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Everything posted by ski_king3

  1. If you haven't, look at Tel's post on the thread Pandan posted. It's only very recently we've had a good way to track fast travel use, and this is the first time it's yielded evidence of rulebreaking on this scale. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136358-a-reminder/

  2. I'm gunna pop on the LotC TS, if anyone wants to join me!

  3. Willing to trade prot books for a skin edit, hmu.

    1. EdgyMagey


      I'll do it if you give me my void shifting lesson

  4. Give feedback about a viable system to make renaming items more accessible to players! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/135766-your-view-renamed-items/?page=1

    1. DeepDarkSamurai


      Maybe a similar system to the default anvil using something else like an etching or carving desk. Maybe depending on the length of the name you need to insert a gold ingot or nugget/ other item. Nothing too expensive maybe if you really do not want to make it free. As I know many people might want to give items names and descriptions such as for food and the like.

  5. In LotC, everyone is a Witcher wielding a sword of gold and a sword of iron, skilled in their use and knowledgeable of when each is useful. I would support this.
  6. I'll be posting an alternative that's more consistent to the status quo, while also doing more to define the nature of different magics. I don't think it's better or worse, just an interesting alternative that some I've asked have preferred and some have not. Be ready, will post soon :)
  7. It's been too long, but today I'm back ;)

  8. Stabbed one last man in the back. Nicely done.

  9. **** em up bird shouter **** em up


    we're friends don't ban

  10. That's it BR up on Kalamoot for combat logging gimme 5 minutes ok

    1. ForbiddenExile


      Cyber.. it's been two hours ;-;

    2. AlmondTree


      Hope you screenshot it, caught off guard :>

  11. >Vlog discussing forum changes put up in News and Announcements
    >Go to comment about the nice video
    >Cannot comment because of new forums.

    gg guys, I'm out

    1. Neri


      AY JIZZ



    2. marimbamonk
    3. Neri



  12. A message is returned in the same method it is delivered, scrawled upon a furled up parchment cracked at the edge with its age. The scratch-work writing reads as follows. "Ac'Aelu Tinuvial, your letter has been received and your interest is appreciated. I am Garion Athna, leader of the Brotherhood of the Golden Lion. I do not have quite so many illustrious words and extensive details to share with you in this letter, yet I do have some information pertaining to your request. Though the Brotherhood has slowed its recruitment to allow its present members to receive close attention in their training, we have not stopped such outright. With this being said, I do present you with a warning. The path of Xan is a difficult and arduous one. Though this path is made easier through one's closeness with Xan and the use of his most holy mists, mages under his path will not receive such easing. You will never be quite so close to Xan, and though mages can still wield his mist, its potency shall be diminished. With certainty, your path shall be a more difficult one. If it is still your will to pursue this path, then you are welcome to meet with me upon the Isle of Nordwen, the landholding of Ser Drake Lancefeld and home of our Order. It is in the northern part of Oren, near Vanaheim. Further directions can be given if necessary. May Xan's light guide you to us."
  13. Wait I can get rep from posting banter in my statuses now?

    1. Readicti


      Let the trolling wars of statuses begin! 

    2. ski_king3


      Read is a trollllll

  14. Ya know, I sorta like the new forums tbh.

    1. Guest


      yeah i was talking mad **** about the change just yesterday but a lot of it really grows on you

