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Status Updates posted by Natalie

  1. How do these unwritten rules work? If it's not written down, can people still be punished for it-- like, voiding RP?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lago


      Unwritten rules aren't rules, but some staff frown upon breaking them.

    3. Tethras


      What Lago said. The issue with "common sense" is that it's not common... I mean standards vary from place to place. And since it's the internet people perception of "common sense" varies quite a lot.

    4. Natalie


      Thanks for the clarification. ^-^

  2. Quit stealing my anvils. =w=

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Neri


      A sign that protects itself and the block it's attached to but lets anyone use the block

    3. Merkaken
    4. GodEmperorFlam


      It's illegal to steal anvils and whatnot. Have your friendly neighborhood GM logblock and help you get it back :D

  3. Is there really no benefit to leveling a profession past veteran? Seems weird. :

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Natalie


      Is there a thread with profession information, or are you just meant to discover it by leveling? o:

    3. monkeypoacher


      it seems like there is

    4. Neri


      I think the latter (or it just isn't documented fully yet because we're still changing a lot of things around)

  4. Yuuush, finally got shaders to work~ http://i.imgur.com/vxF9iMY.jpg

    1. ShadowoKing


      What texture pack are you using?

    2. Natalie


      ChromaHills 128x128

    3. Nekkore


      *grabs a bat and smashes his wooden PC.

  5. Too many pomegranates

  6. Logging in for the first time in months, spawn mid-air and die with all my stuff. :3

    1. Angel~


      best luck xP

    2. Katherine1


      That's how people who log in on Anthos spawn? Ew. Anthos went away.

  7. They're not raising the cap for the event, for those that were wondering~

    1. Kim


      Good thing we're members :D

    1. Abysmall


      Well since all you can get at the moment is just stone since everything in the mine world has been X-rayed to oblivion...Probably never.

  8. Firefall is so much fun. :3

  9. Well, this sure makes having to work today a lot worse. ;-;

  10. Sword positioning is difficult. ;_; - http://imgur.com/Q5Eudqi,xiQ9bCZ,AtnNhSR,cecqBGa,20fM0NI#0

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