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Everything posted by Booklight12

  1. Okay, this is fairly long so I am going to be putting it in spoilers to see.
  2. I believe when raptor originally made the post I spoke to him about it and he felt the same way as you though as jax said there really aren't enough blood magic users (Atleast seen) to make much of an impact or effectively use it. You guys were for a short time making those events with sacrificing and that was cool though it doesn't seem you are doing it any longer. I wouldn't mind though if you guys invited more blood mages and started doing events like that again but really. There shouldn't be an issue with combining arcane magics with other people. Right now there are some synergy stuff mages can do if they work in pairs. Like making a cloud of mist and then an electric mage shooting a less powerful current of electricity into it to make it a lightning cloud. Though really as it is, to do these epic feats said in the OP would require most likely about 5+ power mages and that in itself is quite difficult to do. If a group of mages, or some people that simply join together to experiment this are actually able to coordinate enough people they should be rewarded for it and be able to make things far more powerful than if they were alone. That's all i'm saying right now though since I am very tired 0-0 just got my wisdom teeth taken out today. So I will make another reply about the OP in a bit.
  3. Mc Name: booklight12 Rp Name: Ni'Klaus Verdien (Visconti) Profession(If any): Fletcher, Woodcarver Race: Human Why do you wish to join: I wish to make money, and provide for my family. T'is all. Skype: booklight12
  4. Finally that dirty farmer is dead.

  5. The dwarven nuke has been launched. I'm not even in the fight. But you can't deny. That was hilarious XD

  6. Not sure if they would be? Since it's supposed to be an ambush even though that makes sense they probably would be able to have allies there. If not there are always people making alts!
  7. Dang the Shire looks good in this
  8. Follow the drinking gourd.

    1. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~


  9. For some of you yelling for 5.0 or map extension i'd recommend looking at this possible thing again. Though it'd require a conversation between the numerous main nation rulers. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/99957-40-idea-one-city-for-all-districts-for-each-race-villages-for-the-larger-subraces/?hl=temp

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I have a better idea, keep people from making their own towns, serious within a week of 4.0 there were 3 different human towns and all of them destroyed the purpose of the pre build that went on

    2. Ser Paul Ryan
    3. TrevenT
  10. This is why I don't bake cookies.. I end up filling my house with smoke.

    1. _Deutschland_


      Oh really?

      Odd, considering I am eating a homemade cookie whilst writing this.

    2. Booklight12


      Sugar cookies or no cookies bro

    3. FordAppeal


      Then don't smoke so much dank weed while baking cookies.

  11. If you guys would like to tune into the lotc Staff QnA eithe rjoin out TS channel, or feel free to watch on http://www.twitch.tv/thelordofthecraft

  12. So fun fact of the day. There are imperial wizards in the KKK

  13. I'd think they would need time to relax and cannot preform their feats whilst being bound and in an uncomfortable situation. The pain thing I can see being power gamed , Though like many magics/magical things they can be power gamed. It should be clearly defined though if they wish to enter the rift/void. Though i'd say you should take that out completely being able to faze in and out of the rift place you defined. Since it really doesn't do a whole lot and would diminish some peoples concerns about this being power gamed, that and the pain if we read it correctly should be removed. Besides that I really can't see much of a reason this would be denied besides perhaps LM's believing it too similar to void wraiths. -Edit: Also, the addition of the rift. I'd perhaps make it a bit more defined if it is like the metaphysical barrier connecting the physical realm to the void. Since something like that may require a bit more writting and IC studies. Though, that doesn't mean I don't like the idea. I quite like it infact and wouldn't mind seeing you write lore on the rift first then working on other pieces that stem from it afterwards. It would be an interesting new thing for mages to begin studying.
  14. By consuming all of their energy and being consumed by the void. Would this become a forced PK? If that is the case I personally don't really see this magic being accepted, I like the idea mind you, but if forcing PK is a downside I can't really see this catching on by a whole lot of other people. An ET creature perhaps, though it's not really a creature as it is more of an ascension of a kind. My other question, due to the state of the void and the random nature of what at least we believe it to be. Would this have any mental damage to the person? Or something of that sort.
  15. The only real way I can see this be introduced in a more positive light, is if it were to introduce the heatmap and special drops for mobs. Also, it'd need to be possible to remove by the races to make it dynamic.. Though.. Technically, this can be plausible with a large number of illusionists, and a big ass rock to enchant an area to make it /appear/ to have a longer night? Right?
  16. You get all the plus ones! I was actually thinking of making a thread like this a while back but never came to fruition. Glad you made it! Though, i'd also add the point that the bartender should actually try to know what the tastes of each of the brews. Cause I have seen many people sell obscure drinks and even when I ask them OOCly and ICly they are unsure of the taste, and that can really make or break the quality of a tavern :P. Besides that though, great guide!
  17. "An aengul touched me in my no no spot."

