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Everything posted by WuHanXianShi14

  1. Ya they will, just imagine these ones as the slightly wilder cousins of the ones that you play, who live in another world
  2. I havent played runescape since 2008, but more or less this yes
  3. The Fae Realm Introduction In many ways, the Fae Realm (Or the Eternal Forest, as it is known to druids) much resembles our own. The wild grass and trees grow from fertile soil, the air is breathable, and an all too familiar moon crosses the sky in predictable cycles, whether or not one stands in the dayward lands or twilight bound. The Fae Realm is a land created by, and under the full control of the Aspects. Cerridwen, the mother of spring and summer, Cernunnos, the father of winter and fall and Nemiisae, the patroness of shadow. The realm, its lands and its inhabitants are reflective of their creators: wild, free, chaotic, unstructured in many ways. Yet, balanced. Every fantastical and alien creature or creation has its place in the ecosystem of the Fae. This realm is both the testing ground, and the paradise of the Aenguls of Nature. Origins In short, the Fae Realm is the plane of existence created and ruled over by the Aspects- the duo (or trio) of Aenguls who take up the mantle of the gods of nature within the mortal realm. Indeed, the Aspects hold a lot of weight within the realm of mortals, acting through their intermediaries and servants- the Druids, to maintain the wilds. However, an Aenguldaemon can rarely if ever directly intervene in the affairs of the mortals. On top of that, the main realm of existence is highly coveted, and many deities compete for influence and power over the descendent races. The Aspects would come to realize they would never hold complete dominion over the mortal realm, and thus, created the fae. Before recorded history, and even before the first druid was born, Cernunnos and Cerridwen poured their energies and will into birthing a new realm of existence somewhere between the void and the spirit realm. It was the Fae. A land of which they had full control, and freedom to experiment, rule, and learn in which to better themselves in preserving balance among the Descendents’ world. Interaction Between Worlds “Superstition? Myth? Let me tell you, my friend, let your child elope into the forest on a night with no moon, and you will understand our fears are all too real.” If the circumstances are right, it is possible for beings of the Fae Realm to pass into the mortal plain of the descendents. Infact, such has occured for millenia. After all, the Aspects have influence in both and deliberately let slim gateways between the worlds remain open so the beings of Fae can help right the imbalance in nature of the mortal realm. The moon is the key to the passover. As a little known fact, the moon lives in both the sky of the fae realm and the mortal world. As such, the lunar phases of the two planes directly mirror each other. A full moon in the land of the Fae means a night with no moon for the Descendents. And it is indeed the power of the full moon, when the gateways between the worlds are strongest, that creatures of the fae pass into our world. Fairy Rings - the doors between the Fae and Mortal Fairy Rings are notorious among many for being both awe inspiring and deadly. Any elf, man or dwarf who steps foot in one finds themselves overwhelmed with the sudden ability to hear the thoughts, instincts and raw emotion of all living beings nearby. This is not a coincidence. Fairy rings are imbued with powerful magic cast by the Aspects themselves, and on nights of a full moon (or no moon, in the mortal world), they serve as the path from the Fae Realm to the Mortal. Fairy Rings exist simultaneously in both plains as well, with a fae ring in the mortal realm always being the mirror of an identical one in the fae realm. Fae creatures who step into a fairy ring on the night of a full moon will find themselves transported into the mortal world. For the descendent races, this has often had dire consequences... Realms of the Fae The Fae is the product of the two (fine, three, whatever) most powerful deities of nature having full and complete reign over a plain of existence. As such, the ecosystem of this land is so hopelessly complex and intricate that no mortal mind could hope to understand it. Thousands upon thousands of plant and animal species inhabit every single nook and cranny of the Fae realm. Biomes are not separate as they would be in the mortal plain, where desert would give way to forest, but instead all meshed together in a chaotic melting pot of pure wild overgrowth. It is near impossible to tell where one is in the Fae Realm if one judges by geographical markers. A human attempting to navigate the land would surely find himself hopelessly lost within minutes. Instead, the realm is split up by ‘time’. Indeed, the contrast between day and night does not occur via a time cycle as it does in the mortal realm, but is instead split by land. As such, the Fae Realm is divided into three regions. One of perpetual daylight, one of neverending twilight, and one of forever nightfall. Even these regions have no defined borders, as they change with the seasons. The Dayward Lands will encompass most of the Fae Realm’s landmass in the summer, yet in the winter, the lands of Twilight and Nightfall dominate the continent. The various sentient races who live in these regions thrive whenever their peak season is upon them. Dayward Lands The Springmother breathes life into Dayward. The land where the sun always shines. The Dayward lands are vibrant, colourful, energetic and loud. Home to the Satyrs, Cervitaurs and and sometimes the trickster imps. Although all realms of the Fae boast stunning biodiversity, it is perhaps the Dayward lands is the most so in terms of the sheer number of species which take advantage of the sun’s constant and plentiful rays. Twilight Bound The Horned Lord reigns during the hour of twilight. Twilight bound is the smallest of the three realms, reflective of how brief the sunset is in the mortal realm. It is a quiet, somber land, where the sky is painted a perpetual subtle orange. In many ways, this is a land of transition and passing. Like all the other lands of the day cycle, Twilight Bound is host to thousands of life forms, almost all of whom are by nature quiet, contemplative and slow, often taking the form of both youth and elder simultaneously. Nightfall Domain The Spider Maiden casts a shadow over midnight. Within the south-east of the Fae lands lies the Nightfall Domain. A land of perpetual midnight. Yet nightfall need not mean darkness. This region is alight with eerie beauty, its wild, narrow paths alit with playful will-o-wisps and its massive trees and fungi emitting an otherworldly glow. Nightfall in many ways resembles an exotic snake, colourful, mesmerizing- yet deadly, aggressive, and toxic. Many predators dwell within the Domain of the Dark, most notable the spiders, and the mischievous Imp-folk of the Nightfall Court. Peoples of the Fae Tens upon tens of thousands of animals, let alone plant forms inhabit the Fae Realm in an endless chaotic blend. However, among these, the Aspects have seen to grant sentient to a select few. Of course, as befits a realm of the Aspects, sentience is not the trump card of evolutionary advantage as it is to humankind in our own world. Sentience and intelligence of the brain is akin to the speed of a wolf, strength of a bear or gills of a fish, an evener of the playing field for those species that have none of the latter. All species live in a incoherent, chaotic, yet somehow perfectly balanced harmony in the Fae Realm, as sentient or no, no creature could ever hope to rise to rise above their place in the balance nor would they dare in the first place to affront the very creators of their world. The following species have created a niche for themselves within the anarchy of their world. The Imps of Twilight Court No one could be blamed for assuming these doe-eyed, miniscule creatures could ever do them any harm. However, this misconception would certainly lead to that person’s demise. Sharp, deceitful, and cunning to a fault, the Imp-folk of the Twilight Court dominate the Sunset Domain of the Fae, a land they consider their own. After all, while they would never dare to assume themselves above the balance, every ecosystem needs an apex predator, surely. The Capital of the Imp-Folk is a lavish palace deep within the southern tip of the Twilight domain, known as the Twilight court. It is a construct woven into the giant luminous fungi and moon-trees with eerily beautiful perfection. There, the Imps revel and feast on alien beasts they’ve hunted that stand twenty or thirty times their size. Indeed, the Imp-Folk are deadly, unrivaled hunters. Many believe this is because they have been shown direct favour by the Horned Lord himself, Aspect of the hunt. Their small form allows for natural stealth, and as if that was not enough, they possess the ability to cloak themselves in shadow and go unseen for long periods of time. Their weapon of choice is the blowdart, small enough to handle efficiently, and usually coated in the hundreds of different poisons the Imp-Folk’s master alchemists have concocted for different types of prey. Imp-folk may hunt with the