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Everything posted by ski_king3

  1. Garion clutched at his chest as he ascended the stairway, letting out another violent cough to echo through the halls of the near empty Keep. With his next step he noticed the flecks of crimson dotting the stairs before him, speckled with color by his own blood. When he finally reached his room, he undid the straps of his armour one by one, occasionally interrupting by more coughs. When he’d finally shed the plate covering his torso, the source of his pain was apparent. Upon the left side, a large, brown mark expanded around much of his rib cage and below, blood flowing from a wound inside his fellow Paladin had somehow failed to heal. He raised his hoarse voice, holding in another violent outburst long enough to utter a quiet prayer, his eyes illuminating in a miraculous golden light. Mist of the same color would begin to form about him, coalescing around his right hand. Once enough of this holy light had former, he’d draw his hand close to the wound, allowing the mist to seep in and do its work. A sensation of dull warmth overcame the man, allowing his eyes to close as Xan’s mist did its work. It was only a few seconds before he uttered another harsh cough, surprising the man and forcing him to peer down. What he saw was inexplicable… this was a routine issue that he’d resolved many times before, yet the brown splotch of blood seeping within his body did not heal itself. There was no sign of shrinking, no sign of progress as a result of Xan’s light. As he poured more into it, his will did not overcome the wound. By all counts, Garion was failing. He doubled his efforts, pouring more mist into the wound, yet it was to no avail. Heavy beads of sweat dropping from his chin and drawing ragged breaths whenever he was uninterrupted by coughs, Garion finally withdrew his hand, the mist dissipating. The great Paladin slumped down on his bed, folding his hands weakly to offer a silent prayer to Xan. He was unable to heal himself. He was uncertain. So here’s the deal friends. Holy magic healing is really neat. It saves lots of lives, is fun to roleplay if you do it correctly, and a lot of folks enjoy having Clerics and Paladins around as a result. That being said, there are presently not former downsides or failings of it other than that it’s very draining. I seek to change that. What I’ve shown above is an injury that is incapable of being healed by holy magic. Before I get into the details of this, however, I seek to share my intent. There’s no point of becoming a doctor when you can become a Cleric or Paladin, because the latter always heals injuries better. Well, **** that noise, let’s try something else. I believe that making some injuries resistant to holy magic will increase the importance (and therefore regularity) of normal medical roleplay, and as a result create more room for better roleplay. To clarify, this is something that can already be done; technically, holy magic can fail if the person being healed OOC’ly doesn’t want the injury to be fixed. That being said, I’d rather formalize that, as I believe by doing so it’ll make it more common and create some neat roleplay! So, let’s get on with the show, shall we? So, how do wounds like this occur? To be honest, it’s totally random. For some, wounds unable to be healed by holy magic are just more common, while for others it will never happen in their lifetime. It’s not truly a common occurrence, but instead a rather rare one, though there are certain factors that make it more common. In the end, though, it is at the full discretion of the individual who has sustained an injury to determine whether or not it’s resistant to holy magic. The greatest irony of holy magic is that the more one is around it, the more likely they are to sustain such an injury. Whether you are a user or simply around many users casting their light with frequency, you will be more prone to this type of injury. As such, individuals within holy orders might actually need to seek out proper medics more often than most individuals, or learn proper healing techniques without their magic. Another way to increase the frequency of this occurrence is to sustain the same injury several times. As it so happens, Garion’s injury was a result of being stabbed in a place where he’d already been stabbed many times before. It’s uncertain why this happens, whether it be the fact that one’s natural, healed state seems to be one of injury to the Patron, or merely for some other unknown reason, but regularly sustaining the same injury results in a greater likelihood that the injury will not respond to holy magic. With these two factors in mind, these shouldn’t be super common occurrences. I say this not because I want to keep Clerics and Paladins in the spotlight, but instead because I think all Clerics and Paladins will just learn proper healing methods and once more eliminate the need for doctors if this becomes too common. These injuries are meant to be jarring and causing confusion, not just fuckery to deprive groups of their roleplay. And lastly, we have how these injuries can be dealt with. In the end, this is once more at the discretion of the person who has sustained the injury. The simplest way to heal these is through standard medical procedures that one would usually use to treat an injury. However, there are times when immense amounts of holy light, far more than one would typically use to heal the injury, would do the trick. A draining amount of light would not be enough to find progress, so one Cleric or Paladin would need to undergo several “rounds” of treatment, or find several other holy magic users to assist them. There are also times when it seems that one individual’s holy light is less effective than that of another. For whatever reason, one Cleric will prove ineffective while another will do better. Once more, this is up to the injured individual, and simply another way to resolve this. Hope y’all enjoyed and will embrace the idea that the magic myself and others have ain’t quite so perfect. Gimme dat good good support if you enjoyed (rep is always appreciated), and constructive criticism if you did not. Connor complained so here's the TL;DR: Some injuries are resistant to holy magic Should provide more proper medical roleplay and stop holy magic from being god healing of all injuries ever Being around holy magic a lot makes it more likely So does sustaining the same injury Proper standard treatment the best way to fix these injuries Sometimes a fuckton more holy magic will heal it, albeit slowly and very inefficiently Also sometimes another person's holy magic will be more successful than yours All of this is purely at the discretion of the injured individual. The healer cannot force this upon someone or deny them this right.
  2. "Don't let your friends take memes" -Cave_Creature

    1. CaptainSheepy
    2. ShameJax


      Sheepy takes all the memes.

