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Status Replies posted by Fid

  1. I wanna make a druid character. Starting from kiddy to adulthood. DRUID! GET PREGNANT! RAISE ME NOW.

  2. My two favorite FMs got demoted... Why?

  3. My two favorite FMs got demoted... Why?

  4. My two favorite FMs got demoted... Why?

  5. Cube World, y u such good game?

  6. Cube World, y u such good game?

  7. I hate these statuses.... but Server Down?

  8. I hate these statuses.... but Server Down?

  9. I hate these statuses.... but Server Down?

  10. Listening to Disturbed, thinking 'I wish school would start already.'

  11. So uhh, we switching it back to PVP default err what?

  12. So uhh, we switching it back to PVP default err what?

  13. Gone at camp till the 15th. Don't kill each other.

  14. What can you do when you only have your phone with you at 3am?

  15. Would it be an unrealistic goal for me to want to pursue a career in history when I'm older such as an archaeologist or museum curator?

  16. http://gyazo.com/ac5c3c31af862fc07bbced03b8f6c2df rip danny goat 2013-2013 you were the best goat I never wanted to take care of
  17. About to start writing my application, can't wait to join the battle for justice!

  18. About to do my application!! can't wait :)


  20. Остановите безумие, товарищи! Научитесь любить друг друга!

  21. Gaius, it was always destined that our arguing capabilities would be tested on one another. Can we be bros, despite our differing opinions?

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