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Everything posted by Booklight12

  1. Should definantly like favorite and share my new topnotch lore

  2. Mystics Presence “It felt as if millions of pounds bore down upon my body when I gazed upon him. I was frozen..” Magical pressure, Presence, aura. The idea of Mystics presence goes by a plethora of names. Though, in each of these different variations it is in essence the same idea or concept. The concept of a presence given off by those who’ve dabble past a common mortals abilities, and into the realm of Magic be it based on higher beings, darker magics, or the neutral powers of what we call the void. This presence is within all, be it novice or Master though in my studies i’ve discovered that it varies in level. The question still looms as to what this ‘presence’ is, and truly it is hard to describe it is simply the indescribable feeling one gets when meeting another who has delved into the arts of magic. An example being a powerful practitioner of magic, how some seem to simply perspire magic to the point where one who as well is magically inclined feels almost overpowered, or knowing of the abilities he or she is capable of. A sixth sense of sorts that is in its’ entirety a metaphysical byproduct of years and years of experience in the arts. Through tests with my colleague and apprentice, the former a highly experienced user of the mystical arts, and the latter new practitioner i’ve discovered that all people produce this byproduct of magical energies, though some (Most commonly in newer magic users) may not even notice it and be difficult for others to be able to sense it. Now, that is not all i’ve uncovered through these tests, in another study i’ve learnt that it is indeed plausible to switch off this magical presence you are exuding, and is an innate ability within all who practice the arts of magic. Some not even noticing they are able to produce this presence. It acts like a switch, with but a flick of the finger you can turn it off and on allowing other magically gifted folk know that you infact are a fellow practitioner, or turn it off remaining in a state of anonymity disallowing others to know of this power. All that is required to be able to turn off or on this magical presence is simply knowing it is there. Once you see this metaphysical switch, all you must do is think. “Off” or “On”? My last point, is that this strange phenomena already embedded in all of Aos and beyond. And this presence has been around since the beginning of time though, not yet documented nor tested to a finer degree. It would seem this acts as the cosmos’ way of a innate, but primitive way of communication among magic users. Allowing one to distinguish themselves in a crowd, and almost call out to other magically inclined. ---- ------------- ---- -- Passage in the journal of B.B Seregon ((Just written in the words of my character though since it is somewhat hard to decipher what this strange elf is saying half the time i’mma write about it in normal lore format)) What is this? Mystical Presence is just a general term basically to describe what the presence of magical users is. Many of us have seen the descriptions in some mage characters like “Gives off a holy aura” or “A divine presence” this simply is explaining this in character phenomena in a more detailed way, and expand on it a little to explain how normal players whos’ characters use magic can put this in their description, or be used in roleplay to give a more magical and immersive feel mostly between other magic users. The idea of presence is mana based, so basically the more mana a character has the stronger the sense will feel. Aesthetics? Basically, the aesthetics can be creative as long as it has no form of combative use as this is entirely non combative. And generally sticks within the magics that you are using. So for example, a necromancer may state that their character produces a strange feeling of dread or ominous sense to them. A holy mage can say “Gives off a warm presence of divinity to those around him.” and so forth. It is simply the magically unnatural feeling one gets when initiating RP with another mage, that can be emoted or put in a description. What this lore serves as? This lore serves as clarification to what some magic users have as their statuses and allow other players to be able to use in RP to attract roleplay with others. And allow the magic rper to give a sense of mysticism or mystery in their RP that won’t require them to concentrate or do anything but instead be an innate presence that can be used to initiate rp with another. Limits Don’t be dumb, if you are a novice magic user, you cannot say your character is teeming with immense power.Cannot harm others with this magic period Have fun children
  3. Beranabus coughs as he stumbles his way through laurehlin in search for a certain someone, though by chance a group of Mali bring up the topic of the heavens above in our realm of Aos. The elf intrigued by this listens in to the elven chatter as they mutter words in the ancient tongue. Eventually bringing up a curious new guild of scholars based in the southern parts of the world. Curious to learn more about this guild and the heavens, the elf would shortly later find himself writing a short application that he sends off to wherever this mysterious guild lies. Name: Beranabus Seregon((MC Name)): booklight12Any prior expertise in astronomy or other sciences?: In my youth i've studied the ominous lights of the sky using a telescopic device fashioned by one of my teachers. Though, little in what one may call 'Expertise'. I've been but an observer.- B.B Seregon
  4. Though, i'm usually all for others being 'special snowflakes' and enjoy peaceful RP. I to a degree have to agree with Piercing here. I like the lore, and like the creature but I don't think anyone would want to RP this as a normal player. I personally would and would like to make events with it but to many I can see why it seems pointless. It cannot talk, leave it's home, learn trades, pick things up. Most of what it can do is be a strange obscure creature. I do like the idea of letting normal players have the oppertunity to place misc creatures like mud maidens, or others creatures that may not require a creator but rather allow normal players to use to make events. And i'd love to see other creatures be able to do that in some misc construct sub type. Nevertheless, if you want other people to play it. It'd be cool to atleast allow the mudmaidens to talk, then they could be quest givers to a degree. Maybe, allow them to have some sort of magicky thing with the mud they touch so they can make like a duck out of mud if say they are touching it. But as it is now, it just seems kind of. Boring to interact with, from a general player standpoint
  5. So in one day I sent a human into the future, turned him into an elf, became the aengul of Time, travelled to the time tree, preformed a ritual and sent him back into the past where he asked a girl out, had children, grandchildren and now plays his grandchild.. Alls good in a days work on LOTC.

