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Status Replies posted by iris1612

  1. human rpers who have never step foot outside of their nation are like GUNS PLEASEE!!! ITS REALISTIC!!!!

    hey this server isnt meant to be realistic :) its meant to fit a niche. go somewhere else if you want your shitty gun wielding empire rp. theres more players on the server than ur fckin ooc knight order and family line.

    1. iris1612


      society would be so much better if we could have pistol duels that's all i'm saying

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. i wanna enter my military no-brainer nation fleeper phase. what nation has some active military / knight rp rn

    1. iris1612


      i've been fleeping with the Brotherhood of St Karl in Haense, 10/10 would recommend

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. It be ya own sometimes, but can't let that disrupt the fun! Just let it add to the story of your character! ?

  4. I've run the Secret Santa the past two years is someone else gonna do it this year or should I?

  5. i love u

    1. iris1612


      @joey calabreeni i dont go into either often anymore sometimes im around haense ts but i dont rly have active discord servers. School is kicking my ass but im trying 2 get back into lotc

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Why was my post removed? DPM should have stayed banned....

    1. iris1612


      i mean its not even an "opinions different from the majority are bad xd censorship issue" its literally just fms doing their job and removing posts that are completely off-topic. "reeeee ban dpm" isn't a good comment to make on a post about defender default even if the post was made by dpm

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Why was my post removed? DPM should have stayed banned....

  8. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. iris1612


      sorry 4 late response forum ddos kept me away lal


      So I guess that I was right when I said "Nazi Germany was socialist only if you consider the state owning the means of production to be the ONLY definition of capitalism." This is a delusion that you seem to be suffering under which is simply and factually not true. Please don't link the google dictionary definition of socialism as a way to prove your point because only an utter retard would think that a dictionary page is a good argument and anyone who knows even the barest minimum about socialism as an actual system of government would know there's more too it than owning the system of government.


      "Fascism is shutting down opposing viewpoints" "fascism is threatening your opposition with violence" this is wrong. Zaebos was correct, "They use fascist tactics of forming mobs to fight folk and burn ****." Forming violent protests and attacking people to silence their opinion is something that fascists frequently, if not always do. However, if you try to take a step past toddler logic, you would realize that fascists doing something does not make everyone who does that fascist.


      This kind of logic is absurd--its like if I were to tell you "Everyone who speak spanish is mexican." Everyone (or almost everyone) who is mexican speaks spanish, but there is more to being mexican than just speaking spanish. In the same way, though socialism usually (if not always) has the state controlling the means of production, there are still other things that make a state socialist. And there is more to fascism than "suppressing the voices of people who are dissenting against you."

      also @imattyz i never said you were refuting any of my points because you obviously weren't. All i said was that you were saying completely irrelevant **** that had no prevalence to anything anyone else was saying. Do you go on random status updates to scream about communism as well? if the answer is yes you should probably seek mental help (you probably should regardless). If no, you must have had some reason for your inane shitposting though i cant really imagine what it is

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  9. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. iris1612


      the nazi party pre hitler is completely irrelevant to this debate because we're talking about Nazi Germany aka germany under hitler, after his rise to power. Again if you read what I wrote or made the slightest attempt to actually understand you might have noticed I specifically said that hitler and his allies used the national socialist party because it was popular as a stepping stone to gain political power for their fascist, non socialist goals which were then implemented in a fascist, non socialist way. So yes, the national socialist party was, in a PRE-HITLER era, an actual socialist party. That does not contradict any of what I said.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  10. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. iris1612


      "It doesn't matter what they call themselves, they're facists" aka "i have no arguments left to make but you're still wrong" i mean come on. You could at least pretend to use an ounce of rationale and actually make some points instead just saying "You're wrong" with no further explanation


      Unless you're saying that the ONLY FACTOR OF SOCIALISM IS STATE-OWNED MEANS OF PRODUCTION, which is obviously false, you have no argument. "Nazis tried to get communists on their side" doesn't mean nazi germany was a fascist state, nor does "Stalin and Hitler were both fascist." As for the second part, you're absolutely right, Stalin was a fascist, nutjob and mass murderer. But "oh look this country is fascist and this OTHER country is fascist and communist" is not a sane or rational argument for "x country is socialist." Also I'm not sure where you got the inane notion that "nazis actually tailored their arguments and positions to try and get the communists on their side" but if you knew jack **** about nazi germany you'd probably know that the nazi party was extremely anti communist. They blamed a Reichstag fire on the KPD (communist party of germany) only a month after hitler was sworn in as Chancellor following his fascist coup and used that to declare that being a member of the KPD (communist) was TREASON, and subsequently exiled many of the party leaders from germany and arrested hundreds of others.


