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About oblivionsbane

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  • Birthday April 2

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  1. In all seriousness, if a group of five people walk into a town and take stuff from chests it isn't considered a raid. Besides that, who would ever counter-raid because someone took stuff out of unlocked chests? It was their fault for not having them locked. Committing villainy as a group doesn't constitute a raid. A raid is conflict RP that falls within war rules, an attack by a group of players on a settlement. I believe this came from this flawed logic: Raids revolve around group villain RP, stealing is villain RP, thus, group stealing means there's a raid. Now, you might look at that and say, "Yeah, that makes sense," but you know I'm getting at something. Let's say instead, a jeep festival revolves around cars that have engines, all sedans have engines, thus, all sedans must be welcome at a jeep festival. That's the exact same thing, but a little more fleshed out. A+B + C+B = A=C. The problem is that there is an issue in the actual wording. Sedans aren't welcome in a jeep festival just like stealing isn't the same form of villainy that constitutes a raid. It isn't villainy that makes a raid a raid, it is attacking the settlement. Just because attacking is villainy doesn't mean that something else that is villainy constitutes the same event. 

    TL;DR Murder/attacking unprovoked + group + settlement = raid. Stealing + group + settlement =/= raid. They are different types of villainy, and a raid is dependent on the first.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      I don't do Italian sized TL;DR's

    3. Crowbill


      TL;dr of the TL;DR: Not every villain act is considered raiding. Happy now?

    4. oblivionsbane


      Much obliged, croleo

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