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Everything posted by Silevon

  1. So why are we having two week years again?

    1. Hanrahan


      Because the majority voted for it, I believe.

    2. LPT


      How did the majority vote for that, if everyone hates it. I request a re-vote

    3. Silevon


      I find it odd that all of a sudden we're doing two years. The bulk of the playerbase that actually progresses their character's age does 1 week, I know that for a fact. Two weeks is too long!


    1. TornadoWatch
    2. Aislin



  3. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  4. "If it is true son of Horen, why does they let other race in?"
  5. Could you edit Hunwald's skin? I need the clothing to be more elegant (but not too much.) If possible could you also remove his hat? I need a skin for the ball today. If you finish it quick ( it shouldn't take long ) I'll pay you three hundred Mina.

  6. "Glad I quit before I was head!," Hunwald exclaims.
  7. Very original trading topic, must say. :P

  8. Love this fish plugin.

  9. Hunwald smiles as he sees the flayed-man emblem upon one of the flyers. "Well, it seems the good Lord Tiberius is doing things. Good on him, continuing father's legacy."
  10. Now, onto finals.

  11. RIP in peace, Coastercam0 of Blackmont :-(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ever


      thank you for doing that in my place, sheumgal

    3. Urahra


      rest in RIP in piece

  12. :-( I shall remember you Coaster

  13. Somewhere deep from inside the village of Kralta, a shout is heard audibly through the lands of Oren. "Remove Mongol." Another shout is heard, this time louder and seemingly to be chanting. "Remove Reds." The last time shouting is heard, thunderous clapping begins and fireworks of red, white, and blue are set off in the night sky. Tears of joy and Carrion freedom flood from Hunwald's smooth skinned face. "Remove Commie."
  14. Hunwald, Greg, and Acaele. Paving a new path for High Elf and Carrion friendship. http://gyazo.com/2b4ee45aa91eea926a58d3a187f583d3



      written, illustrated, and narrated by me BTW

    2. ThanksChris


      xD Well, this has to be among the more interesting responses to tavern small-talk RP I've seen. Good job Alter.

    3. TeaLulu


      thats beautiful.

  15. that was such a good master irony joke :DD :DD :DD

  16. Hunwald Coalmein strolls throughout the empire. He sighs as he passes yet another Ishikawa. He travels home, and finds his TheGoodScribe™ software, removing it from his trunk. Hunwald finishes his poster, and has many-a-strelt spread the poster throughout the empire. The poster reads: By the Order of Emperor Spookman the Haystack - House Ishikawa is hereby banished from the Holy Oren Empire for being abominations. (Squinted eyes, small eyes, slanted eyes) All House Ishikawa members may be hunted down within the law and killed. All information on the whereabouts of runaways may be brought before Emperor Spookman the Haystack -----
  17. rip joffrey baratheon

  18. "Around Elves, watch yourselves." - Gaius Julius Caesar

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