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Status Replies posted by Sky

  1. Collaborative coding with Telanir and Tythus. Getting stuff DONE. Hopefully we can livestream this awesomeness tomorrow!

  2. What's the life span of a half Elf half Human?

  3. What character alignment would I be if my character's belief and actions depend on who she follows? If who she follows is good, she will do good, and if they are evil she will be evil.

  4. Remember when the Delvers were respectable?

  5. ''If I truly hurt Nug’s feelings by telling him to sodomize himself with a cactus'' Oh god i'm crying, I can't stop laughing!

  6. #NekoDanie #NeverForget!

  7. Guys, if you want an event, pm an et, we get bored to .-.

  8. What is the best guild to join for fun combat


  10. When can I become implemented?

  11. Downloading the trial of WoW. Let's hope it's fun while it lasts.

  12. Are GM's allowed to make modreqs? :P

  13. *throws hands in the air* "Think of all the job opportunities lost!"

  14. Wait. Wait. Wait. When the actuall hell did Sky step down from his glorious GM-ship. SKY. I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL.

  15. Can people give me hugs please? ;c

  16. anyone want their business advertised int he Abresi Gossip????

  17. So a friend gave me a cake with icing that looked like a rug on top. I wonder what the underlying connotations could possibly be.

  18. Guys. Ocarina of Time 3DS or Link Between Worlds?

  19. Hmm, I wonder if I'm the only member in Australia browsing the forums at 2am...

  20. Guess I'm making a human character because I only live thrice... I shall call him... Allonsy. Wow.

  21. Xiryks is a very good admin.

  22. I'm a tad on the fence with snow elves. As for one: They represent how players can contribute and add something in depth and wonderful that could possibly improve the server, and the race choices on the server... On the other hand: The Signus will now have an entire race competing against them for being the most pale...

  23. Sky is like my favourite GM

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