  6. What'd be the best option in my opinion, is what was stated above in gold basically being iron or steel to undead creatures. Make things like iron weapons be ineffective against them (Including ghouls, and normal undead grunts). Also, maybe make gold spawns much more uncommon to ramp the price and rarity up. I think that'd be a much better compromise than basically making it ineffective completely. Instead make it the 'only' way for a normal person to fight all undead Another thing that I think could be fun would be adding something witcherish by having alchemists able to make wraith repellent liquids that would be like wraith oil or whatever its' called in the witcher games. That'd be a pretty interesting addition.
  7. It was said some time ago that tiers were abolished 'officially' that doesn't mean people still don't use it. I myself still use it, though since it's kinda mixed it would be best to state it in a way that would make more sense officially. I think you mistake what I said with upper hand. I don't mean clerics should have a great upper hand against dark magic, as I said before I am all for this change and like the idea of evening it out. Though just believe that it would be better if clerics had a very slight upper hand. Not how it is now or has been in the past, just the inherent upper hand ingrained in the magic itself being made to get rid of tainted things. Though, that shouldn't mean a simple cleric of the same strength would be guaranteed to beat a dark magic user of the same skill if the dark mage is crafty enough. An example of that would be a cleric fighting against a necromancer. Necromancers aren't effected by cleric magic as they aren't technically dark beings. But the undead they summon may be. So the undead they create could be beaten by the cleric of equal strength fairly easily, but a necromancer isn't defeated right away being able to use other things to fight against the nasty cleric using things like void magic or what have you. I think that was another reason cleric magic was also super effective originally. Because dark mages can use void magic as well as their own magic.
  8. The only issue is that there are no tiers, so it's kinda hard to apply this to current peeps. Though this lore is good perhaps try rephrasing it to not use tiers. Also, think it should be in the lore but put in the hands of the RPers to what extent. That being said holy mages should still have a slight upper hand as their sole purpose is to extinguish dark beings, so if say a shade came across a cleric with the same 'tier' the cleric should have a bit of leeway if they decide to fight, not complete equals as that would kind of defeat the purpose of holy magic being used against dark creatures.
  9. I like this idea mang, Light being able to overpower tainted 'things' was good when there was only two official 'light' magics. But now that there's like 3 (Or 4?) it kind of defeats the purpose of why cleric magic was originally much stronger than dark magics which was "There are far less holy magic users than dark magic users." as of now it's leaning closer and closer to fifty fiftyish as of late.
  10. A middle aged man stands before the towering gates of Ard Ghorrock silently awaiting for the gates to rise, he is foreign to some and familiar to others. Despite his aging, and slightly wrinkled face he stands with a certain composure only found in the most notable figures. Adorning heavily worn leather and chain mixed armor the Visconti waits, longer and longer leaning on a 8 ft long partisan spear as he awaits a possible new chapter in his life. (You already got my skype Shady, my character wanted to join though would be best to RP it out, not just write an application. Msg me and we could decide on when we could RP)
  11. Beranabus Seregon catches whim of the magi being targetted in these ruins and shudders at the thought of what mage hunters may do to him if they catch him "Bah.. T'is a pity folk hunting those who practice the mystical arts.. Though from this little bit of information it seems naught much is of worry to this lad.. I suppose I will look over these ruins and see if this man is truly a threat or not to Vailor.." He states to a random human holding the bounty for the mage "Stupid elf" The man says before pushing Beranabus over and walking on his merry way. (Whenever you're free i'd be down to RP with you there)
  12. I personally really like this lore, the topic of souls and spirits on lotc i find really interesting though not touched upon much. If anything id like to see more additions, and clarifications on the soul. Anyways nice lore supremacy. Also what is the redacted part?