savagery of tribals, yet possess a very complex society. The Imps are ruled by their High King, an elected position for life. Political intrigue among the nightfall court rivals, if not outdoes the complexity and intricacies of that of humans and elves in the mortal realm, with constant power plays, seductions and assassinations. On the night of the full moon, it is the Imp-Folk who pass through the fairy rings in greatest numbers, into the mortal realm. This is because that the greatest catch of all for the small hunter is no beast, but is infact, manling. Imps will cloak in the shadow of night, prowling the woods near human settlements to search for children who have wandered off alone, or babies abandoned in the forest. They take these human infants back through the fairy ring into the Fae Realm, where they become adored as prized pets in the Nightfall Court. However, when the humans grow too old, big and unattractive, they are soon disposed of… One thing is certain, many a mother would rather set herself aflame than let her children run alone into the wilds during a night with no moon. The Satyroi and Cervitoi Lazy, promiscuous and carefree, the Satyroi and Cervitoi are two cousin races that are not only the one of the more prominent in the Eternal Forest, but also commonly seen in the world of the Descendents. For not only are they one of the few races that cross regularly between plains, they are the only ones to have integrated among the society of Elves and Men, to the point where many believe they are actually natives to Axios, and not emigrants from another world. In the realm of the Fae, the Satyroi and Cervitoi are nomadic beings who roam from place to place, primarily within the Dayward Realm, where their magic is strongest. Their passion for music is unrivaled. With exotic instruments like the pan flute and sitar, it is said they can weave the nature around them with their melodies in such a way that a path through the overgrowth is always made for them. It is unknown why the Satyroi and Cervitoi of the mortal realm do not possess this magic of song, but it could be something to do with the lifestream of the Fae and their connection to it, some claim it to be the direct blessing of the Springmother herself, Aspect of Life, who favours these races with her gift of life magicks. In the Fae Realm, these cousin species have seen better days. Their nomadic nature and song-spells brought them deep into the Nightfall Domain, where their presence interrupted a very delicate state of balance among the Imp-Folk’s sacred hunting grounds. As a result, the Satyrs and Cervitaurs were mercilessly hunted out of Nightfall, their numbers diminished significantly. Sometimes, the Imp-folk venture into the Dayward Realm to hunt the Satyroi once more for their insolence. It is during these brief phases of warfare that many Satyroi and Cervitaurs flee to the Fairy Rings to seek passage into the mortal realm, where they can join their cousins in among the descendent races for refuge. The Zhuanth Deep in the heart of Nightfall domain lies a sea of silken webs. Strands of wiry white stretching from branch to branch of old elder trees, tall as mountains, now withered and dead. Any who stumbles upon this site will know they’ve come upon the gossamer citadel of the venerable spider-folk of the Fae Realm. The Zhuanth vary massively in size. While some can be as tall as 14 ft and twice as long, others could fit in the palm of an adult human’s hand. Despite that, no matter the size, all the Zhuanth are equally intelligent. They possess a form of telepathic communion between one another that is easily as subtle, complex and nuanced as human or elvish language. Despite their intimidating appearing, the Zhuanth are not aggressive. They do not attack unprovoked and in general roam the Fae Realm, methodically going about their business, grim as that business may be. The purpose of the Zhuanth is macabre indeed. For, peaceful as the creature is, they spend their days (or nights, depending on where you are) finding the deformed, the old and the terminally ill of plant and animal species alike, and euthanizing them. A gentle touch from one of a Zhuanth’s eight legs will sap the lifestream out of an organism and put it to rest. No one knows why the Zhuanth do what they do. The Imps and the Satyroi believe that the spider-folk are servants of the Spider Maiden herself, Nemiisae the Aspect of Darkness. But whatever they may be, they have become a staple among the ecosystem of the Fae, seen as accepted harbingers of ends. Rarely beast or sentient creature resist when a Zhuanth comes to put them to rest, for they know they are part of a balance, and that the old, sick and unfit must give way to new life. The Soulbound Servants Guardians, oracles, sages, and immortals. The Soulbound of the Fae Realm are akin to demigods in the world that they inhabit. However, they were infact once mortals. Druids from the mortal realm, to be precise. It has always been taught among the Druids that when a brother or sister of the order passes on, their soul passes on to the Eternal Forest, the Aspects realm. That much is true, and when a druid dies, their soul is lifted into the Fae Realm, where they transcend out of their physical bodies and become guardian spirits, become a Soulbound Servant of the Fae Realm. The Soulbound can take the form of an incorporeal spirit, or the physical body they had in life. They can switch at all. Respected and revered by all races as the chosen vessels of the Aspects themselves, the Soulbound enjoy their life after life by serving as wise men and priests. The most dimwitted of rock-creatures to the most cunning of Imps will travel across the entire Fae for the chance to meet one of the Soulbound and receive words of wisdom. What the soulbound looks like, how they act and where in the Fae they reside generally is reflected by how they were in life. A fiercer warrior druid would find himself as a spirit of war, blessing fighters in the Twilight and Nightfall Realms, whereas a gentler druid of the harvest would likely find herself tending to softer creatures in the Dayward Way. Other Sentient Species Many species with the gift of intelligence have found niches for themselves in the Fae Realm. The Featherfolk Living in cocoon, hive-like structures dangling off the highest of elder trees in the Dayward Realm, the Featherfolk are a wise, pragmatic people that have the beak and feathers of an avian, yet the bipedal posture of a man. This has not made their flying any less skilled, however. The featherfolk soar effortlessly through the sky. They subsist on a simple hunter/gathering lifestyle using their bird-like assets. The Unicorns In the plains of the Twilight Realm, the Unicorns ride. Resembling a horse from the mortal realm, yet far more intelligent, the Unicorns have a language of their own with a subtle sophistication that no outsider can learn. Whoever manages to rub the horn of the Unicorn is supposedly blessed with tremendous luck by the Aspects, prompting (foolish) Satyroi, Impfolk and Featherfolk to travel across the entire Fae Realm to seek out these four-legged oracles. The Sprites Another species seen fairly commonly in the mortal realm, the Sprites are indeed a people originating in the Fae. Small, palm-sized creatures with bug-like wings and mono-coloured human shaped bodies, other species rarely give Sprites a second glance. The small beings tend to revel in mischievousness and troublemaking. The Petrusites Living in intricate, maze like warrens dug deep into the wondrous hovering mountainsides and inverted cliffs of the Nightfall Realm, the Petrusites are creatures made entirely of rock. While somewhat simple and dimwitted, they are by definition Sentient and possessive of language, communicating through a series of rock-like grinding and groans. Petrusites are not born, but instead formed out of the earth itself. Rarely, they can be gifted with rare minerals embedded within their rocky bodies. The Imp-Folk of Twilight have hunted Petrusites for centuries, seeking the prized jeweled buried in their rocky hides. Conclusion The Fae Realm exists as a plane of existence separate from our own, yet connected by thin threads. For now, the effect the Fae has had on the world of elves, men and dwarves has been minimal, but who knows what the future will bring- for those who are faithful to the Aspects, and those who are not. OOC DISCLAIMERS: 1) I am aware there are other versions of people’s lore of the Aspect’s realm. This is my take on it. I’m in contact with the main lore writers of the other group of druids and I’ll be seeing if we can merge our ideas or adapt to one another if necessary, if there is a major conflict in lore facts, I won't push for this lore to be implemented until it's resolved. 2) No none of these creatures I intend to make playable like the Hou-zi. Events only. I would also like to add that some sections are scant on depth and info because this post is really just an introduction. I plan on adding much more depth to the Fae Realm lore by making frequent add-on posts of new races/events/etc in the future. 3) Please forgive any shitty writing, I did this at 4AM mostly
  4. Techs I still cant edit my posts it does this weird thing where the text doubles then when I refresh the page it reverts back to its un-edited form

