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Everything posted by WuHanXianShi14


  2. "AHAH! I LIKE THESE PEOPLE!" Bellows Art, after laughing harder than he has in a long long time.
  3. You'll find a few Adunians to RP with wherever Clan Orvar settles. As for racial status, Adunians are a sub race of humans with elven blood in their ancestry. There's no point in giving them full racial status.
  4. You can't get more simple than Art.
  5. No one is forcing you to leave, but honestly Sometimes you just need to realize enough is enough, see that something is beyond repair and just start over.
  6. LOTC has a theme it needs to keep. You can't walk into a renaissance fair wearing a Master Chief Spartan outfit.
  7. as a wood elf, i tested with /showhealth on. i do not do more damage with a bow than a human persona.

    1. wealthypiano


      tbh racial bonuses need to be removed until the ycan be fixed and they can actually give one to humans again

    2. IevIr4d
    3. Stevie


      racial bonuses need to be removed ENTIRELY CUZ THEY SUCK

  8. Seems like you're trying to shoehorn your character into being the 'main character' to gain attention. The most memorable characters on LOTC got there due to good old hard work and dedication, and making the right connections. (i.e. Peter Chivay, Gaius Marius, Kjell, etc.)
  9. protip: do not fly malaysia airlines.

  10. I just want to know what the rational behind making us wait 12 minutes for a stack of bread is.

    1. shiftnative


      It makes bread a little more valuable, enabling new players or players trying to get on their feet a way of making some quick coin on an item that everyone needs.

    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      Food more valuable

      Incentive to hire cooks

      Incentive to buy and sell

      Incentive to roleplay

  11. Why is there a pointless wait time to craft basic items?

  12. Alright I'll just say it. I miss vanilla minecraft.

  13. most of us will barely get to enjoy 4.0 before college/uni/work glomps away our free time in the fall.

    1. shiftnative


      Definitely a bummer, it's proven to be tough when a bunch of volunteer's and whatnot - I hope that those who are going to be busy get to at least log-on to a much more pleasant experience then the previous maps

    2. Jchizz


      For once, Counter, I'm gonna go ahead and +1 that. Though... shift, I enjoyed both Asulon and Anthos, tbh. Really it's just the fringe that's bumming me out

  14. I played an Adunian in Oren for months and I didn't get insulted OOCly once. Also your big bright text and capitalization just make you come off as obnoxious.
  15. Just release the bloody map and introduce the plugins later. We need to get out of the fringe.

    1. Neri


      Oh yes because moving to an unfinished map worked /so well/ with the fringe.

    2. hellfiazz


      I'd rather endure short-term pain on a temp map than have everyone be disappointed with 4.0 due to it being unfinished, which could cause massive activity drops.

    3. Angel~


      -glances at her little suggestion on the Proposal thread and slumps at one of the replies- =_=

  16. I actually really like the boat idea. I think it'd be better than going back to old territory.
  17. you know it's rained 5 times since this 'drought' started.

    1. Joe_Blackman
    2. Jistuma


      We'll fix it then, everything turns to desert biome.

      Maybe... could be a good idea.

    3. Eleatic


      but - no pls

  18. happy syrup and timmies day everyone, and may Wayne Gretzky Jesus bring lord stanley home someday.

  19. mr druid claims to be running for nature, but is he really?! http://gyazo.com/d00ab6aec60ad50141c56da5be2e9131 vote haelun'or, wraith free since 2013

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Says the talking bushman, get out.

    2. WuHanXianShi14


      the bushman wasn't talking :)

    3. Minniefox


      Why are you making an OOC status about it? What is your message sir?

  20. elven PSA: please specify which gates you're at when you scream for entry, we have like four.

    1. Arkelos


      I'm at all 4.

    2. Telanir


      I'm at all 0.

  21. random inside joke no one but a couple people will get.

    1. excited
    2. OhDeerLord


      How dare you.

    3. CosmicWhaleShark


      Additional vague reference from previous conversation regarding inside joke.

  22. Can we just get a release date for 4.0?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lvke


      So... Soon™?????

    3. problematic z

      problematic z

      4.0 confirmed for 2016

    4. aron.


      Yes, the plugins are necessary for the launch. We looked over the plugins at 3.0 launch, and it was a mistake the whole community regretted. I am glad they are being diligent in their efforts.

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