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Bashar al-Assad

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Status Updates posted by Bashar al-Assad

  1. from the ashes burk stands tall

    1. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      from the ashes burk stands tall

  2. from the ashes burk stands tall

  3. Good day people of LoTC.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptorious
    3. 3andD


      0 spines

    4. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      I'm not returning to LoTC. I'm just apologizing.

  4. Guys it's okay. The church is now the richest organization in LoTC.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      Ebs, Viscen (crazyguy1916) is the Pope.

    3. JtPv


      ...We have an IG Holy Father? I REALLY need to learn more about that church...1517, anyone?

    4. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      He is called the High Pontiff

  5. Had electricity problems, almost was going to miss out on the launch of 3.0!

  6. Hey LoTC!

    1. Panda! At The Disco
    2. Lvke


      Prepare your bum-hole and jimmies!

    3. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      No thanks... XD

  7. I couldn't stop laughing when Lion shot Lynesse with a crossbow at the Chivay wedding...

    1. Cyndikate


      I thought Lion died.

  8. I do think that taking over Kha island is a bit much.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stevie


      So was taking all of Czechoslovakia.

    3. Stevie


      Or invading the Netherlands

    4. sir lusty

      sir lusty

      Well say that to the Norwegian king when he tried to take all of england XD damn greedy king

  9. I had a lovely vacation in the North, now I just want a tribe of wildlings. :P

  10. I just realized something, soulstones can save the Oren capital. Yay!

  11. I just wiped all my mc files and replaced them and LoTC still won't work.

    1. PtahWithin


      Delete your internet cache.

    2. Phog


      download the 1.5.1 bin and manually replace it http://www.mod-minecraft.org/minecraft-jar-download/

  12. I sell propane and propane accessories.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      10 orphans per gallon.

    3. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      My side job is being an assistant manager of a movie theatre. And I sell popcorn and popcorn accessories.

    4. V0idsoldier


      I bet you make fat stacks on that side job.

  13. I used to take arrows to the knee like you. Then I bought knee pads

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. blindmind


      This joke won't stop at Earth. It'll destroy every organic being in the galaxy if we don't find a way to stop it.

    3. DKC1011


      Forgive the insubordination, but this old friend has an order for you. Go out there and give them hell, Blindmind, You were born to do this.

    4. blindmind


      ^ I bet you say that to every guy who gets you a homeworld.

  14. I used to think I knew what awesome was, then I saw Anthos.

  15. I'm playing LoTC on the airplane :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorious
    3. Cyndikate


      Inb4 the plane crashes

    4. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      Heaven and it's 72 virgins... -joke ends- -Seriousness begins- Just some much needed vacation time.

  16. Losers write history too.

    1. Nworb Mas

      Nworb Mas

      you write history? oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

  17. LoTC, where do dwarves come from?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      The migrants that got lost on the way to whatever doomed fortress was their destination?

    3. Yoff


      Gaius, Teach me your ways to find gifs.

    4. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Eggs, dwarves are born from eggs.


  19. My halfling char shall be the very first halfling shoemaker, he will make your shoes for 2 minas each.

    1. cometking123


      Halfling = Chinese worker at that wage.

    2. 3andD
    3. Glyc


      Halflings don't wear shoes, heretic.

  20. My LoTC decided to die and now I can't get online. But just that server. No I did not to update to 1.5.2. If anyone could help it would be great.

    1. blindmind


      Did you try backing up your MC files and then wiping the .minecraft folder?

    2. Bashar al-Assad
  21. My two favorite FMs got demoted... Why?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bashar al-Assad
    3. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Also in respect to AiiM I won't divulge why he is no longer on the team. If you wish you can inquire to him. I am sorry you are disappointed, hopefully we can churn out a couple new favorites for you.

    4. Raptorious


      Lol nordlord you utter bellend, I quit, I didn't get demoted. You can't demote this.

  22. No.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CowsGoMoo


      . . .

      No to your no.

    3. Telanir


      If Skippy posts this on another one of my status updates... *fumes silently*

    4. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      Telanir, I will beat him!

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