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      Oh well its not an urgent thing at least you guys know about it

  5. k guys im complete goodbye forever


    1. Gone


      And already it doesn't match again.


    2. excited


      not anymore bastard

  6. once i achieve a 1:1 rep to post ratio i can finally quit LOTC

    1. Chaw


      quick everyone give him rep

    2. JVQ


      Elven screamers with fingers on the buttons

  7. everyone going through LOTC withdrawal but u blew $600 so you could play zelda on a switch specifically to avoid this problem

  8. youve seen chinese monkey people

    now how about indian bird people


    race lore pt. 2 feathery boogaloo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smaw


      This isn't lore, it's the start of a Premium Beastiality RP server.

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Smaw I ran out of rep so +1 made me laugh

    4. iris1612


      Indian bird people you say...


      @Birdnerdy @Pureimp10 had a love child

  9. THE CITY OF THE GOLDEN SUN 14th of Sun’s Smile, 1602 “It’s a salad bar of horrors.” “What?” A flash of metal glinted off a ray of sun then cleaved downwards, slicing away at the thick overgrowth. Two men stepped through the rudimentary path that had been made as they continued to bushwhack their way through the jungle. “This place, a salad bar of horrors, on account of the vegetation and the fact you can find the whole freak show here. Angry orcs, monkey men, rivers of fire…” “No, I meant what is salad bar?” Replied a thick Harian accent. “Elven thing, I think.” The second man shrugged and moved on, raising his machete and continuing to cleave a path through the sea of flora. He was a short, thick set man, baring the dark, sun crisped skin of a Qalasheen, his full faced curly beard likely not practical in the humid airs of the tropics. His companion was taller and golden haired, his once fair skin now burnt red under the southern sun. A period of silence drifted between them, broken only by the slashing of plant life. “Do you think it’ll be worth it?” Asked the blonde man. “I hope so.” “Their lives, I mean.” “Dead is dead, we knew risks.” Blondie couldn’t help but feel a bit rebuffed at his dark skinned companion’s stoicism, but he knew he was right. He paused to wipe a gleam of sweat from his sunburnt brow, then reached into his satchel, pulling out an aged compass. He narrowed his eyes to examine it. “We’re due north, still on track.” Three Weeks Earlier The world had many opportunists and scoundrels, but Salim Ibn Hamid was among the best of them. At least that’s what he would liked to have thought. Word of the expedition had spread far, posters had been spread across Bastion, Aleksandria and Sutica. Find your Fortune! A city of gold nestled in the asul jungle! Travel to Haria, join the expedition! Selim’s Pathfinders await you. Naturally, any sane man would dismiss a crazy proposal like this, ignore it, and carry on with their normal lives. However, the world was full of people who were not quite sane, or perhaps simply desperate enough to make the gamble. Indeed, a baker’s dozen of men, all human, had travelled to Haria. They had gathered in a smokey [[why is the word h o o k a h censored guys cmon]] lounge in the sandy desert city. Selim drew his silk cloak across his breast to give off an air of importance and stepped onto a table, clearing his throat for everyone’s attention. His brown skin had been powdered, and his beard trimmed in the fashion that Qalasheen nobles wore. Appearances were important. The people he had lured were a different story. Peasants, mostly disillusioned farmers and fishmongers, and one leather-bound man with a worn arming sword strapped to his hips. Likely a mercenary, and the only other Qalasheen in the bar. Selim spoke. “Salaam, rafiqi! You are here because you saw my call. Well, I will tell you- the posters did not lie!” A murmur rippled through the small crowd. Selim continued. “The men of the Westerlands have discovered a new people, beasts who walk and talk like us, yet have the fur and tails of monkeys!” “So, like the cat-men?” “Yes, yes.” Selim grunted, waving off the comment with mild irritation. “But they are not what concerns me. Further rumours say these monkey men left behind a grand palace city, made of gold, silver and all other precious stones imaginable! And the best part, rafiqis, they leave it abandoned!” Another murmur rippled through the crowd, this one with more of an air of concern. A blonde man waved away a cloud of ****** smoke near him then spoke up. “I heard of that. I heard the place is cursed. You walk in there and you begin shriveling up like a raisin.” Selim scoffed. “Pfah! You know what I think? I think these monkey men have simply fallen too far, they no longer have the population to maintain the city, so they live outside and tell everyone it is cursed so no one will deface it. I think we’re being played for fools!” Another murmur, this one showing excitement. He was slowly turning the crowd. “You know what I say, gentlemen? I say the riches of that city are ours for the taking! I say that all we need to be is the first group willing to make the journey, and we’ll live the rest of our lives in luxury! You would not have come all this way if not for that hope, do not give it up now. What do you say?!” A lengthy silence ensued. Selim’s gaze faltered. Perhaps he hadn’t been as stirring as he’d hoped. The qalasheen mercenary pushed himself up to his feet, nodding. “I am Abram. I will go.” The dominoes began falling, the blonde man rose up as well, his voice light. “Me too. Name’s Tanner. I have seven mouths to feed and cobbling just doesn’t do it. I’m in.” One after the other, folk stood and affirmed their support. Two days later, they had departed upon a sleek schooner off the Harian docks and began sailing southward down the coast towards the jungles. The jungle was a chorus of song. Parrots screeched and swooped from branch to branch, foliage rustled, and cicadas chirped. The voyage down the coast had been uneventful, save for some pleasant scenery. The plains of northern Asul eventually transformed into the rocky cliffs and dense jungle landscapes of the south. Days had passed now, and the unlikely group of intrepid adventurers had left their ship docked in a hidden cove, to venture into inland. On their backs they wore heavy travel bags and in their palms they grasped crude machetes. They had made a brief stop by the coastal village of the Hou-zi. Selim had been very clear. We are simple merchants. We sell whale oil and are here to restock our rations before sailing back up to Linandria. It had worked, the monkey men were friendly- if distant, formal and mildly suspicious. They’d grown used to humans due to their interaction with the Westerlands, but the reverse was not true. Some of the expedition members marveled at the magnificent new creatures before them. Some kissed their Lorraine crosses and sought protection from these clearly unholy abominations. They had departed, but naturally instead of sailing up to Linandria they had found a depression in the coastline and docked, sallying into the jungle in search of the fabled golden city of the Hou-zi. Now a row of destitute men carved their way through the jungle, the sea now a distant memory. Selim came to a halt, the prim Qalasheen looked up from the faded map his face had been buried and turned around to his troupe. “If my charts are accurate, we must be close. Abram, Tanner, scout ahead for flat ground to camp on. God willing, tomorrow we will be rich men!” Tanner the blonde cobbler and Abram the stoic Qalasheen mercenary followed the trail back to the group, one they had cut on their forward scouting mission. The sellsword had found a stark piece of grass to chew on. “Why do I always draw the short draw, Abe? You think Selim doesn’t like me?” “I do not think he cares about any of us. I think he will take first chance to rid of us once he gets his plunder. We must be wary.” “You think? The man may be a toady but he wouldn-...” Tanner’s eyes went wide as he was cut off by a palm suddenly and firmly clasping over his mouth. “Quiet.” Abram hissed. The two ducked into the thicket, crouching behind a thick tree. Ahead of them was their group. But they were not alone. As everything went silent, Selim