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193 Brilliant

About Tayelikel

  • Birthday 05/23/1993

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    In the land of the internet!

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  1. Hm i was wondering, Would anyone get on my case if my 10 year old darkelf played the violin as good as linsey stirling? Shes had it for years and /never/ stops playing so i thought itd be ok, but i had some people say "how can she possibly be that good"

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Tigergamer


      Come on now guys, a player is asking a simple question yet it has to turn out this way. If we could all just loose the argument. Ritoru, if you feel you character would be skilled enough at their age to play a violin to that standard, go ahead. However you have to be ready to tell other people how if they ask you out of the blue. :P

    3. Blundermore


      As I've said, I would be fine with it IF, and only IF... it is explained. If you bothered to read what I Wrote. I say this because at the moment there is NO explanation. Only that the character does "have" it and is this "type" of person.

      Why. Read what I've said.


    4. Dalek348


      Why? Because we play in a game on a server where people are encouraged to have fun and create things. People are here to enjoy themselves and let their imagination loose, no lore should be required for fun.

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