?

    1. Kickstarted and Running
    2. Garukumus


      Everywhere. Literally everywhere.

  6. Don't click on Danny's links, they bring you to bad places :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sporadic


      You do realize random porn redirects usually happen because you got infected while browsing free porn sites?

    3. Kaiser


      But I don't even watch porn |:I

    4. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      ^ The biggest lie any man has ever said

  7. don't get mad at me for pointig out the ugly, get mad at the ugly. I find it astounding I'm constantly called rude simply for stating the obvious.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ConnorMagill



    3. Sorsby


      Spare me the philosophical bullshit. Like you being a **** about something someone does is in any way 'helpful' or 'constructive'. Once again, stop being an *******.

    4. Kaiser


      oh my, someone's a little upset by my claims. I try my best to stop the rudeness, but it taints people to think I'm still a troll.

  8. Dots.............

  9. Druid's are ment to keep nature in check and balance. So a bunch of Druids break of and create unbalance. Lel

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alan


      Pffffft..... you're probably not even really a cow, Uracow. I'll bet my money you're a walrus >:I

    3. Valon (Yokey)

      Valon (Yokey)

      Be careful, he has mad cow disease

    4. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      Cows are meant to give meat and milk to humans. So a bunch of cows get mad cow disease and infect their meat and milk. Lel

  10. Druids seem cool enough. Minus Matt0110110 and Cmack, they're boring

  11. Dude, I love the monks, their roleplay is AMAZING, but I think they are just not with depth IC and only OOC, ya know? I've not once seen a monk go outside the temple, yet they are said to be the peace keepers of asulon, ya? It was just my thoughts, sorry

  12. due to the rester, my place in line for the roller coaster will be gone....

  13. Eer has informed me the Halfling mine is up! Soulsand, Clay, coal, and a little Iron! I even heard there's emeralds :D Grab your shovels, guys!

  14. entire server's angry: better go hide

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser


      I'ma go play league of Angels bye

    3. Heff


      ;-; I DON'T PLAY THAT!

    4. Heff


      and if you don't see those ads... how do you know what it is?!?!

  15. even though the community is still big, it's sad to see people leaving...

  16. everblue said halflings aren't a race. ROPT TJE STATUS UPDATES

    1. Kaiser



  17. Every day, before I log off, I vote for the server. BUT- If I see ONE person tell me to vote, I do not vote. why? I will not be annoyed to vote for a server. I will vote if I want to...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
    3. HapyBirdy


      Yea, Kinda bad logic, but really,

      I don't do things that promote servers

      (Not this one in specific) when they don't

      deserve it, in fact. I feel like

      I am gonna go vote now, lol!

    4. danic


      I agree. I go out of my way NOT to vote if I'm told to.

  18. Every one in my town is ma because I made a gambling center and took their money.... The house always wins...

  19. Everyone complaining about how much money games are... and I'm just sitting here torrenting....

    1. Parading


      I like to support artists though... also I like to play multiplayer, single player games are boring.

    2. Gemmylou


      Doing things RIGHT

    3. Hanrahan


      "Artists". EA are "Artists."

  20. Everyone panic, the servers gone

  21. everyone ready for tomarrow?

    1. Endeavour
    2. Grouchy


      Yes i've just been to asda and bought 600 marsbars

  22. Everyone, stop what you're doing and make a Halfling. It can be a temp Halfling, but try us out :D

    1. V0idsoldier


      A Halfling mobster who smokes cigars and breaks knees with his shovel.

  23. everytime I go to oren I either lose my money, are badly injured, or insulted enough to kill 2 mentally retarded children...

  24. everywhere you go you always here "Humans a NEUTRAL race" WE AINT NEUTRAL- WE BE AS NON-NEUTRAL AS YOU CAN GET

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