looked up from his map. It took him a moment to process what was now in front of him. In the trees, a dozen Hou-Zi. But these were not the docile villagers they had encountered earlier. These Hou-Zi were feral. Their coloured faces were painted red, they ornamented their limbs with bones, and they carried spears tipped with barbed obsidian. They spoke no words. Only watched, their eyes inhuman. The humans slowly gathered around Selim, understandably nervous, murmuring under their breath. “We should have known. They would know...” “God’s punishment for our dishonesty…” “They’ll kill us…” “Quiet!” Selim hissed. He then took in a deep breath, put on his best diplomatic smile and ventured forward towards the tribal monkey-men, his arms spread wide to show he meant no harm. He then spoke, ingratiatingly. “Good Houzee… we mean you no harm! Our ship was wrecked off the shore and we were forced to venture into your jungle. See us on our way and we will continue heading north… to Aleksandria.” The fearsome painted Hou-zi looked among themselves briefly. One swung down from the tree. He was tall, easily over six feet. His fur was a deep crimson red and the leathery skin of his face golden. He was a seasoned warrior, a leader. His voice was a growl. “You lie. We follow you. We see you dock ship by shore. You seek theft from Hou-zi.” Selim paled. He took a step back, his confidence shattered as he began to waver. “N-no! I can assure you there’s been a misunder---...” His words turned into gurgles, on account of the obsidian barb that had just forcefully entered his trachea. The crimson Hou-zi yanked his knife out of Selim’s throat, whose corpse crumpled lifelessly to the ground. Blood splattered the monkey’s golden face. “Shāle tāmen!” And the spears began to rain down. The humans screamed, three were immediately impaled. One in the neck, one in the chest, one in the knee. The rest of the group dashed tried to dash into the forest in all directions in a delirious panic, only to be cut off by the primate warriors, infinitely more agile than them. The slaughter was brief, but lasted just long enough. From behind the thick tree, Abram tugged Tanner’s sleeve. “We must go. Now.” The cobbler was absolutely no hero, and after snapping out of his daze of numb horror quickly nodded in agreement. The two scrambled north, no longer cutting through the thicket, but tearing through it clumsily like charging bulls. The crimson furred chieftain looked to his left, all the humans had been slain, blood pooling from their contorted corpses on the wet jungle floor. He saw two more silhouettes disappear northward. He considered chasing, then simply grunted. Let Jing-Taiyun eat them alive, if that is what they wish. “It’s a salad bar of horrors.” Tanner and Abram had been alone for days now, perhaps a week. Neither of them had been keeping count. The jungle’s streams kept their hydrated, the coconuts in the trees kept them alive. Their clothes were ragged, skin covered in scabs, and eyes weary. “I can’t die out here, Abram.” The blonde bemoaned. “I have family.” Abram grunted as he continued to cut his way stoically through the forest. “Six kids, little brats. Old hag of a wife, screamed my ear off for wantin’ to go on this venture. But they rely on me, Abram. I thought I could bring home a sack of monkey gold, have ‘em want for nothing for the rest of their lives. Now I’m gonna die out here and leave them starving.” “Tanner.” “Little Liz, she’s the smallest of ‘em. Not even five, won’t last the winter without m--..” “Tanner.” “What?!” “We’re here.” Tanner blinked, rubbing his eyes and doing a double-take. They had stumbled out the thicket, which ended completely abruptly, the treeline ending, making way for the glory that was once the Hou-Zi empire. Jing-Taiyun stood before them. “It’s… beautiful.” Tanner ventured out into the vast central courtyard of the ruined city. Colossal, austere statues of Hou-Zi in intricate garb and armour glared down at him, as if expressing their distaste that their sanctuary had been disturbed. The entire place was silent, unnaturally so. No birds sung, no wind blew, even the trees were silent. Abram rubbed his arm and furrowed his brow. “I feel...odd, something is in air.” Whatever the weight of the situation was, the cobbler didn’t pick up on it. “Abram, come on! Let’s make off with what we can.” “And then what?” “We head north, Aleksandria. Sell our loot, live like kings.” “Tanner, look around.” Only half listening to the mercenary, Tanner scurried about the courtyard. He checked old, ancient alleys and decayed gardens. He looked behind statues and under rubble. Gradually, his enthusiasm ebbed, until it lost steam entirely. “There’s nothing.” He muttered. “No gold, no jewels. It was a lie.” Abram nodded solemnly, “Picked clean. We should have figured.” Tanner looked down, then up again, a brief flicker of hope in his gaze. “The throne room! There must be one. There, in that big palace at the end of the courtyard.” Abram opened his mouth to protest, but the cobbler had already begun scurrying off to the imposing, sharp-roofed palace at the end of the plaza. It was an intimidating, huge building which had withstood the centuries of decay around it. “Tanner… to defile a throne, even if this city is not cursed.. It is an omen.” “Pish. The only damnation I fear is from GOD, and he cares not for a heathen city built by beasts.” Grunted the blonde, striding in through the massive open gates to the palace. Abram stayed outside, hand on the hilt of his sword, nervous. The main entrance led straight to the throne, a dazzling fixture made entirely of turquoise jade. Not an an inch of it wasn’t covered extensively in detail, frescoes and carvings of dragons, tigers, swords and the sun lathering its surface. Its imposing size made the cobbler look very small indeed. At the very top of the throne was a statuette. Not particularly big, but easily the most notable feature. It was a darker shade than the rest of the throne, carved in the shape of a regal Hou-zi, wearing a crown, ornate armour and a bo-staff. It rang with an otherworldly aura, as if calling to anyone brave enough to claim it. Tanner licked his lips, grinning. He clumsily climbed up the throne, which obviously had been built for a creature, a king- a god, much larger than him. He clasped his hands around the idol and began tugging, seeking to detach it from the throne. “Come on now…” he grunted. The massive throne room doors slammed close behind him, on their own. Tanner blinked. Abram began shouting from the other side, his voice alarmed. Tanner couldn’t hear through the walls he was now trapped in. He fell deathly silent, the blood draining from his face as he realized his fate. The entire room began to emanate a red glow, shaking, rumbling. A voice spoke, its source clearly from the idol, as it glowed deeper than anything else . It was not loud, not booming, not imposing. It was an omnipotent voice that carried itself as naturally as leaves on the wind. Yet it shook Tanner to his very soul. Bei Dao Dong Dao Xi Dao When the Hou-Zi conquer the trials of all corners of the earth as their forefathers did, the Golden Sun shall return to them. Tanner released the idol frantically, stumbling and collapsing like a limp fish from the throne. His mild reeled, he scrambled backwards on his rump, eyes wild, manic. Tell them this, son of Horen, and do not further interfere in a destiny that is not yours. With a whimper which turned into a shriek, Tanner jolted up and exploded out of the throne room like a startled deer, as if he had suddenly been unfrozen from time. He ran, ran and ran. Ran until the cursed city was no longer in his view. It was finally then, back in the thick, singing jungle that he stopped to catch his breath, his mind finally beginning to process what had happened. Abram had followed him, panting, he finally caught up from behind. “Tanner… what did you see?” The cobbler gulped. “We need to go back.” “...Back?” “...To the Hou-Zi village.” Abram blinked, his eyes going wide. “Are you mad? The savage ones will kill us.” “No… they won’t. I… we need to go back.” Three Isles Three Sons Three Trials Show us you are worthy. Golden Sun awaits your return, Hou-Shen.
  10. ((I like what you did with the screenshot, very creative
  11. hey its late march and we're still getting gingerbread