      dunno what the **** imattyz is talking about the "Grr communism is bad" is correct but not really relevant to anything anyone's saying

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  11. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. iris1612


      As in YOUR definition of authoritarianism that YOU linked, authoritarianism is supporting or favoring strict obedience to authority. "Beating up people that disagree with them" is not only not antifa's purpose, it's the opposite of authoritarianism. For fucks sake antifa is shorthand for ANTI-FASCISM. I'm not sure how you're clueless to this but fascism is a form of authoritarianism. Antifa's ENTIRE PURPOSE is to fight AGAINST FASCISM AND AUTHORITARIANISM. To be an authoritarian group would mean they would be advocating or favoring an authoritarian position WHICH THEY ARE NOT.


      yes i'm aware socialism and nationalism aren't mutually exclusive thanks for ignoring my actual argument. You want to draw comparisons between the USSR and nazi germany? Go for it, but make sure your arguments are actually referring to the economic state and system of government and the similarities between the two nations (which you aren't). The USSR had terrible living conditions as did nazi germany, you're completely right. But I'm utterly baffled as to how you can say "WELL THEY BOTH HAD BAD LIVING CONDITIONS SO OBVIOUSLY THEY WERE BOTH SOCIALIST." I mean ****, the USSR had terrible living conditions and so does Serbia. Guess that means Serbia is socialist right guys? "Everything was owned by the state tho guys!" Wow pat on the back for that one. You're right, the state controlled the means of productions in both countries but the state owned means of production in germany because it was a fascist state lead by a fascist dictator. Same thing for "dissenting views get you killed xd" cool i guess, probably because it was a fascist, ultranationalist state. Fascist Italy also got you killed for dissenting views and, holy ******* **** get this, it wasn't socialist either!

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  12. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. iris1612


      Thank u I actually knew what authoritarian meant already and linking a screenshot of the definition doesnt make you right nor is it any kind of reasonable or rational argument.


      And yeah dude it's not like the national socialist party was used by Hitler to exploit the German people and twist their desire for a functioning economy into right-wing ultranationalism hahaha dude that's just crazy 


      Also after the FASCIST COUP that lead to the rise of Hitler the national socialist party totally didn't rebrand itself entirely and move away from actual socialism into ultranationalist "aryan socialism" and they totally weren't running a fascist dictatorship and only keeping the word "socialism" because thats what would make the people happy


      "Everyone I disagree with is hitler"  is a right wing argument against socialism now who would have thought

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  13. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. iris1612


      @Dardonas antifa isn't authoritarian its not am advocacy group for any type of government it's just a protest group


      @ShameJax do ur arms hurt from reaching that far

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  14. 11-Annoying-Things-Every-Sci-Fi-and-Fant

    1. iris1612


      yea im actually twice as clever as i think i am damn ***** gotcha xDDDDDD

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. could we please get a condemnation of the alt-left by the admin team ty

    1. iris1612


      lets be real guys i mean both sides r equally bad............. i mean sure that alt right dude drove a car into a bunch of protesters but those protesters were mean.......... very mean.............. muh statues......................

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. could we please get a condemnation of the alt-left by the admin team ty

    1. iris1612


      But isn't the alt left just as bad as the alt right??? Those nasty nasty extremists lead by secret Russian Bernia Sanders are the reason Hillary Clinton (pbuh) isn't the president!!!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. I'm pretty bored, are there any active userbases looking for players? 

    1. iris1612


      @shimmeringbliss peasant rp is very different depending on what place you rp it in, you maý find it more fun here. Haense is a relatively progressive nation that allows female characters to p much whatever they want, so if military rp interests you but you want to play a female character, haense is the place to be. There's a multitude of noble houses if you're more interested in playing a noble but I personally find there's not much difference in being noble or not. If you're still interested, please add me on skype (mr.creeper5) so we can talk more

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. I'm pretty bored, are there any active userbases looking for players? 

    1. iris1612


      Haense is a great playerbase and ranked by gms as one of the 3 most active regions in lotc. It's got a unique and interesting culture and a **** ton of lore behind it

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. Been gone for a while, where do most people hang around on the server??

    1. iris1612


      For human rp, go to alban. From spawn take the tahn boat, then head to the cart hub and take the yellow and black one to Haense, that'll take you to the capital city, Alban. It's the most active rp hub on lotc ^_^

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. looking for a decent skinner, 10k Minas payroll.

    1. iris1612


      bruh ill take u out to dinner for free damn

      wait ive made a terrible mistake

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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