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Status Updates posted by ski_king3

  1. Are status updates messed up?

  2. All hail Supreme Overlord Shifty for saving Asulon. ALL HAIL LORD SHIFTY!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fid


      As the tales have foretold, on the black wings of cold, comes Shiftnative with his beard in hand.

    3. Stephensj Of House Lym

      Stephensj Of House Lym

      And then comes the shaving cream

  3. So is Vaq officially completely gone?

    1. aron.


      No. but he spoke of leaving and then dropped off the face of the earth

    2. Kaiser


      Well he said he might leave....

      Then he dissapeared

    3. Fid


      God Forbid. That is all I have to say about this.

  4. Thanks, props for being awesome and looking at both sides of the argument. Also, mega props for accepting me and being so helpful when I was first starting. I am still yet to RP with you though :/ That needs to happen.

  5. Do we have an ETA on when the server will be back?

  6. I'd just like to let anybody who RP's with me, that I may be gone unexpectedly in the near future, as my grandpa just died and sometime soon I'm going to go down to Florida. RIP Grandpa, we might have been very different, but you were awesome.

    1. Merkaken


      :( I'm sorry, man. Wish I knew what to say.

    2. Jarkarll


      I feel your pain bro, come here. *hugs*

    3. ski_king3


      Thanks, you don't need to say anything, I'm not too bad compared to my dad (his son), who I think is pretty torn up. Just wanted to let LotC know why I might randomly disappear for a little bit. Thanks for the love.

  7. Congrats on one year, even if it's a bit late.

  8. I didn't see Shadow's status about me being the first member of of Kla'Dhon until now. Thanks for making a status about me, made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Hope I live up to expectations.

    1. Goldd


      Which character is becoming a member of Khal'don? Not Jess I hope or Allie will eat him :P

  9. I think we should band together while the server is down and conquer a faction server.

  10. So as far as I understand, basically all Daemons other than Iblees are good, correct?

    1. ◥▶◀◤мσкѕнα / ƒιѕну◥▶◀◤

      ◥▶◀◤мσкѕнα / ƒιѕну◥▶◀◤

      I think both Aenguls and Daemons can be either good or evil. Idk though

  11. There really ought to be a blacksmithing roleplay guide.

    1. Twilight Druid
    2. Thrym


      I'll make a guide on RPing smithing later. If I can manage to summon enough will power to do so

  12. Someone motivate me to get away from LotC and do my work.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      We ban you if you don't do your homework? That's a good one.

    3. JCQuiinn


      We ban you if you don't do your homework? That's a good one.

    4. ski_king3


      It's not a matter of whether or not I'll do it, just a matter of doing it now or doing it at 11 at night. I procrastinate.

  13. Anyone who has ever RP'ed with me wanna give me any tips to improve? I feel like I have a ton since I've started, but think my improvement has kind of capped. Me wanna get mo' bettuh.

    1. aron.


      I think Jess is consistent in his character, and you do a fine job playing him. Keep up what you're doing

  14. Has there ever been a halfling mage?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alan


      Soda, are you implying that a "less than intelligent" Halfling has been a Druid, but are unlikely to be Mages? I'm watching you...

    3. danic


      Alan, you and I both know there isn't much intelligence to being a Druid. All you do is run though flaming vines and travel to the End. Or was that just me...

    4. Swgrclan


      I believe Dalek's Undead was a halfling. Though I could be wrong.

  15. Come and be in a video

  16. The homepage would indicate the server is back up. Can't check it myself, anyone confirm?

    1. Stevie


      Still down, from last I checked.

    2. Nethrel
  17. It's so sad Steve Carrel left the office. Almost done with season 3 and it's still awesome.

    1. Samoblivion


      The original British version is far better, but I always liked Steve Carrel as the lead in the US version.

  18. It's so sad Steve Carrel left the office. Almost done with season 3 and it's still awesome.

  19. Reading other VA's really helps with writing, I really hope this one gets accepted.

    1. cruzazul


      Are you posting a VA?

    2. ski_king3


      Working on it. Might be up tomorrow. I expect you to sign.

  20. Anyone wanna link me to their high elf skins? Pwease, I need inspiration for what I want my character to look like.

  21. Looking to request a high elf skin, but not entirely sure how they dress. Anyone wanna link me to some example high elf skins?

  22. So I'm thinking of making an alt. Should it be a female wood elf or a male high elf?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wavejammers
    3. ski_king3


      I shudder to think how you guys get through multiple choice questions in school.

    4. Elfen_


      Hey i get like 90s-100s on those..... D: Ya you choose what race and gender

  23. Editing my current skin would be cool. :D Do whatever you like to it.

  24. Should I make an alt Wood Elf, High Elf, Mori or Human?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bawg


      Play a wood elf. People will like you Because those are the elves that actually leave their homelands.

    3. ski_king3


      @everblue If I play a Mori or High Elf, I would definitely keep with lore.

      @cruzazul Except high elves don't even like regular elves

      @Aron Are you trying to get me to do something? Also, me too hopefully.

    4. Roxforbraynz


      I'd say Wood Elf. They're variable and loads of fun if you do it right. Humans are like that as well, but die earlier and Mori and High Elves are secluded...

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