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zhulik


      i'd come up with some shitty retort but that made me chuckle here's a (you)

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth




    4. WuHanXianShi14


      forgive me da ge

  12. I think these are a nice fit in the lore, compounded with the amount of time and effort squirt has put into this, I give a solid +1
  13. Tell me where it would fit in chronology wise and I'll be happy to put it in
  14. I look forward to it, I just put in basic high elf parts as placeholders, knowing you guys are working on your thing.
  15. It does actually most maps have had detailed ancient history akin to this one its just been hidden from the public eye. And if something doesn't have ancient history then feel free to write some for it. I never got the "If I don't have lore then no one can" mentality. This is actually rather general if you read it. The basic rise and fall of Kingdoms and major wars. No real minute details here. It parallels real world history. We know Ancient Sumeria existed 5000 years ago, we know roughly when it rose, and when it fell. We know a few small details, but other than that things are obscure. Actually this lore opens up a wealth of events for people to do within the context of this maps history. Two that I have planned in the near future are for the dark elves (venturing into the ceru mountains to discover the secrets of Azul) and the Hou-Zi (reclaiming their ancient lost palace from the Poison). all events that bring RP and wouldn't be there if this lore was not written. So safe to say they will have consequence on roleplay. Hell, even if they didn't bring events, its just a nice thing to have. Gives cultures something to build off of. Casual conversation in day-to-day RP. "Hey papa can you tell me what our ancestors were like?" This ancient history lore gave birth to the Hou-Zi playable race, which 20+ people have been RPing. There is more to come, in terms of events and stuff. Safe to say, this lore will definately have a purpose, in active RP, and also just in giving our map a bit of character. The actual physical creation of the high elf race is ancient in lore and has been for awhile if I remember correctly. Mithradites and his people are currently working on official high elf lore. Once its finished I presume itll be added to here. Nothing is final of course, things will shift and change to accomodate what works best for the lore of individual groups.
  16. Its a moot point, because this is all accepted lore already. In any case, anyone who doesn't like the existence of abundant history lore is free to... ignore it? No need to rain on the parade of people who enjoy having these things to work with. Nobody will be forcing anyone to interact with this if they don't want to.
  17. Well we tried making map history secret in the past and we all know how well that worked out. Also Axios was not part of Aegis as far as I know since no one tried to correct me otherwise when I spent the last 5 months getting this lore written and accepted.
  18. History of Ancient Axios I - The Birth of Ancient Kingdoms and Empires (5000-4300 YA) 5000~ YA During the creation war with Iblees, Malin and his children are isolated from his three brothers and driven across the sea to Axios. With the help of the druidic dragon Taynei’Hiylu, they defeat Iblee’s forces on prehistoric Axios and make their way back to Aegis to deliver the Archdaemon’s final defeat alongside Horen, Krug and Urguan. Iblees enacts his curse upon Malin and Aerial delivers her blessing, effectively giving birth to the Elven race as we know it. 4900~ YA Malin departs with his Elven children from Aegis, back to Axios, where he founds the Kingdom of Malin. The capital city is built on the center of the modern day Isle of Malin (Spawn isle). The elves spread across all of Axios, building cities where they go. Capital of the Kingdom of Malin - elcihi Malinor The art of Druidism takes solid root within the elven people, guided in part by Malin himself. The Aspects begin to grant their powers to the elves. As a result, the Meldamiriel are born. Ents with the purpose of safeguarding the elves. However, the guardian tree-folk soon go haywire, and the elven people are forced to slay that which once protected them. 4700~ YA Metzli, in her first attempt at creating a patron race, uplifts a species of primates in the Southern Asul Jungle. This new sentient race of bipedal monkeys become known as the Hou-Zi, and are led by Hou-Shen, their god-king gifted with immortality by Metzli. They develop rapidly in their jungle, building their capital city of Jing-Taiyun. Jing-Taiyun, grand palace of the Hou-zi 4400~ YA Human migrants from an unknown place of origin arrive in the north of the isle of Tahn. They settle in the deserts and found several prosperous trading posts, which eventually evolve into sophisticated, highly advanced cities- the largest and most important of which being Al-Damunhur. Peaceful relations and small-scale trade occur between them and the much larger Kingdom of Malin. Al-Damunhur, the desert jewel of Masur 4300~ YA The First Hou-zi War The Hou-Zi, guided by god-king Hou-Shen, erupt out of the southern jungles, and the first Mali-Houzi war begins. The Hou-zi conquer all of the isle of Asul, the southern chunk of Ceru and coastal regions of Tahn. They are repelled by the elves forces from taking the rest of the Kingdom of Malinor’s territory. The war grinds to a standstill, although the Hou-zi keep their conquered territory, giving birth to the Hou-zi Empire. Maximum Hou-zi territorial expansion after the first great Mali-Houzi war 4100~ YA The elder Archdruids of Old Malinor present an ancient magic to Malin, one which can harness and weaponize nature in order to defend elven lands. This is a word altar, using the power of the elven tongue to assume complete and full control over an entire forest. Malin authorizes its development, but when something goes wrong, an entire forest goes haywire and savage. Many perish, and an entire ecosystem is thrown off-balance. Horrified, Malin orders the banning of word altars, and all existing ones are buried deep beneath the earth, guarded by Ents. A word altar II - Collapses and Fragmentations, and Unifications (3900 - 2600 YA) 3800~ YA First Downfall of the Hou-zi Hou-Shen decides he has gone too long without expanding his Empire. The 100 year ceasefire between the Elves and Hou-zi comes to an end. The