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Everything posted by L0rdLawyer

  1. Community Guideline Violations aren't breaking exact rules. Violations are typically handed out to players that are trusted members of the community yet show they can't handle the server as a whole. CGV's are a weapon, in a sense, in the hands of the Administration, enabling them to actively remove members that continue to show these signs. I hope that clears it up for you.


    And I'll tag leo for fun.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14
    3. Telanir


      Hey! Don't be so cynical. A certain mentality is present in every fresh face that shows up. What I don't want is stifling that for every newbie because "it'll happen anyway" or targeting fresh minds as resources instead of writers.


      Don't mistake me for trying to bring back the naïve Aegis chaos, I know why we neither want to nor can bring that back. Enforcing a mature standard for a server that works best when mature for an older-than-average MC community is, to me, long overdue.


      CGV's are appealable on day 1, and given a sufficient appeal you can be gone for less than 24 hours so A) is not my goal.

  2. 1. I'm not a Welf. In public statements from the ET Lead and Administration of LOTC, they stated the idea of Server Antags are gone for now. 2. Nothing should be accepted until the issue of too many playable creatures and magic overload is handled. Why add more problems when the staff are working on fixing things. 3. There is World Lore that involves creatures of the Swamp Lands. Your lore doesn't work with the current server and world lore and there is no explanation of these 'lizard men' and how they came to be in the first place. 4. Hou-zi and Stayrs aren't allowed to 'breed'. It's against the server rules and you would be banned for doing it. So please tell the staff who are the people doing it and they would be banned. Problem solved.
  3. 1. There is never going to be a Server Antag again. 2. LOTC offers a good number of options currently and actually offers too many for character development. The Lore Team and Admins need to be axe'ing creatures, not add more. 3. Lizard people is cliche and really, what the hell is so special about these creatures? There is no real origin lore other then they were here already from what I can see and honestly, it doesn't work with the map lore. 4. The breeding process is cool but it's against server rules.
  4. No, by server rules they aren't allowed to have kids or ftb, unless the admins changed it recently.
  5. I did read the lore, not reading this and jumping to the conclusion that I didn't read it is offensive. These are goat people, they are half goat, half human or elf or whatever they are. It is NOT ORIGINAL. It isn't, and that is my opinion and I stated the facts behind it. It is overused and just unoriginal. Also I wasn't referring to cybering, I was referring to ftb'ing as a creature. It's a bannable offense. Creatures can't reproduce.
  6. Tythus, fix the forums.

  7. How can you FTB to reproduce when doing any of that on a creature is a bannable offense and against server rules... Plus, this is just a ripoff of basic Satyr's from mythology and nothing really unique that can add to lotc. -1
  8. There is nothing unique to this beast. It's just a typical 'beast'. There is nothing unique about it NanMan, it's just the cliche, "oh be scared of it because it's big". And personally, this just feels like a different version of a jabbernack. Just saying.
  9. Why are you slapping the name of the hunting spirit and the name of the leadership position together trying to create an animal. These just sound like generic beasts that can be found in every game. There really isn't anything here that makes this creature unique. Plus orcs have enough creatures like this. A big N O here. -1
  10. CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: Nathaniel Hyde RACE: Human GENDER: Male SKIN COLOR: White/Light tan BODYMASS: Average HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown HAIR STYLE: Shorter Hair FACIAL HAIR: Stubble EYE COLOR: Brown CLOTHES: Refer to picture, no hat and no gun please. PICTURE (If you have one): And btw thanks for being a kind young lad.
  11. @Telanir Why do you ignore @Harrison ? That's just rude.

    Edited by L0rdLawyer
    1. Harri


      i do not endorse this (tm)

    2. L0rdLawyer


      I just want to see if he clicks on it.

  12. A one year ban for hacking well another player gets 2 weeks? Where's the equality. 

    1. drfate786


      You're right, you should both be getting six month bans instead.

    2. Thornz


      When a bunch of chimps are moderating a lineman server. 

  13. Since when was Fireheart an admin. Last time he was, things were scary.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      Ban Appeal says Admin and only Admins can hand our perma bans :thinking:

    3. Telanir


      Check the ban reason screenshot. It clearly says Game Team on it.

    4. L0rdLawyer


      @Telanir Shucks, ya got me.

      Edited by L0rdLawyer
  14. Why does everything have to be dark? Like, with the Ish'Urkal stuff and now Lhindir's/Moon's new dark shamanism. Why does everything have to be their own magic and players just can't make antagonistic sub-groups from the already broad selection of magics already offered. What's wrong with Druids going out and working with the deadly plants of the world, why does something like that have to be replaced by dark versions of the original lore. I like the write up, but we need to fix what we already have, not keep adding more.
  15. If a cave dwarf and forest dwarf breed together, they will have the height of a cave dwarf. Even though the forest dwarf is way taller. Literally, mixing an olog with any race and removing the retardation is creating an unstoppable killing machine.
  16. I approve of Gunpowder and all features brought to lotc.
  17. No, this is a poor attempt to remove the nerfs from an olog. This lore is literally just trying to remove every downside of an olog and shrink the ologs down to fit into a orc. And no, it does count for the same race when sub-races breed. If an olog breeds with a orc, the orc offspring is mentally retarded. If the olog breeds with a goblin, the goblin offspring is mentally retarded. And then the size of the child would match the size of the smaller parent. This is sort of how LoTC handles children of different races and sub-races.
  18. No, half ologs are bad. Half ologs would feature the curses and downsides of both of their parents. If a goblin and a olog breed together, you have a fat and stupid olog that is about the height range of 4' to 6'. Yes, they are the same sub race, but they do get the downsides of both races. For goblins, this is there short nature, and for ologs this is their stupidity and weight. Half ologs and orcs are just dumb and fat orcs. Enough said. Don't try to change the lore because you want to try and make an overpowered mix-bred race. Just from the Ulug, that's a war machine and removes all nerfs that the olog had to keep it from being an unkillable beast. -1
  19. When the GM Team has 11 Active Members. :thinking:

  20. we need to start skinning khas instead of adding more
  21. The thing about end games is, we just keep adding on more. -1 Plus, "no new lore is being accepted" -Flam
  22. Free dpm and ban the hacker lol

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