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Status Replies posted by CaptainSheepy

  1. Urara just posted a beautiful picture of Quavinir just a minute ago... Which is extremely amazing, because Quavinir is ugly as the nether. And she has made him good-looking, and yet somehow still fit nicely.

  2. Welp. Screw managing my time. Back to drawing for you guys!

  3. That great feeling when you see that a new comer a month ago is still active

  4. "Let them hate me, as long as they're afraid of me." - Caius "Caligula" Caesar.

  5. LotC Trivia: What was the first ever locked status?

  6. LotC Trivia: What was the first ever locked status?

  7. what is going on when you evoke electricity? are you creating electrons in your hands? are you drawing in electrons from the atmosphere? and why do bolts supposedly not reach their target instantly?

  8. Why is the server taking so long to start back up?

  9. LoTC Trivia: Who was the first orcish Shaman?

  10. LoTC Trivia: Who was the first orcish Shaman?

  11. LoTC Trivia: Who was the first orcish Shaman?

  12. I will be back tomorrow my peeps!

  13. I think this is it. I don't think I'll be able to take much more.

  14. Failed to login: Bad Login. :(

  15. Just posted my application

  16. its 10 at night and I'm still working on my science project >:(

  17. Such disappoint. Much burn out. 0/10. :[

  18. netty error, guess I'll have to focus on my classes.

  19. PROTIP: Get an airsoft gun for Halloween if you're staying in. Kids are fuckers. Paintball gun is better.

  20. My new favourite song.
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