Hou-zi strike at the isle of Malin, aiming to conquer the capital of the Kingdom of Malin to annex the elven nation in its entirety. Malin and Hou-Shen fight a great battle on the isle of Malin. Hou-shen is slain, causing the Hou-zi army to be routed and slaughtered. The elves under Malin begin a bloody reconquista of all lands formerly taken from them by the Hou-zi. Hou-zi colonists in these lands are slaughtered en-masse. Without Hou-shen to guide them, the Hou-zi only manage token resistance. Eventually they flee back to their heartland, the jungles of Jing-Taiyun. The old god “Poison” descends down to taint the Hou-zi capital of Jing-taiyun. The Hou-zi scatter into the deep jungles to live in hiding for centuries. When the elven army arrives, they see nothing but a ruin, and promptly leave. Unification of Masur The various human merchant city-states begin to war with one another. The conflict between the Hou-Zi and Elves had provided them with boundless wealth and fortune due to wartime profits and selling to both sides. The increased wealth meant more to fight over between the desert-dwelling humans. Eventually, a general named Imab Achure rises to power and conquers the entire desert peninsula, uniting all the squabbling human cities under his rule and forming the Kingdom of Masur. The Masurites created knights out of clay, then used unique magics to animate them, turning them into automatons of war. 3800 - 3100~ YA The Kingdom of Malin enjoys a few centuries of peace and prosperity, once more the largest dominant power within the isles of Axios. 3400-3300~ YA The Dwarven Wars The Dwarves sail down from their homeland of northern Athera to the isles of Axios. Motivated by iblee’s curse upon their race- greed. They seek lands and wealth for their people. The Dwedmar land upon the southern isle of Asul and begin to ransack the elven cities and townships there with their golems of war. Malin, shocked by this sudden and lightning invasion, detaches a large army to sail south to Asul to meet the Dwarves in battle. Several major encounters between the two armies are had. Ultimately, the elven host and their command over the wilds decisively defeats the Dwarves and their golems, repelling them to the sea. Some say that an ancient and now forbidden magic known as a Word Altar was used to take direct command of nature to repel the invading armies. The scars of this battle are seen today in the northeastern end of Asul. The Elves of Malin’s Kingdoms fight the Dwarves on northern Asul 3100~ YA Larihei, an influential leader in the Kingdom of Malin and founder of Malinor's grand library, discovers the golden pools in old, primordial enclaves of Axios. Drawn by their power, her and her followers begin bathing in them, beginning the centuries long process of transformation into High Elves. Little changes in the short term. 3000~ YA Birth of the Dark Elves Veluluai, an explorer and close advisor to Malin, comes across the ruins of Jing-Taiyun and enters it for documentation. The “Poison”, still enacting its influence, is infuriated by the insolence of these mortals. He curses Veluluai and all her followers to have skin as black as ash and be burdened with insanity. Veluluai and her followers escape the ruins of Jing-Taiyun. They crash their ship and wash ashore by a local coastal village. Driven by their curse’s insanity, they slaughter the local population. Horrified, Malin exiles Veluluai and all her followers to the frigid mountains of Northern Tahn. Veluluai seeks the blessing of the moon spirit Luara, who grants her and her followers their sanity back, in return for their worship. Veluluai accepts this offer and together with her people create a kingdom deep beneath the mountains- Magara’lin. The dark elven race is born. Magara’lin - Capital of the first Dark Elven nation under Veluluai 3o00~ YA Malin becomes concerned with the experimentations and attitude of Larihei. He sees her philosophy of research and progress to be unproven and potentially dangerous, and thus orders a cease and desist on her voidal studies and bodily alteration via the golden pools. Larihei refuses, and her people simply move their grand library deep underground where the golden pools are hidden, continuing their work. Malin, for reasons yet unknown, disappears. As a result, the glue which held the Kingdom of Malin together quickly falls apart. This proves to be the seminal event which leads to the fracture of the Elven race. 2900~ YA The High Elves Emerge Larihei and her people have become noticeably taller, sleeker, and lighter of hair and skin. This draws mixed reactions from the old “proto” elves of Malin’s Kingdom. The High Elves begin developing a society revolving around science and the arcane, feeling no real loyalties to Malin’s teachings, as he had abandoned them. Eventually, feeling ostracized by their older elven cousins and feeling under threat of violence due to their highly divergent way of life, they exodus from the cities of Malin’s Kingdom, to the far west- where they live in isolation for centuries. They found Elcihi'thilln, the capital of Haelun'or and seat of Larihei's power. Elcihi'thilln, the center of high elven civilization on Ancient Axios. 2850~ YA Birth of the Wood Elves Irrin Sirame, a former war hero of Malin’s Kingdom during the Hou-zi wars, becomes a voice of devout theism within the elven people. She is a devout worshipper of the Aspects, who Malin revered. Seeing the high elves isolate themselves and abandon the “old ways” for arcanism and science, and the dark elves in exile worshipping a moon spirit, Irrin Sirame attempts to rebuild the much diminished Kingdom of Malin into a state built around worship to the Aspects, what she sees as the truest elven values. Society in Malin’s Kingdom stagnates and declines. Frustrated by her lack of progress in reformation, Irrin Sirame declares city life to be decadent and not true to the Aspect’s realm. She leads a large band of followers into the deep forests, where they separate into nomadic clans. These clans become known as seeds. The Aspects bless these elves with darker skin and shorter stature to survive in their new environment. The wood elves are born. The first Omentahu, gathering of Wood Elven tribal Seeds 2600~ YA The old cities of Malin’s Kingdom are eventually abandoned entirely, as the last remaining “old elves” either join the wood elven seeds in their deep forest, or the high elves in their isolated silver city, assimilating into