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Everything posted by WuHanXianShi14

  1. Wait so what you're saying is theres a chance my daughter is going to be retconned? **** that +1
    1. YFKTF


      PG? How can we PG when there's only PVP :^)

    2. Harri


      This /is/ Factions of the PvP craft after all :^))))

  2. Since we've descended into he-said-she-said I'll just simply state that if a tribute agreement had been RP'ed out with the orcs it is almost 100% certain that either I or Aelu would have heard about it, which neither of us did. If you have the screenshots/video to prove me wrong then I'll concede.
  3. So far the reasons of this warclaim boil down to 1) The killing of two orcs which no other orcs were there to witness 2) Refusal to live up to a tribute agreement which none of us remember RPing out http://gyazo.com/15de0e6dca7c6db3cdd1a8b4a1b62b5f Oh and a blatant confession you picked us out for war OOCly
  4. I'm sorry but no one on this side of the conflict respects your ability to be un-biased in your ability to moderate us based on your past horrendous attitude. Please don't insult mine or Nathan's intelligence by denying how you've acted towards me in the last 4-5 months Raelplayer. It's not passive aggressive, it's plainly stating how it is. Let's have a more neutral GM step in to handle this affair. Anyone other than Supremacy and Raelplayer. Preferably not one who plays a high elf either though we won't be as adamant about that since Raptor and others can be reasonable.
  5. Let's keep this between the wood elves and the orcs and not involve random third party input from someone who has a long and obvious dislike of this playerbase's leadership If it's in their culture to raid then they can by all means keep raiding, but by war rules standards it's not a valid reason to make a warclaim, simple as.
  6. That seems completely counterfactual (hue) to everything tdfootball has said and has acted on so we'll believe it when we hear it from him. Seems like that's something he would've told at least Aelu about no?
  7. I was in the war rules chat, lol. The "YOU NEED A GOOD REASON TO DECLARE WAR" rule was born to stop situations exactly like this, bait with raids, declare war on nation for fighting off raiders. The only reason that might be legit would be the killing of the rex, which unless one of the elves who were there went to tell the Orcs, you dont know about ICly.
  8. Again, all orcs who were there when we killed the Rex were killed, Hu-din was not there.
  9. No he wasn't. It was just the Rex and one other orc.
  10. The only people who witnessed the death of the Rex/Targoth when we killed them were us elves, who even told you in RP it happened?
  11. ((They raided us for slaves because orcs, and got mad we killed them for it))
  12. Public survey question: What aspects of current wood elven culture/lore should we emphasize and encourage the most?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      -suddenly gawk over archery or whatever else.

    3. ✿Honeybear✿


      More druid-y! :D

    4. Swgrclan


      There seems to be a height in brutality, and a lacking of wisdom. The consistent suggestion for all Wood Elven citizens to bear the calm mind of a true descendant of Malin would establish a more serious identity.

  13. As LOTC's token asian I can say that I doubt anyone would be genuinely offended by the word slanty.
  14. I call upon Ranger Lake to return to his people and save us in these dark times

  15. camoryn fletcheries now selling half price to all orenians pleasedon'tgenocideme

  16. "Pity that the one who might agree to these terms is one they forbid from holding office."
  17. Locking people to a certain archetype of magic simply sounds like a lock on creativity, so I'll have to give this a non-personal -1, sorry.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      What's the old Druid skin clearly being the lower half of this skinset? Lol!

    3. Birdwhisperer


      They're calling themselves Son of Cernunnos, so it's fitting.

    4. Samler


      Evil racists! We are at least kind to our darkies!.. Sometimes, with a few people.. In a less evil way?

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