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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by excited

  1. Some of these ban reports really disgust me, but it shows why villains have to interact with their victims positively ooc.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Matheus


      I'm pretty sure humans can quiet easily bring feelings into RP, were only human.

    3. zaezae


      I'm pretty sure humans can also be creative and create characters that do not represent their morality. See: Every T.V. show, book, and all media ever.

    4. Matheus


      Never said anything about that, maybe a really good RPer can play someone of complete opposite morality without ever breaking character, but those are few and far between.

  2. What's everybody's favorite event archetype? Trying to find one other than spooky to do after this Mania one is done.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Exploration. And interaction with locals. #Boarmen4Antagonist

    3. Kanrath


      exploration and searching for lost ruins/lore. The Bora and the north was my nirvana when it was around.

    4. Eli Cohen

      Eli Cohen

      And I'd vote for a trade fair with some rare or bizarre items for sale.

  3. Gone until next Wednesday, expect a plethora of events once I get home!

  4. Being a guard is funner than I expected.

  5. It looks like I've been hacked, can a GM remove my IG ET pex on aerialkebab just in case an LoTCer did it? I doubt they did, just being safe.

    1. Gunner


      Aetosion has removed your ET pex, PM me on skype when you need it back

    2. excited
    3. Aetosion


      Temp-banned your acccount, PM me here if you regain control of it.

  6. On an old laptop, God damn it barely runs.

  7. Looking for somebody to play my character's child, it can be male or female, up to the choice of the person who intends to play as them.

    1. the 1 bow

      the 1 bow

      that character better be zokk or i will be mildly displeased

    2. excited


      Nope, sorry. Lmao, I'll be playing Zokk again soon tho'.

    3. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Eh. Sure, I can. PM me 'ere or on the Skype, father Hadvar. :P

  8. What the heck happened?

  9. Gone for a week or so, ciao.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Overland
    3. TavernLich


      Bye fam, don't forget to come back to the Dark Side and don't go paladin on our asses ok? Ok. Ok? Ok. Ok? Ok.

  10. RIP Brother Hadvar.

  11. 90% of people are adunia?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. excited



    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      90% of people living at Il'Tohr, sick try bub

    4. Monomakhos


      hey you can't call it il'tohr if you want to remove owl's lore he made that name in his revisions :///

  12. God left me unfinished...

  13. Thankfully, I didn't either Pie.

  14. Excuse my shitty poetry, I feel poetic this evening.

    1. Ford


      Excuse my poetic poetry, I feel shitty this evening.

    2. RK9ify


      Poetry my shitty excuse, I feel evening this poetic.

    3. excited
  15. I had no idea I was godded, I know it's a short ban, but how do you remove a pvp timer on a new persona?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. excited


      Damn, alright.

    3. lawnmowerman


      wait what? elaborate, if possible haha?

    4. excited


      Started playing my orc for the first time in forever, made a new persona and was unaware of the pvp timer. I saw some other orcs, and they shouted for me (I believe?) so I ran over, it was a skirmish. Someone tossed me an axe so I tried to join in.

    1. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      Mithradites pulling out his little dagger to fight the menace =')

  16. Omar Grimmer'Lak for Rex!

  17. my character knows holy and dark magics and was just became a Foresworn deal with it...

  18. I'mma write a guide to fire-evocation, would I present this to the MAT and then the App team? Or to the app team and then the MAT? Or either or?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MamaBearJade


      the guide team is letting the MAT write them, so please run it by the MAT

    3. James


      I have a fire evo guide ready, but the MAT is doing magic guides.

    4. meg


      Aye, we will be handling the magic guides.

  19. don't at all

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