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Everything posted by L0rdLawyer

  1. The Pillars of Leyd, Kundak The Beginning: Three thunderbolts lit up the sky as a mighty orc fell with a knife in his back. An onlooker, a veiled man turned around and walked away, his clothing gradually morphing into a dense set of armor as he entered the portal, his form rippling with ethereal light, voyaging to the spirit realm. As this man walked with a peculiar hunch in his stride, a mighty castle arose from the abyss as he approached. Lights within the castle flickered, the foundations briefly trembling as an assorted group of images unfolded. It became the clandestine marble palaces of the elves, the hardy forts of the orcs, the proud castles of the humans, and the durable underground strongholds of the dwarves. … The doors flew open as this spirit entered with stride, staring past the superfluous walls and pillars to settle his gaze on an orc with a strong likeness to Krug who set upon a throne wrought of warped steel and bone. Nearby flew the banners of every nation, past or present, and he wore a crown that changed from silver to gold, gold to crystals, crystals to thorns. The imposing figure directed his gaze downwards, eying the fellow as he approached. “Kundrak,” he bellowed. “Why do you enter my realm?” The man known as Kundrak’s head dipped down, his sight falling to the cold marble steps of the throne before him, his mouth opened slightly as his words boomed across the hallway. “I have come, my master, to do my duty as your messenger. The Orcs have fallen once more, they have grown weak, honorless, and no pride yet lives on within them. It is time, time for action, time to gather what wit and guile that does yet remain and set their hearts aflame. That is why I travel here, Leyd. I have come for your guidance.” The greater spirit pushed himself up from his throne, eying his halls where various cages dangled freely from the ceiling. This seemed to happen for eons, him merely sitting there with a thoughtful expression on his face, resting his index along his lip. Kundrak stirred slightly with faint unease, directing his own gaze askew to fall upon the assorted Humans, Orcs, Elves, Kharajyr, and even Hou-Zi that floated in the air with only thin bars separating them from beasts of the wild. Leyd’s vision curved for an instant, before refocusing on Kundrak once again. “Kundrak, return to the forges and tell the minions of Gentharuz to begin constructing the pillars.” As the elder spirit finished his words, his hands fell upon his chest, one diverting towards the right through his armor, straight through the ghostly flesh, stopping where his heart would be. He grunted and snarled as he began to tug against an invisible force, and after a short battle he retrieved the shining orb from within. He let the orb hover towards the midpoint between the two of them. Kundrak parted his lips, the suction drawing the orb into his mouth as it had burst, forming some primeval clouds of dust. He turned and stomped out of the room, yet as he walked he appeared in a large forge surrounded by tall pillars made of marble and other similar rocky elements. It seemed as if years had passed, yet it was only a matter of mere seconds. The spirit drifted off as tiny goblins worked on each and every single pillar, hammering away with chisels and carving the stone to make a construct worthy of such a powerful being; something displaying true perseverance in the face of adversity. It was severed into five parts, before going to the top of each of the pillars, the ancient dust being released from Kundrak with a mighty roar. It seemed to envelop each marvelous feat of rock, engulfing it wholly and flinging them down into the mortal world through some kind of portal, dropped into the Isles of Axios. The Pillars: The Five Pillars that dropped Axios all were linked with the the essence of Leyd. No person could absorb that power, not even a dark shaman. These pillars act as a base for a ritual to open a bridgeway between the realms. From a far distance, they would seem as though they were just pillars to a manor, but as one would approach, carvings begin to become noticeable. Four of the pillars are engraved with ancient runes, ancient blah, and even modern day languages from the Hou-zi, Orcs, and so on. These carvings continue to update shift around, changing the look of the pillars with each blink. These pillars stand at exactly 15 feet each, and could not be moved unless moved by a large party and mounts. The stone making up each pillar would seem as though it was normal quartz but it would never chip, never crack, and the pillars would never break. The Center Pillar is just a smooth black pyramid, 5 feet in height. It would appear to be an obsidian like rock, reflecting sun off the sides. This center pillar bares no writing on the outside. The Ritual: If the either of the four pillars were touched by any type of shaman, they would transmit a message to each Orc or any race linked to the Spirit Realm. The words of Leyd would echo through their minds, even making the deaf hear him. “Place the outer pillars around the pyramid. A Lutauman to the North, Farseer to the