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Status Updates posted by LPT

  1. Apparently there's a glitch that made it so my forum post doesn't get added to the main page here. Here's the link 


    1. Gemini


      I did see it on the main page thing 

  2. Day 6 of me telling everyone that the Front Page graphic has not been updated in 7 years and has a lot of outdated info. On day 7 (tomorrow) it will be a forum post 

    1. Salvo


      And it won't be for a long time

  3. League makes me want to shoot myself in the food till I slowly bleed out. Why do I still play it?

    1. Heero


      Because you're a masochistic. Plus you seem to enjoy shooting food til you bleed.

      P.S. You might wanna get that checked out.

  4. http://gyazo.com/ac8f4a2b5f36e74adcac349e84294b84 Olaf is my new favorite champion
    1. Nug


      i just went 4/2 morg support and it was a 4v5 (we won) :^)

  5. Just got 18 games off steam for 24 bucks, but my internet is so slow...

  6. I'm in Florida ... I feel so out numbered by Americans. they can tell we are Canadian by how many times I say sorry.

    1. Telanir


      Roflmao, so true. But here in Alberta... people don't say sorry that much. *gasp* Not Canadian?! :o

  7. The only thing I mainly dislike about the new update is not enough status things.

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Amen to that!, however it is much easier to see the full update list.

  8. It was to col for school today... :D so i get today and tomorow off, but I have an exam friday :(.

    1. LPT


      cold* my bad.

  9. I just got the last reference I needed on my VA. :D. Now all I need to do is wait...

  10. Just finished my religeon test, probably failed

    1. Space


      What were the questions like?

  11. I hate you fengric for getting this song stuck in my head!

  12. Well I just stayed up all night watching Community. How do I have friends?

    1. Timmeh!


      Because you watch Community.

  13. Meowooof!

    1. ryno2


      (sounds like animal version of beowulf)

  14. who want's some elf burgers!?!

    1. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      I'll take an extra elfy to go!

  15. So, the Orcs are getting alot of people, along with the Halflings, I predict Oren will fall, and Orcs will thrive with much Halfling snacks >:3/

  16. Toronto V.S Boston overtime :/

    1. 3andD


      GO LEAFS GO!

  17. Thanks Soresan, you let me have the most fun RP I have in a while, I do plan on selling your glasses though. :p

    1. Merkaken


      RUDE! Lol that was so much fun to RP with you two XD

  18. The one time I make a forum post without using google docs, it does not post... I hate my self... Now.

  19. I'm getting so sick of work, I have not stopped in a week. I have no time to RP :(

    1. Lym


      I feel you, my soviet brother. But that's just how it works, eh.

      Oh, the irony :3

  20. I have decided that I won't let work take over. Who needs sleep before twelve hours of work anyways...

    1. Kairn.


      Now you're thinking! You can sleep when you're dead!

  21. Looks like it hasn’t been fixed yet… 

    It has been 7 years since a home page graphic update. I will let people know about this every day until that's fixed.

    1. Shiredom


      They won't do it unless they get a bonus or clout of some sort.

  22. Wish i could fight the antag with you guys, sadly I am in a car...

    1. gingernut97


      That's no excuse!

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