  15. Hail my Clerical friends. To premise this, we're glad to see an attempt being made to clarify that which is unclear and/or inconsistent, and properly document the lore for Clerics. That being said, in attempt to clarify ambiguities, there were some places in which the Lore Team feels you've contradicted existing lore. This makes sense, given that there have been some ambiguities regarding the magic for quite some time after the MAT disbanded, but it’s important that they are clarified and discussed prior to a verdict being posted on the lore. As such, here are some of these issues: Clerical light has always matched a character’s aura color, barring those which signify evil, and are capable of changing. As such, Clerics shouldn’t be barred to four colors for their holy light. There have been Clerics in the past with red and green light as well. Likewise, given some inaccuracies in the history (particularly that revolving around the timing and source of “Creator Cleric” decline, this history can’t be considered totally canon. That being said, it’s written as an IC view on the history of Clerics, so I imagine that was the assumption anyways. The lore doesn’t accurately describe the process of starting and stopping one’s holy light. Healing is very similar to evocation; the Cleric connects to their patron, draws light, makes it do its healing, and lets it dissipate. However, if they are distracted, the light merely dissipates and the healing stops. It is a conscious act generally, but not a difficult one, and the default if one loses focus. There should not be aspects of Clerical magic bound exclusively within the Order. If there are characters who draw their magic from Tahariae, their abilities should not be limited as such (this is in reference to a specific skill that was listed as being for Order Clerics only) Priest healing is no effective weapon, but it causes significant pain to tainted beings, not mere mild discomfort. Taint and holy light basically go to war on contact, to put it crudely. There isn’t any mildness about that. Timelines for tiers should not be canon, they’re up to whatever the teacher and student agree upon. We don’t have that for other magics, so this is not going to be an official timeline, but rather an example one. Purging taint should not remain a Tier 5 only spell, because all holy light tries to purge taint when they come into contact. To do so effectively for larger areas, one must be rather skilled, but there are many situations where one not quite so high tier would be able to do so effectively, or at least assist. Sustained healing over time can have an impact on mental illness, at the player's discretion. This would be long and drawn out, but it's an extension of a cleric's ability to sooth someone's mind (which also wasn't mentioned as far as I saw, but is a thing clerics can do). Why can’t you achieve mastery in War Clericism and Priest Healing? To my knowledge, that has never been a thing before, and seems like a very harsh way to encourage specialization. You don't need to be a war cleric to create blessings with your magic, priest healers alone can learn to do it as well. Having Tah inform high ranking Clerics of any breaking of the tenets is really just an excuse for metagaming, which shouldn’t be happening. As such, these visions will only happen if the LT or MAT deem the character a real problem Cleric, otherwise such transgressions must be found out IC. If you think that someone is due for disconnection but have no reasonable knowledge IC, you can approach either team to discuss it with them. The Calming Light spell within priest healing is far too offensive and over-powered, as one literally just touches the person and they drop. Such a spell could be used for healing, gradually calming an injured person and putting them to rest so their pain doesn’t cause them to struggle while being healed, but should not be used offensively as a way to drop people. Though disconnection was not always a ritual, it would seem that it’s become the status quo for it to be a ritual. As such, from now on it must be learned/taught in order to be performed, but anyone who was granted Clerical Magic prior to the old MAT being dissolved would know the ritual. This stops characters who had this ability pre-ritual from losing it, while also maintaining the ritual. We realize this is a lot of feedback and desired changes for this lore, but it’s extensive and meant to clarify that which has been unclear, so we wanted to make sure it was done right. If everything seems fine to you, feel free to just post below saying such. If not, we can set up a skype chat of sorts to discuss issues. Sorry for the delay, and thanks for your patience!
  16. Aengoth you cannot win this fight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShameJax


      Aengoth? Winning? Come on, that's a bad meme.

    3. Destroyer_Bravo


      quick aengoth call your 50,000 brazilian screamers

    4. Aengoth


      I called nalatac is that close enough?

  17. Anybody interested in playing a golem?

    1. mitto
    2. _mkkk_


      In HAVING a golem sure ;D

    3. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      I'll pass for now.

  18. They never learn.

  19. Where is Matt's admin rank?

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      matt admin rank or r10t

  20. 4/10 See you on the forums some but I don't know who you are
  21. Expect feedback from the Lore Team shortly!
  22. It would still be the choice of the player, this just gives minor suggestion as to when this could be appropriate. I suspect that most folks will just do it if they want and not if they don't, but I think the first point will encourage holy orders to embrace this sort of roleplay, and the latter just sorta makes sense as one thing to make it more common. Still 100% up to the individual, though. I know there's obviously more reasons not to be a Cleric or Paladin, but they're still both infinitely more common than your run of the mill doctor or medic.
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