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Status Replies posted by Sky

  1. "It's all ogre now." should be a common orc saying.

  2. http://gyazo.com/a67cb602eb3dc95edf906a1be2a3cce0 I've been waiting 2 days for someone to notice this. A new player application posted in the AT staff application forum? xD
  3. I have an issue when I go to edit my topic I can only see and edit the start of it not all of it. Help plz

  4. are all female gems some type of nobility?

  5. are all female gems some type of nobility?

  6. Staff, you really know how to definitely appeal to the playerbase :~)

  7. AC:U looks pretty sexiful...

  8. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  9. "Not everything is in the rules" ~Rhia 2014. I politely ask you take all these bullshit hidden rules and actually put them where they belong. either the trash, or the rule section.

  10. dear GMs, if you temp ban somebody, use the temp ban command (i believe it's /tempban [name] [duration]) so the ban appeals dont just sit there

  11. There is an appeal that is ghetting close to a month without a verdict, where the hell are the GMs?

  12. How to get unbanned: "MY BROTHER/NEPHEW/FRIEND DID IT"

  13. Can someone unban Marcitos123's forum account

  14. Why am I banned from the server for 3 days for saying that the dwarves raiding was bullshit?

  15. Why am I banned from the server for 3 days for saying that the dwarves raiding was bullshit?

  16. Sky is banned from my profile. Don't look at it Sky or I'll be mad.

  17. It'd be neat if Mojang made key locks. You could lock doors chests and trapdoors. You'd need to make a key though.

  18. SMITE > League of Legends

  19. "A strong axe, is a Trusty axe."-Norik Grandaxe

  20. if i was female and made an application for a staff position simply saying "i am female" i wonder how many +1's I would get? :)

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