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Status Replies posted by Stephensj

  1. I’ve been with sword and spear / Slippery with bright blood / Where kites wheeled. And how well / We violent Vikings clashed! / Red flames ate up men’s roofs, / Raging we killed and killed; / And skewered bodies sprawled / Sleepy in town gate-ways.

  2. Just watched Full Metal Jacket.. Heavy ****.

  3. What's your thoughts about golden apples and memory loss?

  4. I have this strange item which is an endstone block named "The Final Element." Anyone remember the lore for it?

  5. Is it normal to get a little emotional when you're about to PK a loved character?

  6. *posts profile picture of herself* (it will load any day now) *cringes in fear waiting for floods of laughter*

  7. Yeah I did that...

  8. First word that comes to mind, GO!

  9. What happened?

  10. Why was Jistuma banned? I thought I saw that a few times in statuses.

  11. so are GM's going to post the truth about this leak or let everyone find out by a third source?

  12. Guys, if you keep leaking the lore, we're going to have to ask for FMs to start temp banning forum accounts.

  13. It's been a good two days.

  14. It was Jistuma's fault he got kicked.

  15. Such ban report. So anger

  16. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  17. I died trying to fill in my persona because I couldn't move while mobs attacked. And it wouldn't even let me capitalise the M in male.

  18. How could this happen to me, i made my mistakes, ive got not where to run, the night goes on, as im fading away,im sick of this life, i just wanna scream

  19. can we make cyborc lore

  20. So yeah guys I'm going to start working on funny short skits of lotc :3 I think the first one will be on Raids. I've been thinking about it for a few days now XD

  21. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who once threatened a permanent ban for anyone who did not follow new names of the races?

  22. wtf is with all these new kingdoms. why cant there just be dwarves, orcs, elves and humans. not a billion 'princedoms' that divide the player base.

  23. Can you sing for me?

  24. So what's the deal with magic? Can people just RP having whatever magic they desire now or what?

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