  13. For the first point, keep in mind It was never said that the mages would be empowered. All that is said is that the magic users are drawn almost to the Voidal storms, and if nearby would have a solely emotional feeling of excitement. It isn't needed for mages to feel this way and not all mages would necessarily need to feel this, though it is mainly to expand upon the idea of being drawn to the voidal storms as it would most likely interest a magic user greatly. Though it was never stated in the lore that the storms would effect the casting of the mage. I simply asked for a lore teams idea on that nature of the lore. Depending on their response I will definitely alter the lore accordingly. As for the druids it is more of an outline of what a druid would feel, they aren't physically warded off from the area. Also, as for Wendigo your statement about the empowering of magic. I and most likely everyone else is against the idea also. As the writer of this possible lore addition think it should be more negative of an effect on casting during these storms. As if it were to positively empower magic it'd be somewhat overpowered. But again the lore as it is, should remain somewhat as an outline for the possible events for event team to create.
  14. I tried leaving it somewhat ambiguous, and it would be up to the ET Rping it if that is the case. Though, I felt if it heightened the abilities of a mage it may be considered OP in the eyes of the Lore Team and lead them to the denial of the lore itself. Though for now I will just say it would be left up to the ET. Though if a Lore team before declaring the lore accepted or denied could give an answer to your question whether it would affect the casting i'd gladly change it. Though if I were to choose i'd most likely say it would negatively effect the magic empowering it but making it more than likely to fail and hurt the person casting.
  15. Well id like to know why you dont want this, mind explaining why? Also feel free to pm me what you think i could expand more about my knowledge on magic. Im open to any constructive criticism
  16. Voidal Storm “The true ire of the creator occurs in the most terrible of places, closest to those devilish magic users.” - Brother Willhelm Behelt of Abresi What: What is a Voidal Storm one might ask. A voidal storm is the physical manifestation and surge of the energies within the void in the form of unnatural weather/disaster. Rich in mana and even more forces unknown to the descendants, voidal storms are just as curious as the void itself, and even more destructive. Working in peculiar ways these storms can take on the form of any weather disaster one can dream up of, from a giant cloud tornados with powerful bolts of green lightning smiting all that falls within the eye of the storm, to a cloud of brimfire raining boiling water that falls sideways. Truly not even the aengudaemons which are godlike in the eyes of the descendants can conceive all the possible ways a Voidal Storm may manifest. It is rare though possible even a Voidal Horror may be spawned from the void through a rupture in the void during one of these storms. How: Now the biggest question one might ask is how these immensely powerful storms are formed. In the past many believed these powerful storms to be created out of the creators anger for the mortals of the realm, or even a baleful Aengudaemon which has a strong distaste for the descendants. Though the answer is not definitive, the most widely believed reasoning is due to a large influx in Mana usage and voidal connection in a certain area. It may be from a large scale battle where numerous mages were used to wreck havoc upon an opposing army, a powerful ritual used by equally powerful blood mages using their nefarious magics to create a large effect stirring the very void itself, or even a less evil mage college simply wishing to teach aspiring magic users the arts of the void. All that is common in these places are areas where the veil between the mortal realm and the void is thinnest which by random events may cause a powerful surge in the void to erupt with a large amount of energy. And how this energy manifests is in the way of freak storms or events. It is sometimes possible for a voidal node to form from these surges of energy if strong enough, though the surge from the void usually isn’t strong enough to create these nodes manifesting in different ways. As well, it is very well possible for these freak storms to occur during rituals of immense proportions though completely by random and it is unheard of mages to purposely conjure up these storms as it would most likely lead in their very demise. Though if a ritual is strong enough it is very well possible for a smaller Voidal storm to occur around the area, usually ending upon the conclusion of said ritual, but is known to continue even hours after the initial events. Appearance: As said before the Voidal Storms can manifest in a plethora of different ways though the most common way these storms manifest are when the veil between the two realms of the void and mortal plane are thinnest starting with a powerful eruption of energy from a given point and from that point spawns different effects of the storm from or around that point, though that doesn’t mean the effects may drift off in different directions such as a tornado being created drifting off in a nearby farmland destroying the crop. (Only an example it is up to the discretion of whoever would be running the event) How it affects magic users: Void magic users: It would work almost like a beacon attracting the mages attention, the stronger the connection is a mage has to the void the more interested they’d most likely be (The more experienced) being able to almost feel the voidal storms if they are in closer proximity to it (Few miles) as if they are a powerful mage they may even be able to sense it from