  3. I know this war is pretty intense, but can we all just agree.. **** House Green?

  4. 81 rep and counting

  5. Back when I was MAT, before either of you were Clerics, the method of disconnection was simply that any powerful holy magic user could disconnect another if and only if they weren't following the will of their patron. The reason I bring this up is because once upon a time "Creator Clerics" were a thing. I played one, as most of y'all know, and was considered capable of removing someone's magic if they abused it. However, it was always determined that I could only do so if the person was truly not using their powers properly, and thus it was never needed. The current disconnection, as I understand it, follows neither of these. In my opinion, being at a point where your magic can be removed should be a significant thing, and when it is capable of happening, any with the strength to do it should be able to. This method seems far more ripe for abuse, though perhaps it's been the status quo for a little while.
  6. So many new opportunities for memes.

  7. How did I just get 1,400 bonus posts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jonificus


      Now I won't be able to do my 1k posts AMA..

    3. Samler


      Someone took people's posts and gave them to you.

    4. ski_king3
  8. I don't like the way disconnection has changed. It used to be that disconnection could only happen if a Cleric wasn't following the will of their patron, and then could be performed by any powerful Cleric. Not fond of changing it to a specific spell that only some know, to be honest.
  9. Did you do /dev again?!?!

    1. MetaSolaray


      Dag Ski, No credit to the SOlaray D:! Best of luck everyone who can skin :P!

    2. mitto


      i went big :>

  10. Magic is a powerful tool. However, that does not make it bereft of flaws and just like all other tools the path of magic will leave an individual lacking in certain aspects. There are many ways in which one can power their magic, and many leave the mage weakened. The various degrees and means of weakening by magic are listed below: Arcane: Individuals who follow the arcane branch find themselves attacked by two barriers to physical strength. The first being that they spend much of their time studying the arcane, however that alone is not the root cause of why they are incapable of being particularly strong. The true root comes from the void itself. The power of the void coursing through one's body is an unnatural thing, particularly when one's opening to the void is so small. It is therefore the void acts like a toxin, sapping the body's strength and rendering it impossible to build more than a small amount of muscle. Such is the curse of the mage. Druidism: Druidism expresses its weakness in a different way. Due to the connection to nature druids are simply more susceptible to being 'lost in creation' when in such a close-proximity-fight. The aspects grant the druids health, somewhat negating the weakness the power gives to other divine magic users. Holy Magic: Contrary to the beliefs of some, an Aengul’s blessing does not always damn one’s physical prowess. Agents of Tahariae and Xan typically use regular combat practices when enforcing their Patron’s will demands violence. To bring foes to their end by the blade demands physical prowess, and thus Holy Magic users suffer no corruption by magic. Ascended: The Ascended suffer withering from their magic due to the process of Ascension. In order to Ascend, one must technically die, resulting in significant withering to their person. Shamanism: Shamanism on its own is not corrupting in the way of other magics. Uruks still fight and maintain the great strength of their race despite having the benefits of magic granted by the spirits. Dark Shamanism: Unlike regular shamanism, dark shamanism is a very unnatural process that takes its toll on the body. The binding of spirits takes a constant upkeep of energy to ensure they don’t break free, leading to them appearing darker, thinner, older and generally less healthy. Runesmithing: Due to the nature of runesmithing, the user does not face any significant withering, other than perhaps that which would be yielded from the time spent studying runes. However, the magic has no withering effect. Golemancy: Similar to the practice of runesmithing, golemancy has no withering effect due to any of the magic involved. Necromancy: Individuals who necromance are weak for a similar reason that arcane mages are weak. Their power source is something unnatural to deal with. The very shifting of life force weakens their bodies and just like the arcane mage they can not build such muscle. Frost Witch: While Frost Witch magic alters the body state of any witch (I.E. their bodies become like ice in a "frozen" state), it does not physically weaken or strengthen them in any way. Disguising does not weaken or strengthen them as well. If they don a disguise that makes them look weaker, they remain the same strength, if they don a disguise that makes them look stronger, their strength is the same. Frost witches maintain their physical strength from when they became a witch; mages will remain frail, those unaffected will not, regardless of any magics learned after the fact. Blood Magic: Much like arcane magic, those using Blood Magic suffer from some amount of physical decay. They also undergo somewhat significant changes to their appearance, including paler skin and milky eyes, as well as mental changes, including madness and other mental defficiencies. Shade: The debilitating side effects of being a shade do not affect one’s physical strength, but instead have purely mental repercussions. However, it is quite common for shades to practice other forms of magic that result in weakening, resulting in the misconception that shade magic is physically weakening. Soul Contract: To properly write the contracts, the user would need to spend extensive time reading and understanding the words and their meaning, as well as properly writing and carving perfect symbols. This would turn the user more into a scribe than a fighter, but the magic itself does not harm or weaken the physic. Some fighting capability is retained, but they would never be able to defeat a warrior in a one on one fight. Soul Puppetry: The process of binding the soul to a puppet is a very unnatural one, and causes decay just as arcane magic does. One using this magic will face comparable deterioration as such. Anti-Magic: Two souls in one body results very odd results, as the body was only made for one soul. As such, weird mental and physical deficiencies, including frailty, ensue, albeit less than that of a user of arcane magic. Monk Magic: The users of this magic needn’t worry about whether or not they are weakened, as they do not participate in combat. However, it seems likely that there would be withering, if not due to their magic, then due to their lack of combat use.
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