    1. Hydra


      Hands booklight a doll, "Point to where the aengul touched you."

    2. Booklight12


      Touches the bum bum

  18. It's cool and I understand that it's similar though, cognitism it is unable to do this, I believe ptah wanted to make this up somewhere along correct me if I am wrong that is. Where a cognitist is able to make a zone around just themselves and make a world of a kind where only they can see but it got denied. Though, cognitism isn't able to make super detailed illusions and only works on themselves as we said o the original post with Elindor who is a cognitist himself. Somewhat similarly with shamanism. The shamans are walking in the spirit realm, metaphysically which is partly one of the things my character icly took from it is how similar they are as he has spirit walked before himself, and has spoken with a plethora of different shamans themselves. The part that I will say is very similar is Mental magic which I will admit that is a completely valid point, though of course at the time of writing it I hadn't even known they were able to do that as mental magic is a locked magic after all. So yes, I will say that they are similar in ways and can be done, though this ideal is putting a more spiritual, or ritualistic spin on the that mental mages are doing. They are akin to one another yes, but have different aspects to them, this idea is the same as the original post of being able to show this metaphysical realm, though simply adding another person to it. Which would be something probably brought up in research and would help greatly with expanding the lore and fun factor of the concept itself. Though of course your points are completely valid, I just wanted to say the differences between the mental magic and illusion and compare it to mental magic and this idea. Mental magic and illusion are quite similar in the sense that in both magics you are able to make an illusion as you wish to trick someone, or rather Mental magic is illusion that is more detailed essentially and plays more into the concept of the mind. Though that being said it's like that with this lore and mental magic that. Yes, you are technically able to make these fictional worlds up in the minds of the people you are working with, but instead of mental magic where you are connecting with another mind, able to read their thoughts, cast illusions. This is a more spiritual version of it, and open to more interpretation since it's an open idea that anyone really can do. Since it requires deep meditation, and added things to prevent any negative aspects to harm another, where as with mental magic you are able to force the people into your illusions and can harm them in them. Anyways, i'd continue but I suppose you get the gist of it. Though, I believe Jistuma said in his reply that the official reason was that this wasn't a magic but rather an ability, not that it was similar to other magics, but it probably varies from person to person why it wasn't wanted. Generally though, you just need to ask who it really harms by adding it, and if the negatives OOCly (That being the slight similarity) outweigh the ICly and OOC opportunities and RP that it may provide. Anyways though, thank you for replying as quickly as you did for clarification :P and for your polite response. Just trying to get ya to see it in the eyes of the peeps that would want to RP this. And i'm content with any decision regarding this. Thank you!
  19. Essentially through meditation, and through an tough process, you make a metaphysical connection between your soul and mind, it doesn't really do much and is mainly IC speculation, but it basically makes you slightly calmer (Or as mellow as you want if you wish to change your characters personality or not you may just up to you), and then enables you to reach a higher tier of meditation instead of calmness, or having your eyes closed and doing nothing but tinking. You can basically lucid dream on command instead of simply sitting down and staying quiet. The reason why I wanted to have this addition though, would to be able to share in the meditation process make some types of events, and have a deeper meaning to meditation that you can share with others instead of just saying you are going to meditate.. You make RP from it! Though, I do recommend you read the original lore post and then this as it will make slightly more sense. And if you are interested in Rping it feel free to ask as many questions as you want. Hoping to possibly expand on this in the future if it catches on with more people that want to RP this.
  20. Thanks man, haha though I believe i'm probably better at writing than critiquing and judging, since I like to remain more optimistic on things :P not LM material. Yeah, i'd assume that if this is to be accepted anyone can think the idea up and put it into action. Though remember to read the original lore post and that you'd need to be in the state of enlightenment before you can do this! It's open to anyone afterall.
  21. Anyone else off from school tomorrow cause of the snow?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Booklight12


      Snow works in tiers. You canadians make fun of us for having 2 feet of snow and being off, in the upper east coast, we make fun of people in the mid east coast for getting off at like just 3 inches of snow (Which does happen) and then everyone makes fun of people in california and Florida cause none of ya'll even get snow :P

    3. Tom_Whiteman


      It's a hierarchy

    4. Lima


      And everyone makes fun of england where 2cm's of snow bring the country to a stand still.