farther out due to the large surge of mystical energies. If in the general area a void mage would feel almost energized (Only a feeling) by the large flux of energy around them. Though having no direct effect on casting ability nor physically, it is more like a jolt of excitement. Druids: Being the complete opposite to druids they would almost be warded away from these catastrophic, and completely unnatural storms. If they were in the area they would feel depressed almost from the physical manifestation of the void. Though having no physical effects these are all emotional much like the voidal mage, though druids nearby would be able to almost ‘feel’ the surge much like mages though it would be a negative feeling. Other magic users: Nothing Why: Have been in the mood to right up some lore for a while now, the idea came to me and thought this could be a really fun “Random” event that ets or mods can preform. Giving their creative minds some fun as in the storms almost anything can happen giving them full discretion to create a vivid and detail rich scene describing the events of the storm. These as well may be used to be able to create event lines, as it is plausible (Albeit rare) for voidal horrors to manifest during these storms giving a possible creature to combat during these storms, or even let loose into the world to create events elsewhere. Lastly, it would give pretty fun research RP in the area as the voidal storms would leave somewhat lasting impressions on the earth such as if it hit a castle, it may raise and levitate parts of the castle, create rifts anything really which people may go into after the events took place to research the area. ------------------- Please tell me your thoughts as a reply, think anything should be changed? Added? Or to explain further on something? Please tell me. Dislike it? I’d like to know why. Thank you!
  17. Yuh, Transmutation allows you to alter an object to emit light though it has to be on an object. This lore is proposing a similiar idea though without the need of using a gem or object to transmute. (Or focus crystal) And hush Jax
  18. The only time it could be used somewhat combatively is if you're a transfigurationist, and even still it wouldn't be equivalent to the potency of the sun or clerical light in regards to dark creatures. Being more like a distraction or intimidation factor if anything. Though not much else would it do to creatures weak to direct sunlight besides like very minor disturbing of the skin if anything. By nature Mage light is solely non combative and can do no direct harm to anything.
  19. Mage Light Introduction: “Even in the darkest, and most dreary of places shalt I bestow light upon thee” -Unknown mages’ tome Magelight in essence is the ability for a magic users with a certain affinity for Transfiguration magic or household magic (Though to a smaller degree) to alter the world around them and create light around them in varying colors, and being able to form light as dim as a candle or as bright as the sun itself in some cases, in order to provide light in the dark, or to ward away different creatures. Normally magelight will take on the appearance of a simple orb of light that is cast from the palms of ones hands though truly is up to the mage how they aesthetically cast it and may differ from mage to mage. How: Magelight is formed via the alteration of the very air around you using voidal magic. Similar to how a cleric may create clerical light though very much different in having no holy properties to it. Though, it is more versatile. The mage must first connect their minds to the void like all other void magics. Once connected the mystic will then focus on a point around them in which they plan to create the magelight. After focusing on the point the mage is then able to form the light, by replicating it in the void and much like evocation summoning the light from the void. The magic normally isn’t very taxing if used simply to light up an area masters of arcana being able to summon the magelight forth almost indefinitely with little strain or fatigue. (Basically if used solely as a light source it would take up little to no mana) The second part to magelight requiring more experienced mages who practice the arts of transfiguration is being able to heighten the intensity of the light they summon. Though, it cannot compete with a clerics’ light to be used to blind people for a short while it is possible if used with enough mana to replicate the brightness of the sun though most likely for a short amount of time as it would be taxing to create such intense light for longer than a few moments without feeling a significant strain in the mages’ mana pool. This effect could be used as a distraction or to ward away more unsavory creatures of the night. Why: Though the lore isn’t necessarily needed as it technically should already be possible. I just felt it would be useful to have lore written on the topic. Magelight is a fun and more mystical alternative to using a torch or candle, and would be a much more readily available option for a mage to use. Aesthetics: Aesthetically It is really up to the caster of the magelight how they want to conjure the light and even how it looks able to take on the appearance of different colors of light from reds, greens, yellows, white and so on. Though leaving out blacklight as characters ICly most likely wouldn’t be able to study it or know what it is. Redlines: Mage light is a household magic when used as simple orbs of light (Up to the brightness of a torch) Only transfigurationists can ramp up the light to a much more brighter state brighter than simple orbs of light. Basically anything brighter than a torch. The light produces no heat, it is simply creating light The light cannot directly harm dark creatures like holy magic does, it's just light!
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