South, Witch Doctor to the East, Elementalist to the West. When you are done, the corrupted must slay himself with honor, and release the bridge to me.” If any Orcs dared to listen, and the five Magic Users placed their hands on the ritual, they would begin chanting. None of the five would be able to control themselves as the words of the Ancient Spirits flood out of their mouth. The words would be visible, the runes turning into what the word means before floating up into the sky. These materials would begin to materialize in the sky as the clouds part, and as the blood of the self sacrifice seeps out onto the black stone, the items would begin to glow as a bridge begins to form. The Bridge would seem to be beam slamming down onto the black pyramid, allowing travel between the Spirit Realms and Mortal Realms. With the use of this, the pillars would shatter, closing the portal, trapping the entities on their side of the bridge. The Ritual Extended: Guidelines: Any Race can use the portal. The Portal/Bridge would be a constant beam, once someone steps into it, they would be transported to the Realm of their choice. The Portal can only be used to travel between the Mortal and Spirit Realms. Only one Dark shaman can be substituted in place of a normal shaman. The corrupted is a Dark Shaman. The Dark Shaman must commit suicide willingly and this will perma kill his character. The Portal will remain open for 30 minutes. The Portal will break after first use. It will take 3 of a specified type of shaman to recreate the pillars. In the process of fixing the pillars, 1 of each type of shaman would die and perma kill. If a Spirit enters the Mortal Realm, they would lose all powers except powers connected to their base element. A Spirit in the mortal realm can die and would have their powers equal to 5 Tier 5 Shamans of their element. A single Spirit of Earth could raise mountains from the oceans, so on. Krug and Ancestrals can be brought back from the Ancestral Plane. A Spirit in the Mortal Realm would be treated as a Mortal and if killed, it will fade away, wiping it from existence. If a player heads to the Spirit Realm and is there after 30 minutes, they would be trapped in the spirit realm and end up being stuck unless another portal was opened. If another portal is not opened within two months, the said player would have his essence wiped, perma killing the character. Some spirits playable by capable players, some spirits now. Spirits Shamans cannot currently touch cannot be interacted with. Time, Space, Chaos, Order, Life, Death, Light, Darkness, Gravity to name a few. Any player in the Spirit Realms would be viewed as nothing different then how a shaman's soul would be viewed. The player would just be another bug in the vast realm of infinite spirits. If a player trapped in the Spirit Realms dies, his soul would be erased, causing a perma kill. Edit: Added information, Leyd is the Spirit of Domination and Strength. Kundak is a lesser spirit of domination and strength. This mainly is just something, if accepted, that can be an event line. Edit: Buffed things up. Edit: Clarified something.
  2. Sounds lovely, use four people not five. But good read and did any other westerland guys help ya?
  3. Are we not allowed to talk about FM drama now. Why can everyone talk about tahmas and not dohvi?

  4. The Kha have been purified by the spirits, purging them of any work created by the Daemons. Or that is what the uruks consider now.
  5. Let's put this in simple terms. Iblees is viewed as a Daemon, Iblees created the undead. Every Daemon is viewed evil by the Uruks and Spirits, we hate them all. We consider every creature created by Daemons as undead. Please learn uruk lore and traditions, thank you very much.
  6. 1. We never gave up our city, it was taken from us. It is a spirit holy site, from which Krug had blessed, you disgrace his holy site by being their and tainting it with being undead, creatures created by a daemon. 2. There were multiple talks that were attempted to be arranged and the Hou-zi tried to murder us. 3. From RP standpoint, a Hou-zi tried to eat a uruk. 4. The Hou-zi ARE UNDEAD, URUKS ARE MEANT TO KILL UNDEAD. Pretty simple. 5. Krug wills it, that is the only Casus Belli uruks truly need. It is an uruk's job to protect the lands from a threat created by the daemons, if a spirit orders us to do something, we do it. Krug and the spirits have claimed you as the next target, so it is war. Please refer to A Vision Falls Ill for any questions. Thank you, now I suggest we both stop responding and wait for Hb.
  7. I am a nation leader alongside 6x. the hou zi murdered uruks, attempted to kill our rex, and have insulted the spirits. These all are reasons for a warclaim. Moving on to allies, this is a quiet ambush and noone other then who 6x would tell would know, cutting off the hou zi. I do hope this clears things up. uruks are returning to the playing field of removing the undead and polluted creatures. We have done with the Kha many times. Uruk lore tells us to hunt and destroy creatures of daemons because you are classified as undead. Please refer to the warclaim on the Kha city from 4.0, 3.0, or any other maps for more info, thanks.
