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Status Updates posted by Josh3738

  1. First they lobotomized my sheep. Now my cows don’t know how to walk and my fields forgot how to grow. Biggest sad.

    1. gandalfo


      big sad indeed

    2. SpodoKaiba


      that is a sad gamer moment if i’ve ever heard one

    3. PosidonX7


      Gave me a laugh, reading that out loud.

  2. Runesmithing DLC: “The Dwedohin Stailininn Expansion”, coming soon to a steam page near you. https://store.steampowered.com/app/716670/Stellaris_Apocalypse/

    1. Burnsy


      Runesmithing GOTY Edition cost $60, how much will this expansion cost?

    2. Josh3738


      We at Irongrinder LLC have several expansions planned for the future of our game and we greatly value our players so only $10 each.

  3. Why are orcs so mean to dwarves? Because we skin them...

    1. LPT


      Nope, because we are better, we like to pick on the Weak.

  4. Cards 'gainst Humanity M8s. Pass is Urguan. http://pyx-2.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=115

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      The connection issues are real.

  5. Thinking about putting down some more berry bushes later

    1. Netphreak


      So you're the one... For shame!

  6. Wedding breaks server...Minecraft Achievement pls

  7. Where did all my ts channels go?

  8. The disappointment...time for the 21 Smokestack salute for the two fallen dwarves.

  9. Related image


    Not seeing much winter this year...

  10. This insult cannot be forgotten

  11. Yemekar bless this monument! http://imgur.com/kMR593F 

  12. Long live the sand elves!!!

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