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  1. Reminder that communists necessarily believe in genocide. 

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    2. zaezae


      Whenever your political ideology has resulted in genocide every single time it's been implemented in any capacity, yeah, I'm going to say you believe in genocide if you continue to be a communist. 

      Whenever your political ideology has resulted in genocide every single time it's been implemented in any capacity, yeah, I'm going to say you believe in genocide if you continue to be a communist. Like in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ethiopia. 

    3. monkeypoacher


      "every single time," I think you're forgetting about vietnam and cuba, laos and to some lesser extent venezuela. your definition of "communism" is so vague that it could mean either any left-leaning state on earth or just the two or three you think are bad


      the french revolution resulted in >40,000 deaths. there were 16,594 official executions during the reign of terror. does this mean that everyone who subscribes to enlightenment ideas believes in genocide? there's a compelling case to be made that they do, given the millions of deaths and counting from the war on terror. the problem is that just like how marx never wrote anything about starving ukrainians to death, john locke never wrote anything about cutting off people's heads. there are countries and people who subscribe to both of those ideas who have never committed a genocide. you have nothing to back up the ridiculous argument. nice try ben shapiro



      Edited by xxx
    4. zaezae


      Oh, I did forget Cuba who's late great leader is listed as guilty for genocide with 35,000 to 141,000 over about twenty years murdered. or the millions of Vietnamese killed in politically motivated murders. 


      Yeah, the french murders were completely wrong. Everyone knows it's wrong. (Not to mention completely against liberal ideas) Though extremely tame and mild to the terror of communists. The war on terror is an entirely unrelated disaster on it's own. It isn't a revolution it's an invasion. And, yeah, Marx was totally down with violence. By his own words "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is a revolutionary terror." He knew that his ideas necessarily will be violent and the best way to deal with this violence is to organize and commit it consciously so those that must be dealt with will be dealt with faster. He wanted to eliminate property owners. Not eliminate property ownership, but eliminating property owners. Any communists who follow Marx's teachings in some capacity supports an economic theory that supports and even requires genocide to implement. There is no way around this. At all. 

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