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  1. Reminder that communists necessarily believe in genocide. 

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    2. monkeypoacher


      no they don't

    3. zaezae


      If they don't then they aren't true communist comrades. Communists believe in the annihilation of class, specifically, anything not the working class. Not just of the institution of the middle/high class, but the people that reside in it along with anyone engaging in capitalist practices, much like how the communists in the USSR genocided farmers of profit in the rural lands of the great father land or the slaying of the academic class during the Chinese communist revolution. 

    4. monkeypoacher


      so by "all communists" you mean "specifically stalinists and maoists" and by "genocide" you mean "the holodomor and the cultural revolution." so all communists don't believe in genocide, just the two communists you can think of committed genocides 

      Edited by xxx
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