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Everything posted by WuHanXianShi14

  1. ((I believe an impartial gm will be the deciding factor on what rules the defending party are obliged to follow. Not the defending party itself.))
  2. Meticulously sharpening each and every individual arrowhead in his quiver, there was no anticipation or desire for revenge evident in his blank expression. But behind his thinly veiled guise of emotionlessness there was a wood elf who had been hurt, one who would shed high elf blood for justice, and enjoy seeing the people who'd made his life so hard for an elven year die.
  3. "Yet another super duper secret terror organization t'at feels tae need to advertise t'emselves publicly like dockside whores. Ah quiver in fear." Quin deadpans dryly, before crumbling the poster, tossing it in a lake, and heading back north.
  4. I'm a zealous soldier who serves in a humanocentric holy order and I like half breeds :'(
  5. Mechanical standard doesn't apply when you are in RP combat. And if you ignore your character's height when his height would be a downside, expect people to ignore your character's size and strength when it becomes your advantage. Emote combat is give and take. If you expect to take, you must give.
  6. Ducking through a doorway is an opportune moment to get your head chopped off in a fight. Taiwanese aboriginals built their huts with specially low doors so when raiders from other tribes would invade they'd have to bend their heads down to pillage their homes, leaving them open for beheading. Also, height can be a disadvantage in combat. Ever played against oddjob in goldeneye 007?
  7. A degree of realism needs to be maintained. A very basic degree granted, but physics is among which needs to be regulated. Otherwise I'll just take my character and No complaining! He can fly, Physics shouldn't apply in a fantasy realm after all.
  8. Those same 9ft orcs don't seem to have issues walking into human buildings and through human doors without crouching or slouching due to their height. Hm.
  9. Quin rubs the back of his neck and shrugs whimsically at the poster. Ah'll ne'er understand why t'ese 'illustrious super secret mysterious an' enigmatic' organizations some'ow mass produce posters an' start advertizin' t'emselves like a dockside *****. He thinks to himself, since posters don't make good conversationists.
  10. Updated up to right before joining the Lucienist Order.
  11. day 5, still cannot change my forum avatar. techs pls

    1. Guest


      I feel that feel brotha. I want my gif avatar back.

  12. Provided that no prosthetic limb provides a character with an inherent advantage over other characters I'd say it falls under mech standard and you are free to do whatever the **** your heart desires.
  13. I cant change my forum avatar from this spongebob gif thing, help?

    1. Monomakhos
    2. Space


      Pretty sure it's broken now. It was last time I heard.

    3. everblue2er101


      Try and add a new one now.

  14. MFW wake up at 6am for morning classes. morning classes cancelled.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      Well? Where is your face?

    3. Moot


      Where is face. You can't leave us hanging.

  15. Rael be taking on skygods, godspeed

    1. 3Pac


      nice forum pic, how'd you get it?

  16. I can't seem to change my forum avatar

  17. TIL shades are my over demanding asian mother.
  18. Two major race nations led by GMs now *sinks into protective barrel*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eleatic


      After 2.0, where half the nations were GM-Led, I'd think that it might be wise to do so.

    3. BrandNewKitten


      We trust our staff enough to allow them to trust themselves.

    4. Tirenas


      Which two, might I ask?

  19. you need a town pillar to get perms to a region but you need perms to a region to place down a town pillar.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      And you need diamonds to make a pillar, and you can't mine diamonds without legendary miner.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      And you can't make a pillar without a tinker station, can't make a tinker station without redstone which requires veteran miner.

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