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Status Replies posted by Fid

  1. This VonSchlichten fellow is mighty hard to find. You'd think you'd be able to find just about anyone on an island shorter than the King Syrio's Beard. :P

  2. Ever felt like making an Orc, going on raids, joining a clan, and reek havoc on enemies? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/92716-ghaktusk-20-recruitingpin-please/

  3. tfw you way up from a drean where everything is awesome.

  4. Gestahl smiles as the Hansetian Warmadien docks in Gallmore.

  5. I need a name for a Halfling!

  6. "Don't worry though, you're not the first to feel the cold justice of my fishing rod." - My sides x_x

  7. You know what's wonderous? Experimental, medieval science!

  8. Right, going to bed. Next time please remind me not to stay up until 4am for an event.

  9. I'm actually having a pretty good day :'D!

  10. Calm down. You knew a week in advance and the only ones with enchanted weapons and armor were Hiishtgul. If you can't rp anywhere else than that specific place you have a problem.

  11. Bullshit. It's one thing to inspire good RP, it's a completely different one to demolish the RP of others with enchanted weapons and armor. I'm not typically one to complain like this, but I'm steamed.

  12. Bullshit. It's one thing to inspire good RP, it's a completely different one to demolish the RP of others with enchanted weapons and armor. I'm not typically one to complain like this, but I'm steamed.

  13. Fried chicken.

  14. Council of the north: Saturday, all day. :3

  15. For the gate up north, does 'Red gate' work? :3

  16. Druids are now debating to kill my dark elf child. Woo, go druids... you butt-wipes.

  17. Druids are now debating to kill my dark elf child. Woo, go druids... you butt-wipes.

  18. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91776-brent42817s-ban-appeal/ C'mon guise. This guy has been waiting over a week for his appeal to even get looked over.
  19. Aww :( There are other "boring" people at work today.. I guess No Pants Week is over :(((

  20. Would you trust an edgy dark elf to take care of your money in a bank? The antiques business really isn't cutting it.

  21. Would you trust an edgy dark elf to take care of your money in a bank? The antiques business really isn't cutting it.

  22. I wanna make a druid character. Starting from kiddy to adulthood. DRUID! GET PREGNANT! RAISE ME NOW.

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