both groups. Elven kind is now truly divided three ways. The High Elves of the west, the Dark Elves of Magara’lin, and the Wood Elven seeds of the deep forests. Never again would Elven Kind be truly united, politically or culturally. Political map of Axios, circa 2600 years before the present day Taynei’Hiylu, the druidic dragaar, is awoken from her deep sleep by the Aspects. She becomes the prophet of the Wood Elven people, a figure that all the squabbling, fiercely independent Seeds can get behind. She forms a clergy of druidic priests and a tribal council (the Omentahu) to ensure all wood elves maintain their cultural foundations. III - Those Who Adapt Survive (2500 - 900 YA) 2500~ YA The Second Hou-Zi Rise Metzli recovers the soul of Hou-Shen, the immortal king of the Hou-zi. She rebirths him in a body of pure white fur and golden skin. He returns to the jungles of Asul, where the jubilant Hou-Zi jungle tribes flock to him. They had been living in post-apocalyptic conditions for centuries and saw their king’s return as the beginning of their second golden age. Under Hou-Shen, the Hou-zi reclaim and rebuild Jing-Taiyun, restoring it from a ruin to a thriving capital once more. The Hou-zi nation and culture undergoes an effective full revival. 2400~ YA Hou-Shen sees the elven race is fractured. He decides now is the time to strike to rebuild his empire. The second Mali-Houzi war begins. A Hou-zi scout during the second Mali-Houzi war. The Hou-zi find each elven subrace too well adapted to their specific environments to conquer. The wood elves wage a fierce guerilla war in their forests, never accepting a pitched battle. The high elves utilize their advanced magics to repel the invaders, and the dark elven caves are simply impregnable. A united council of elves gathers on the isle of Malin to discuss the Hou-zi threat. For the first time since Malin’s dissapearance, wood elves, dark elves and high elves unite to form one common army to fight the ape-men. Hou-Shen diverts his armies to strike at the isle of Malin. There, he is repulsed, and the Hou-zi retreat back into the Jing-Taiyun jungle. The united elven council offers Hou-Shen an ultimatum. Never expand out of their jungle again, nor build any settlements aside from Jing-Taiyun. With no other choice left to him, Hou-Shen accepts, concluding the second Mali-Houzi war. 2400 - 1900~ YA The Final Hou-Zi Fall The Hou-zi Empire begins a gradual decline. With no tribute flowing in from their now lost provinces, noble families turn on one another in wars over wealth. These are known as the Jade Wars. Hou-Shen has little remaining power, commanding little influence following his crushing defeat against the elves. Hou-Shen disappears into the jungle, perhaps having lost the will to lead, or live. He is never seen again. Jing-Taiyun slowly crumbles under the weight of its own decadence and stagnation. Eventually, the old god “poison” returns to finish the job, slowly tainting Jing-Taiyun so thoroughly that no peoples could ever live there again. The Hou-zi, leaderless and disparate, scatter into the jungles once more, forming small villages that live off subsistence farming and fishing. Imperial Hou-zi culture would never rise again, nor have the Hou-zi ever reclaimed their former glory ever since. 1800-1700~ YA Fall of Masur Labourers in the Kingdom of Masur discover deposits of ‘rainbow sand’ in the east of al-Damunhur while constructing new housing. They soon discover the sand has supernatural properties, granting those exposed to it profound, lucid dreams. It is declared sacred by the King of Masur. Many in Masur find themselves slipping away under the influence of the sand, seeking to live in the endless euphoric dreams they provided instead of in reality. None suffered more than the King, who reportedly spent 23 days under the influence of the sand in a coma. When he woke, he never slept again. Having gone mad, he trapped thousands of his subjects within a burial mound to suffocate. In the aftermath of their mad king, the Kingdom of Masur fragments into many small townships. Human settlements would remain in the deserts of Axios for centuries to come, never again reclaiming their former glory. 1800 - 900~ YA An Age of Peace for the Elves With Hou-Zi civilization having disappeared into the history books, and the human Kingdom of Masur having long since fractured into squabbling city-states in the Northern Desert, the Elves remain the only major powers on Axios. The High Elves of the west, Wood Elves of the deep wilds, and Dark Elves of Magara’lin enjoy a millennium of relative peace and coexistence. They are never united as one as they were when faced with war, but conflict between them is small-scale and inconclusive. It is during these centuries of peace that things settle into a lul. IV - Rift Spread and Emigrations Follow (800-300 YA) 800-600~ YA The Wood Elves Splinter Garthon, an Archdruid of the Naelu’ir, the wood elven druidic clergy rises to power. He begins preaching rhetoric that it is the wood elves destiny to conquer and subjugate all other elves, to bring the old ways back to them. Taynei’Hiylu (The Green Dragon), seeking to avoid war, has Garthon arrested. He manages to escape. Garthon discovers a word altar, an ancient piece of forbidden magic created in the earliest days of Malin’s Kingdom. He utilizes its power for himself in order to force control over nature, giving him powers that rivals the Green Dragon herself. He begins rallying many wood elven seeds to his cause of conquest. A great war erupts between the Wood Elves. Dozens of Seeds fight with Garthon, who would give them a glorious empire, and dozens more fight for The Green Dragon Taynei- their dragaar prophet, in the name of peace. Taynei’Hiylu’s forces eventually win out in a climatic battle fought upon the isle of Malin, the traditional sight of the Wood Elven omentahu- tribal gathering. She confronts Garthon and pleads for him to surrender. Garthon manages to seal Taynei into the earth using his word altar in a last act of spite. He is then killed by Irrin Sirame, the now ancient war-lord and progenitor of the wood elves. Peace had come, and the wood elves would never spread to make war on the other elven subraces. But following the devastating effects of the war and Taynei sealed away, their people were shattered. A final omentahu is called. It is declared that all Seeds must be abolished, and the wood elves must be as one. They then embark on a great