  8. Ooc: MC Name: wolfkite1 Do you have skype?: no Do you have Teamspeak?: no Are you a GM alt spying on us? soon to be, they want me to practice before i get my blue tag IC: Name: Za'Zilaz the Kid Place of Residence: Faiz Kharadeen's Harem How many fruit carts do you squat?: More then Philip Frederick, that is why he ruined Oren. Do you have battle experience?: I didn't fight in Mt. Augustus, so idk what pvp is like. Do you pledge yourself to the Captain, so long as he is fit to lead?: Only if I get paid in walnuts.
  9. Gasp, but thanks for the clarification Sultan Mogroka.
  10. Kowaman owes me $20. I told him FT's would break in less then a month again.

  11. Krug. Make an uruk today!

  12. I like it, honestly these jerks need to realize your arguments are very true. This is easy to accomplish, but let me help you out. Only you or the people you teach can make then. They must be LT approved and the LT must oversee you making them. You need to have an app made by the LT to make them. There is a five second interval between reloading and firing. The crossbow has a -3 on all rolls for accuracy. The crossbow would be difficult to carry and heavy, so only dwarves, uruks, some humans, and the odd elf can carry it. Add this in and I believe it'll be an accepted thing. The lore team are only jerks to me, not you!
  13. It ain't scary. Seeing a harbinger on the road and realizing it was kahzo and goldrim is scary. You arent scary.
  14. Rp fear, ooc fear, a plug in that makes them unkillable like herbs or undead, and player control
  15. Apart from what anyone says, we aren't getting an antag. Tahmas and 501 both have to approve it and yea, won't happen. A similar bug type antag was proposed but was turned down a bit back by 501. Anyways, I don't like it, just doesn't seem like an antag. For a proper antag you have to have four things, and this has none of it.
  16. One who wishes to enter the ancestral plane must be one who lives an honorable life. How is a life of partying honorable? And also, honorable also in uruks standards of honor. Most these noobs deserve death but what I mean is old urukish standards of honor. Spending a night in the hot springs of the pink forest doesn't instantly put you into the ancestral plane.
  17. Khel [Baconthief] - One of the greatest mali'ker to live, he uplifted his people out from the abyss. He is renowned for his frightful ferocity paired with a cunning mind Arganos [FactCore] - A superb party goer and thrower, and a maestro in the art of entertainment and celebration. Renowned for his skill in acrobatics and many musical instruments. Kaldo - A firm but fatherly figure among most living mali'ker, he guided his people through adversity. Renowned for his carefulness and authority. Jiub [Sky] - An immense figure who founded the Div'cruan. Known for his strength, honour, and bravery. Delilah [Decolamb] - A matriarchal figure to the dark elves during the time of Thales and early Athera, her love and care brought many dark elves into the fold and gave them purpose. Lenden [LinkKN2] - An outgoing member of the Div’cruan and a servant to the ‘Ker. Lenden’s happiness was infectious to those around him. Weather through kind words or a bright smile, Lenden lit up many ‘Ker’s lives and left a lasting impact after his passing. High above the dead lands of Gundâr Broshan stands the gateway to the Stargush’Stroh: Kor’s Gateway. From here the Greater Spirit of the Dead himself stands as a warden of his lands. It is here where he who encompasses all that is dead and all that are, guards his gate. Every spirit that wishes to enter must be granted his approval, for only those that lived an honourable life may call themselves worthy enough to live in the Stargush’Stroh. Read these two things and tell me how each one fits with the other?
  18. Many uruks are threatened with bans each. for not speaking blah. Hedgehug or Smawton posted lore creating hunchback appearance for uruks. The spirit realm isn't up for shamans to decide who goes up, it's up to Krug. Not Hellfiazz or Hedge. Krughatten was carried over from 1.0 to 2.0. The uruks failed many tests and it blew up in the hills. Plus his name is Goldrim, not Timsalabim. Craotor throwing lightning back at the undead has constantly been ignored by GM's and LT's along with some shamans powers of summoning full sentient ancestral spirits into the mortal realm. Also they ignore the power of the uruks, such as the Chuckaboo Whirlwind and the power and strength of the shamans.
  19. Fighting is the uruks status thank you very much.
  20. I don't speak blah, why aint i bammed yet? Stop trying to push your fake ideas on the rest of us. Hunchback mentally disabled green humans is what you want to make the uruks. Don't change things you didn't create.
  21. Hedge, maybe if you knew the uruks, you would know the lore. Uruks speak blah because the first major Rex had to spell **** out cause his English was poor. Mogroka the oil baron. Tusks had nothing to do with it. Know the history before you try to change it.
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