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Everything posted by GodEmperorFlam

  1. can you taste the saltiness in the air???

  2. Can you feel the RP flowing as the main road is camped by people with region pillars in there hands?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Merkaken


      bruh i cant handle all this immersion

    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      gotta catch 'em all

    4. Blundermore


      I would laugh if the GMs placed all the regions elsewhere suddenly.

  3. May as well remove Clerics and Xan Paladins then, they're similar! And what about the same old antag with a new name slapped on? Should remove those as well! Let's remove Shamanism while we're at it, Void magics already has elemental oriented stuff. May as well also remove all the similar animal lores because those are similar!!! Honestly, it's not some detrimental thing that's going to topple the server. The ET aren't roleplaying Draiochtas en masse anyway. Only one to my knowledge is Grimreaper98.
  4. Those are more leprechaun-y though. Not really fairies.
  5. You'd think after 3+ years we'd have a stable server by now.

    1. mitto


      Haven't laughed that hard in a while, lmao. Whoever wrote that deserves a medal.

    2. Si'Rakasdarg™
  6. All with different Aenguls, different organizations, and different ways the power works. :I
  7. Ascended, Tahariae Clerics, Paladins of Xan, and I'm probably forgetting a group have magic that directly counter "evil" groups. Not just us Clerics. :D Not to mention Druids and Shamans I see actively doing stuff against evil. That being said, you don't need a fancy magic to take out a number of those that you have listed.
  8. Seems like a good event creature. +1
  9. With Cappy quitting, doesn't this mean a spot for Hott4Frott has opened up?

    1. monkeypoacher
    2. Sambosefus


      Oh gosh what if he stops rping with us though?

  10. You're all terrible people. :3

  11. Humans seem to be mad :o

  12. Let our people go and #FreeSpiffy

  13. Caffeine withdrawal, yay...

    1. Endovelicus


      Make more coffee!!

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Predose with Advil before the headaches even start.

  14. I would think whiterosing would be pretty much just a human acting superior to others, essentially a violent high elf. But the rest of the thingos work out.
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