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Status Updates posted by Stephensj

  1. Happy Easter everyone, prayers go out to anyone affected by the tragedies in Sri Lanka.

  2. how do you get bones. not bone meal, or bone blocks, but actual bones.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stephensj


      where. i cant find anything at night



    3. TeaLulu


      @_@ they turned mob spawning on and there was a POOP TON of em on Tahn yesterday. Unless they turned it off again?

      They won't spawn in settlement regions ofc

    4. Stephensj


      Oooh, ok. Thanks.

  3. How do you post pictures on the forums where the file’s too large? Tried doing it through the URL upload and that didn’t work.

    1. Space


      just copy paste the url of it. so like if imgur right click ‘view imgur’ and paste that link

  4. If you ever watched MythBusters, the first episodes of Adam Savage’s new show are free to watch here for the next week.  https://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/savage-builds/full-episodes/building-iron-man

    1. Glade


      Thanks I love MythBusters

  5. love coming back only to find the only video in my sig is now removed from youtube RIP

  6. Pretty awesome WH40k fan film for anyone interested, gets better with each part.


    Edited by Stephensj
  7. Smile brighter than the sun, it’s a good deed!

  8. the new citing format for MLA makes me angry

    1. ski_king3


      It's all about that Chicago Style bruh. Kazotar would dig it.

  9. when you get banned for the username

    1. Gangrel1230


      Why'd you change it back to that?

    2. chaotikal


      what an offensive prick, i hope you know trump has a special place in his wall for the likes of you

  10. when you have to ban appeal for having the name violatetheass

  11. -insert teutonic banter here-

    1. dank


      august promised no more teutons. mirtok is gone.

  12. -wastes 100th post on a random argument-

    1. Cyndikate


      I wasted my 1600 post

    2. Raptorious


      I wasted my 1000th.

  13. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eleatic


      It's a he.

      And stepehsn.. Wot?

    3. Stephensj


      Shift, I regret nothing

    4. Eleatic


      Come back stephenz :((((


    1. Lykos


      ¡Viva la ano!

  15. "...And Saint Attila raised the Ban Hammer up on high,saying,"O Lord, bless this Thy Ban Hammer that with it Thou mayest Ban thine enemies the void, in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin.

  16. "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GO-" swgrclan 2014

    1. DruinsBane


      D-rugs for the prince of pleasure - every follower of Slanesh.

  17. "It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain."

    1. Stephensj
    2. DruinsBane


      So you're saying you want the necromancers to use your bodies as fuel for our undead hoard. Alright, we'll do as you ask.

    3. Helbolt


      Lincoln right?

  18. (SPOILERS) Jistuma leaked that Mogroka was coming back.

  19. [9:21:45 PM] Γαλεν: kowaman [9:21:49 PM] Γαλεν: what are you doing [9:24:02 PM] kowamangeneral: cybering

  20. *Doesn't vote because yolo*

  21. *hasn't voted yet*

    1. Bethykinss


      *has voted, wonders if Stephensj has voted* "Meh"

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