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  1. So one of the best methods of testing how people will behave when their life is in peril is offer them money for being the first person out or for making out in time. It is sadly accurate to people running for their lives.

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    2. Medvekoma


      Remember though that in Caligula's time, only about 5% the population were citizens, rest were farmers and such. Nowadays we're all citizens free to own business and capital. Money's worth even more. It doesn't just create comfort, it's the most direct key to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Even self-esteem is tied to wealth now.


      Which you can take two-ways. A dystopia of human morals, or a utopia of capitalism.

    3. zaezae


      Isn't Capitalism just another word for "You're free to own and do what you wish."?


      I mean I get you. I just would argue that it is neither, but rather a base human desire. 

    4. Medvekoma


      No, not really. That'd be absolute freedom, which would in fact give birth to capitalism. Capitalism is supposed to be a system where a common tool of exchange is rewarded for whatever you do, and can be spent on whatever you want. And in that term, a self-regulating meritocracy. And because the market rewards adaptability, you could even call it a continuation of darwinism.

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