migration to the lands of Axios, leaving their wartorn and cursed lands of Axios behind. There they lived, united and sedentary, eventually forgetting their old nomadic way of life. Seed Culture becomes a thing of the past. 700-600~ YA The High Elves Flee A young mali'aheral seeks to rise up in the meritocracy of ancient Haelun'or. However, is attempted advancements and arcane inventions continuously disgrace him. Finally, when a ward of his devising goes haywire and kills two members of the silver council, Larihei steps in personally and exiles him from Elcihi'thilln. Lomal is enraged, and wanders the primal wilds aimlessly, until he finds an ancient piece of elven magic buried beneath the earth. A word altar. One of a few. He is confronted by the Daemon Tayl, who disguises himself as the spirit of a deceased Malin who has supposedly ascended to godhood. "Malin" makes a pact with Lomal, enhancing the word altar's power to be able to control and altar the physical make-up of elves via their true names. In return, Lomal must return Haelun'or to the 'rightful path' and worship Malin as a god. Lomal returns, and immediately a rift is created in Elcihi'thilln. Many influential councillors and bloodlines support him, while many remain loyal to Larihei, who sees the word altar's physical modifications as an abomination to the values of purity. For years, influence shifts back and forth via power plays, seduction politics and grand balls thrown to curry influence. War breaks out only when someone makes an attempted assassination on Larihei. Lomal's followers strike hard, and push Larihei's followers out of Elcihi'thilln. The last of the unmutated mali'aheral flee through a portal (supposedly of Larihei's making, as she had dissapeared unexplainedly shortly beforehand) and close it behind them. The portal experiences a disturbance, and the mali'aheral are ripped in two. Some would find themselves in Aegis, where they would join their elven cousins in the soon-to-be-founded city of Laurelin, and eventually assimilate. Some would end up in a primordial Asulon, where they would found a new Elcihi'thilln, which mysteriously would be in ruins when the descendents of Aegis made their way into those lands. 500-400~ YA Magara’lin is Plunged into Chaos Azul, the first son of Veluluai begins to resent the state of the Dark Elven people as pariahs and their servitude to Luara, the moon spirit. He appeals this to his mother, who scorns him for his way of thinking. Seeing no way else to progress, Azul poisons Veluluai, in an attempt to coup for power in Magara’lin and take control. Uradras, Azul’s father and Veluluai’s Husband, is devastated and infuriated. He orders Azul killed, but Azul- with a large army of followers, retreat into the deepest caves of the Dark Elven mountains. A guerilla war begins. Azul’s followers (the Azulites) fight in the name of freeing themselves from the servitude to the Moon Spirit. Uradras and his army of Vindicators fight to avenge Veluluai, mother of Dark Elves. The war ends with Azul is captured and brought to his father. The remaining Azulites, leaderless, are hunted down like dogs. Either killed or sent into exile on the surface. Uradras presents Azul to Luara the Moon Spirit, who curses him with eternal life and painful insanity. He is locked up deep within the mountains, where he still lives today, howling and wailing like a beast. Without Veluluai to guide them, the Dark Elves decide it is time to leave the caves of Magara’lin- a home she had built for them. It was time to forge their own fate. Having heard of the wood elven exodus to distant lands, they soon follow, landing on Aegis where they begin to intermingle with other elves who had already settled on that continent. Back on Axios, Magara’lin is eventually abandoned. 300~ YA The Depopulation of Axios As more and more Elves migrate to Aegis, a certain High Prince Native lays the foundation of the new capital city of Malinor. The Princedom of Malinor, an echo of the first ancient kingdom of the Elven forefather. Elves of all subraces would join this new nation, creating a polity which would survive two cataclysms, falling finally in Anthos after years of war and internal corruption. Axios, over time, is largely depopulated. The High Elves leave to join their brethren in Asulon, while the remaining wood and dark elves sail en masse to Aegis. The remaining humans of Masur had left by this point, sailing to greener pastures in other lands after having undergone a millenia of decline after their Kingdom’s fracture and fall. The Hou-Zi remain, but in far too small numbers to be considered significant. They live out their days of meager survival in the jungles and ruins that were once their great empire. Year 1571 - Common Era All Descendent races- Orcs, Dwarves, Men and Elves, step foot upon the continent of Axios. They find a wild, largely uninhabited land dotted with various ruins. The elves who land, the folk of Haelun’or, the Warhawkes, and the Dominion of Malin, unknowingly, have returned to the soil of their ancestors, where their histories began. Only time will tell of the stories of the ancient Kingdoms and Empires of this land will reveal themselves to its modern day inhabitants.
  19. Yeah it doesnt have to be extensive but it should be for any respectable world-building lore-revolving fantasy world lol
  20. I think its a moot point anyways because the doc was scrapped. But I read it too, whatever history lore was there wasn't nearly extensive enough to sustain a playerbase's RP.
  21. I got a doc with 5.0 lore (which was later scrapped, not by me). It mostly was about miscellaneous stuff like creatures and individuals. I was told there was like 80 pages of elf lore. What I found was maybe 5-7 pages (for wood elves, literally all there was was one page, and not even about the race, it was just about one person- Irrin Sirame). Nothing I found was nearly as extensive as what is written here with the actual input of dark elf RP leaders so we just overhauled it.
  22. What lore Seriously I did some deep digging and asking around when I wrote this because I was vaguely aware you'd written something before I got on the team, but no one could actually give me your lore. Not Dak (who was an LM and dark elf leader), not the LT lead, no one I guess things tend to fade into obscurity when you make them super secret and exclusive for no reason... say no to hidden lore
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