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Everything posted by L0rdLawyer

  1. Aren't Azogs technically apart of Oren, so wouldn't this wc fall under the same rules. Azogs live in oren territory, receive funds from them, and they are pretty much all Oren'ers. I ask in status update cause fast responses XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skippy


      no one day alt except for me

    3. DrakeHaze.


      Azogs haven't fought for Oren, sometimes the skins were left on by mistake.

    4. L0rdLawyer


      *Searches through files looking for screenshots of azogs killing him in raids on Dunamis*

  2. Given Name: Frankdin Hulak True Name (MC Name): wolfkite1 (Skype Name): pm me Race? Human Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? The Knight Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? I swear to protect the Crimson Heart and my brothers and sisters in it.
  3. That moment after CS:GO when you get MVP 16 times in a game filled with people ranked three higher then you......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      Just Silver things

    3. monkeypoacher


      tfw the MAC-10 is a sniper rifle

    4. Ark


      if only you did that in mc, dunamis might have won a raid for once

  4. I don't support a new race/creature because it just splits up the roleplay hubs even more. We don't need anymore races/creatures.
  5. Hu-din doesn't approve that message.

  6. Well written I must say. Also, nice idea in general. You get a: +1
  7. Hahaha, this is why I screenshot my /sk list every day

  8. I would like to point out, as a leader of the region IC, this is not a conquest but a pillage.
  9. That is the best verdict ever. I am forced to be Shreck's Snagga. This is going to be interesting XD

    1. Travista


      Mah swump. Mah snaga.

    2. Areon


      Didn't know GMs could sell players into slavery :P Thought they became slaves themselves at the whim of Urasept.

  10. Dis is why you test plugins. D:

  11. You make this idea after you have been rp'ing him for so long. That is the reason for a -1
  12. Internet is fishy so I am going offline for a bit. Casey and Buff, I dropped the supplies off last night, good luck. Burky, don't ruin the war nation without me. Gug'ye meh buddies. Cya when meh internet gets fixed.

  13. If you take a look at recent events and events unknown to the server. Staff should force a ceasefire for a week.

  14. Dunrid laughs at the puny steam ships that the humans have. "D'ose ain' da real thin's. Bloodeh fools. Learn ya 'istoreh"
  15. Well, time to think if I want to stay or not. #Rip Fort Dunamis

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ford


      ^ your were actually warned tbh

    3. Nug


      destroy all forts on the main road

    4. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      that happens to pugs

  16. Yay, if I ain't on for an extend period of time, I am either dead or in the hospital. Carbon monoxide detectors are on the fritz. One says there is some, the other says there isn't. If I be dead, give all meh stuff to da grandaxes!

  17. So, rp default warclaim?

    1. StevenQuick


      Rp default is a thing? Can't wait to use that

    2. mitto


      what, rp on a pvp factions server, the hell?!

    3. Sneaky


      ^lol kid you're funny

  18. Dovah, I cleared both of my special snowflake characters with you. My ooze and blob were both approved by you, or that is what Zarsies said.
  19. I knew it, the server would fall because it was run on a potato. Who would figure the guy gave out potatos would do it thought.

  20. I knew it, the server would fall because it was ran on a potato. Who would figure the guy who gave out potatos would do it though.

  21. First, if you add Holy Kush, that would be amazing! :D It was made in rp before..... don't tell the lm's. Also, egie, there are three types of Kush that are farmed by the uruks, I will get you the official names later. Smooth Bison Ride is one i believe.
  22. Why is the server hosted on a potato. o-o

    1. Sporadic


      cuz the toaster kept overheating

    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      I see no issue with the sever being hosted on the far superior Potato

  23. Mc Name: wolfkite1 Rp Name: Wolfbone or Titan Profession(If any): Anything really Race: Dwarf Why do you wish to join: I want to fill the blood lust of the dwarves that isn't being filled because slaughtering high elves right now is currently disapproved by the nation. Skype: o-o, just talk to meh in game.
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