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  1. I hope by now it is clear that most of the ‘toxicity’ that comes around player bases from their leadership is mostly derived from staff pushing the constant need to be on the server at a very consistent play-style, otherwise there is punishment that comes for not having as many people online as your neighbours. Which causes discontent between the leaders of the settlement who wants his little town to flourish and the residents who simply want to have a fun time on a server whilst also living their life outside of the server. Rules and punishments that revolve around time and activity only end up hurting what they are built to support.

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    2. Hobbs_Burrows


      We had a chance to put a stop to this 4 years ago when halflings had their region deleted and village griefed by GMs for ‘not being online enough’. Players enabled this behaviour for years

      Edited by Hobbs_Burrows
    3. Harri


      toxic people are toxic that wont change

      they remain that way because staff dont know how to acutally moderate or punish players

      they also make non-toxic people toxic by creating awful systems and rule sets that promote an RPG style server where you minmax your numbers and ooc power to ‘win’ over different groups and do absolutely nothing to promote roleplay

      no one actually wants to roleplay nowadays lmao

    4. J


      the server’s loads of fun when you don’t give a **** and just hop on as a pass-time


      but you have to give a **** with a lot of the stuff these days, such as the activity checks that push more than they should

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