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Status Updates posted by GodEmperorFlam

  1. So is slic3 going to respond or do we have to make a feedback thread calling him out?  https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/137015-your-view-ta-changes/

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      I'm just going to bump the thread once a day from now on.

  2. Could a GM pass this to an admin or someone who can update it? It's been a while and things are piling up. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/116522-donor-forum-ranks/

  3. Arcane Puppetry was removed, not soul puppetry.

    1. H


      rip nienna

    2. MetaSolaray


      Nienna hasn't even been around in a while :(

    3. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      Well it's kind of hard to spread a magic when the oly person who knows the magic isn't able to teach it.

  4. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/116522-donor-forum-ranks Is this getting updated soon? Hasn't been done in nearly 3 weeks.

  5. Let's all just relax and realize complaining about GMs and Admins gets you nowhere. Just give up and everything becomes easier. :)

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      The day you give up is the day you lose your freedom!

  6. "Justice" strikes again. :')

  7. I love pvp and memes too :)

  8. So are GMs actually banning people for saying shut the **** up?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      baawwww I got banned for being uptight and mean-spirited.


    3. Leric


      Probably shouldn't talk when you have a lack of context, friendo.

    4. monkeypoacher
  9. Is Oren finally going to take a shot at the South?

  10. Space knows what's up.

    1. Space


      Where's my rep?

    2. Space



  11. Let's hope this plague is short unless we want a repeat of every plague ever where RP grinds to a halt and everyone bunkers up with their friends...

    1. Space


      Well the magic thing makes it coolio.

    2. Old-Rattlesnake
    3. AGiantPie


      The Gms aren't helping me feel better about it! http://prntscr.com/8jtkw3

  12. I support Skippy's rise to ghostdom.

  13. I'm sorry Space I guess I am feeling a bit off since I've been working instead of playing LotC as of late, haven't had a chance to remove all the salt from myself

  14. Tythus, one thing that would be great would be if you could make it so we can actually respond to your thread.

    1. Tythus


      top kek if there any others please do tell

    2. Space


      katari how you feeling man you seem off and a bit salty we're here for you man

  15. Bless you, Travista. Don't fail us. o:

    1. Skippy


      the tavern sponsorer turns into the tavern destroyer in a month......!!!

    2. Runabarn
  16. mfw people still use /msg to meta. That's what TS/skype is for! c:

    1. Heff


      @ me next time

    2. GodEmperorFlam


      holla @ryanheff74

  17. Please move the forum button back to where it was. Or at least put it between "Home" and "Rules".

  18. These new spoilers are a pain in the ass. :c

  19. I can see who +1'd me :D Bring signatures and profile picture size back and I'll be happy.

    1. mitto


      yes, and the cocer photos too

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