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About Katherine1

  • Rank
    Apple Druid
  • Birthday 09/29/1988

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    Apple Druid Leyun Winterleaf
  • Character Race
    Wood Elf

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  1. You know, I don't get why people want the undead back other then purely nostalgia. From what I've heard, they are everything people complain about the current antag being, whether founded or not. OP? Very. Spam Magic? Yup. Victories and Losses scripted by the staff? All the time. How is that fun?

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    2. Luchian


      You seem to believe that the current antag would be thrown out of the picture. This is not true, and it has not been spoken off seriously in any of the posts. Also, about the undead being sucky part I can only say that you were not there.

      Not all victories and losses were scripted, many were, but far from all. In the end they were all scripted as the gm's wanted to end Aegis, even so many of the events were awesome. Look up some of the videos, they look beast and they were.

    3. Luchian


      The undead were powerful, but when you got close they were dead. So op? Nope, just strong from afar or up in towers.

      Scripted events? Yeah many, even so the undead started mini events basically everywhere they went, and players could attack the undead fort at any given time and start a completly dynamic and random event.

      Spam magic? Yes. I will not say against this, even so, it was 10 people against a online serverbase of 300, and let me tell you, I have been on both si...

    4. Austin


      IDK What you heard but the undead created so much roleplay, while at the time I looked at them as powerhungry assholes if you look back at it, the undead did ALOT for the server. Now that I think about it, aegis would of been very boring without the undead, it gave the players a common enemy to fight

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