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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Dromui

  1. I am bored and everyone I normally Rp with isn't around :'(

  2. I can't even find a place to build a small estate.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AlmondTree


      You claimed land to sell it <.< Shame on you.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      That's called turning a profit :^)

    4. monalisa


      There are several plots throughout Eruthos Canyon.

  3. I can't wait for the threads to come rolling in.

  4. I feel like I'm getting somewhere~ lol

  5. I hate getting up early for school.

    1. TheGreasyChef


      im on my 6th snow day

    2. GodEmperorFlam


      I hate getting up early.

    3. Balch


      Sleep at 11:00 wake up around 5:40Am

  6. I hope everything is finished and dealt with soon so the moderators get a chance to help me out... Until then, anyone up for a rhyme contest?

    1. hammer01


      ...rhymes? why not? put it up on the off topic page..

  7. I may be losing my daughter in Rp :(

    1. Tayelikel


      NNNUUUU i wont let dat happen

  8. I might take a break from LotC. I literally just came back from a break, but I think it's already time for another, lol

  9. I need to Rp more as Azel -__

    1. Angel~


      A Child is to fun right? xP

    2. Dyn


      You're still never taking over as head of Flormai.


  10. I think it's nice to see Ouity appeal and the team give him some form of chance. He's been a great addition to this server and he deserves to be back. Well, at least in my opinion.

    1. Salvo


      We'll see if they /actually/ give him a second chance.

    2. Dromui


      When I say chance, I mean them willing to look over his appeal.

  11. I'd be upset about plugins being gone, if they mattered. The server will likely be down for awhile while they get **** in order, but they aren't necessary. Even then, I'm pretty sure this is all bullshit. Be calm peeps.

  12. If the account Drone414 attacked anyone or stole anything, please let me know. I haven't been on LotC since yesterday and when I logged on, I had a whole bunch of stuff. I am Drone414 btw, and I want to resolve anything before BR's go up if whatever happened caused mayhem.

    1. Helbolt


      Whoever was playing you yesterday, they could barely speak English, and seemed very young, do you have a younger sibling?

    2. Dromui


      Yes, yes I do. I have a younger sister who plays Minecraft. I changed my password and told her to not get onto the server. Was anything taken from you? I will gladly give you anything back that was taken. I have a whole bunch of crops, and that's about it.

  13. Interesting way to deal with magic.

  14. Just got beat up by some Oreners for lols

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Phantasy


      another rp "badass"

    3. monkeypoacher


      phantasy you're just plain edgy, pls goway before I cut my arm on you

    4. Dromui


      -Is always gonna be a badass-

  15. Just lost my three best friends on the server because I want to follow lore and rules~ Great Valentines day

  16. Lark is so useless. Can't even join a team where the only requirement is to say no to all new lore. Plebian-almighty.

  17. Lord of the Crash, Lord of the Crash, Lord of the Crash, Lord of the Crash...... *chanting slowly fades away*

  18. Lord of the Grind

  19. Magic you say?

    1. Blundermore


      What is this about magic eh?

    2. Dromui


      Hehehe... I am thinking about making a magic application for my character, but I am unsure if the server needs anymore mages.

  20. My answer to default in combat: Allow the defending party to choose, that way you can't force something they don't want upon them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nug


      so majority default?

    3. excited


      Majority, that's all I have to say.

    4. Dromui


      I personally love majority, but if no one it's not put into place, I don't mind letting the defender beat the **** out of me with PvP or emoting, all the same if it's fun. If ten people come to arrest one dude, allowing that dude to have fun during the arrest shouldn't be that difficult.

  21. My favorite part of emote combat, is when people roll and I laugh at them and tell them no.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. paulie


      I don't mind rolling, I just dislike when I get a higher a roll and the damage I should of inflicted is nerfed extremely of neglected.

    3. paulie


      or neglected*

    4. Galendar


      The key to actual roleplay fighting is to try hard but be logical and provide events within the rp which make for fun from the opponents standpoint. I personally hate roll fighting as it's just a way for someone who is in a bad situation to get a second way out because they don't want to lose.

  22. Never met a meme more dank than gunnerdude

    1. Hydra


      Bruh, have you even met Dr.Fate

    2. Peanut Butter Jelly

      Peanut Butter Jelly

      I heard Peanut Butter is a really dank meme!

  23. Not having a computer sucks, lol

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