  22. ((As Kalameet said to write another lore post for this addition to be added from my original lore if I wanted to see it be considered again. I refer the reader to the original post https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/121243-lore-conduits-of-enlightenment/)) Multiple Persons Meditation It appears I was what the sages showed me was true in some aspects, I feel a new surge of being rushing through my body, a purpose of some sort to be fulfilled through the arduous tasks of spreading this knowledge among the people.. Though, how would I be able to? Most would simply denounce me as myself, and others as a mad man if I spouted this nonsense of being able to enlighten yourself expanding your very core to this new form of meditation without actually being able to show them this. It is proven that most people these days do not believe in things they cannot see, which is not wrong I am much like that. But it is because of this simple belief that many are hesitant or even against attempting to learn the aspects of this stasis like state of being. And so I refer to what these gurus once showed me, myself being able to delve into this made up realm with them. Now, it is a difficult ask as are any breakthroughs in life, though I persevere and have theorized the possibility, (of course later on as I and others mature in this new found ability) of being able to bring another into our meditation, only one other is possible as it requires a slew of different things. There are two types of being able to do this simple act, the first with a non enlightened individual and requires more exertion of mana, energies, or whatever you wish to call the power which is in all beings. It first requires the one you are preforming this to firstly believe in what you are doing, as well as the allowance of this being preformed upon them, as another soul is innately unable to dominate another soul without the use of dark means, by this simple law of what I believe souls are ruled by, I will be unable to force others into this meditative state.. Now, this requires contact between both hands of the willing participant, as it seems by physical touch one may achieve that 'click' I stated in my original passage at a similar if not exact time. Though as this person is unable to connect to their souls yet, you must do all the effort, much like how you originally preformed the connection of your mind, and soul to be in this state of being, of expelling enough mana that would naturally be required for them to make the bridge, and instead using your own you are able to make a short, and temporary state of being among them, of course not able to control them or their soul rather it bridges you both together per say. Making it plausible for them to see as you see as you meditate and be in this "realm" together. Whilst you two are bridged together because they have yet to unlock this capability only have minor influence over the metaphysical realm you have created, they are able to move their body if they have it, but besides that they would be only able to move or create images as you teach them. This would be a grand tool for those who are teaching their pupils to preform this connection, readying them for their future enlightenment, to spar perhaps without hurting your physical body, or even simply to have simple conversation, anything is possible though the only factor is in fact that pain, cannot be felt only minor touch taste smell and so on. But pain you cannot for some odd reasoning. Now, that that is said you may be wondering how to make this 'bridge' with one who has already unlocked this stasis. This part is the far simpler idea of it, similar to how you connect with a non enlightened you must maintain hand contact with the other. As said before due to some odd occurrences this 'click' occurs at the same moment. Though instead of pouring your energies from your hand into the others, you require but a simple 'spark' of energy to spur to life the bridge already formed inside both of you. With this, you are able to once more enter the metaphysical realm, though it may be tough and conflicting as if both of you change the plane your minds are on, it may interfere with one another and boot you out of the meditation forcefully if it interferes too much. Meaning, either one has to lead the two to project a land, or be on the same page with one another. The same rules would apply in which you both are unable to harm or kill one another. Thank you for reading and once more good luck in your endeavors lads and lasses. A short passage from the journal of Beranabus Seregon Redlines: -You cannot force others to meditate in this state with you -You must have a clear state of mind while doing this as it takes a while ICly, so you cannot enter this when being tortured, under much stress, injured, etc. -You cannot actually harm or kill people in this "lucid dream" like state, you can feel slight touch, but you cannot actually feel pain as it’s not meant to be aggressive or harmful in any way. Though, it is possible to train or spar. - Nothing while in the meditation will affect the real world, only the world you think up in your mind can you change. Though when enlightened which is a permanent thing you tend feel slightly more mellow, as this is for non aggressive purposes, and people. Was told to expand on this part of the lore if I wanted to get this part accepted and so this is it, a more detailed explanation of it. Since I believe this would be the most fun aspect of this lore as it provides the most Rp with others besides being a personal RP thing that you can 'say' you are and are doing, but instead show others in RP and spread it. Some people may say it's similar to other magic, or a backdoor to be able to do this, but i'd say take a step back, and simply read the idea and think of what can be done with this. And that it doesn't hurt anyone or anything for that matter. Anyways, do reply below with possible changes of ideas or questions I will be sure to answer them. -Edits Formatted slightly better, if it's still hard to read feel free to ask for it to be reformatted (Not the best at formatting my writing. Sorry!)
  23. Thank you everyone, I am so proud to win Miss universe 2015

    1. (sorry)ww2buff99


      but I thought I won?

    2. Booklight12


      No buff you're a guy

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